
Sanguinary Rebel

An unidentified race wages war against earth, taking full charge over it's inhabitants. Luckily a scheme meant to ravage the life of a young teenage girl fails, and instead accidentally sends her back in time where she discovers the truth about earth's new unwanted visitors. Lexi reincarnates in the body of a newborn -Nyx and grows up encountering different hardships together with her new mother - Leila. However, even after facing different struggles and challenges, Nyx is still bent on saving earth and taking revenge on those who sent her on this gruesome journey of no return. Welcome readers to sanguinary rebel - A bloody journey of retrieval and revenge!

AlainaZ · ファンタジー
8 Chs

'Where are you coming from?'

Once a zygote,then a morula,a blastocyst, an embryo, then a foetus, developed into a baby, and finally a growing child. Months had slowly passed by, of which Nyx used to learn some basics of this new world. From usual conversations between women, and through the use of knowledge obtained from some books, Nyx understood that she was in a semi-townlet called Thrace.

The order an arrangement of various things in this time line, was different, yet also similar from the one she originally grew up in.

Places dwelt in by human beings, are classified into;

Grand site

Semi townlet

Semi Socratic town village

Grandsite, is the most exquisite and well revered division of dwelment. It possess magical features, and only elite stormers, live there, with lower beings as their servants.

The tremendous flow of manna, and other magical resources made it more suitable for people to live in.

Semi-village, here only average powered beings inhabit or live there. Nothing really special exists in this place, only that most resources used in making materials used as ornaments, are aboundant.

Socratic town, is just a place specifically were certain magical beasts dwell. This beasts are hunted as meat, by mandible breakers. Other than acting as a source of meat, some beasts blood served as cure to toxins. This is so because, various natural elements merged with the beasts, granting them supernatural healing properties, and as a side effect, these beasts could not be used to level up.

Village elementary, is classified as the least and most endangered place. Solely because, demons of various kinds, shape, sizes, and levels, feast on human beings and magical beasts to level up to the peak of their form, called 'sages'. Anywhere this beasts got access to, or made their home, either led to the extinction of creatures, or destruction of life forces. Weather conditions flunctuated uncontrollably. Most people and magical creatures avoid this demons, due to their dangerous personalities.

Nyx found this timeline to be a bit creepy what was even more confusing was the fact that although people spoke Latin and Greek, which was a good thing since Nyx still recalled learning it in her previous life…not that she felt she was dead. It was just super confusing because she had the feeling that this was earth, and a really weird one at that. what she didn't get was why were this things about magic, and strange creatures not recorded in history books? Was it possible she was in the future? It couldn't be, afterall no form of technology exist in this timeline, not even a motorbike, not to talk of something as advanced as TECHNOLOGY.

Apart from this pending questions, yet to be answered, the discrimination Leila faced had worsened eversince Darius married another wife, a white witch, Eleni. If only her heart is as pure as the white in white witch. The problem is, white witches had discovered the way to weaken dark witches, so Eleni inflicted sevre torture on Leila, who endured to prevent her from renting her anger on Nyx. Sometimes she would go on a week without food, only depending on her magic to survive.

Nyx recently clocked ten, the age at which minor cultivation begin. She promised herself to do everything within her power to become strong.

The first magic class [MC], she attended went terrible. Teachers only focused on children from wealthy and prestigious families, tagging poor children as unimportant. Being the only 'not so wealthy' child, Nyx could only watch attentively as other kids were taught. Even with such attention and commitment, she still could not grasp anything in magic. After all it isn't something one could just read and learn on their own. No matter how bright anyone is, they still need a person well grounded in that area to orient them on the concept in entirety.

So even after series of practise at home, she only gained delinquency upon delinquency.

The first two months passed with lots of failure and disappointment. Nyx still had next to zero level of knowledge in magic, while her peers already mastered hex.

Left with one option, Nyx saved up all the money she got from some visitors, who only gave her to show off as charity to the helpless, and decided to visit the market, to obtain magic training books.

Magic hall, a huge market, built under a huge, open building, bustled with people rushing in and out. Lots of regular magic books, were being sold at low prices, to people who weren't rich enough to purchase the expensive ones at higher prices.

A huge sign was placed beside the gate leading to the market, which the words 'MAGIC HALL' was boldly written on.

As Nyx forced her way through the crowd, people stared at her, whispering about how beautiful she looked. She ignored them, until she walked in through the gate, entering the huge open market square.

A lot of people where just there to show off, not that they even knew what to purchase.

'Hypocrites, buying books that they don't even know how to use.' Nyx thought

'Young child are you lost?' A male officer asked Nyx, who had been standing in the middle of the road, unmoving.

"Huh? Oh er no I'm not lost, just don't know where to start from."

"So you don't even know what to buy, and your parents let you come here alone?" he asked.

Nyx sighed, she had already prepared for such a question. "I know what to buy, but I don't know which of this sellers to buy it from, at a low price.

"If that the problem, I think I can help you. Follow me."

"I can't." Nyx objected "You're a stranger, I cant just follow you."

"I think you got it all wrong, my name is I'm one of the market guide." .... Introduced, still walking away.

"Wait!" Nyx yelled rushing towards him.

Apparently she thought he was a guard because of his uniform, which was why she had hesitated, but on second thought, even if he may not be who he claimed he was,there is know way ... could harm a child in front of everyone.

..... stopped and pointed to a graus, "She sells books at low prices, unlike the other sellers she is kind and truly generous."

Nyx quickly thanked him and hurried to the old woman.

"Good evening granny. " Nyx greeted with her brightest smile.

The old lady slowly looked up, and when she noticed the young girl, she returned the smile with her imperfect, brown, open teeth. "How may I help you?" She asked gently, probably innocently forgetting to return the greeting.

"I was wondering how much I can purchase a book on the basics of magic. " Nyx replied ignoring the fact that the old woman kept poking her face.

"The lest price of book here is two thousand geni." She replied.

When she noticed Nyx sad face, she added. "But you can rent , and then read them here at fifteen geni each."

'Fifteen geni is still a bit too high for me, but at least it's a fair price. ' Nyx thought.

"Okay, can I rent some now?"

"Sure, help yourself."

Nyx picked two books, and sat behind a barrel under a big tree. She retrieved a black book together with a pen, from her small brown basket, and began jotting down important points, and concepts.

By the time she was done it was already past eight pm. The old lady seemed a bit annoyed, well at least she had every right to.

"Kid you should get going now, your parents will be worried, and I'm afraid my lamp won't last long."

"I am sorry for keeping you waiting, and thank you for letting me rent these books." Nyx replied grateful, as she paid the old woman her money.

Without waiting for the granny to react, she hurried off.

'Damn! Mum is going to be worried sick about me.' she thought, staring at her bracelet which was glowing a faint light blue colour. Indicating she was two hours late.

The forest was dark and looked scary as usual, but the pendant around Nyx neck made her less worried. It was one of the protector accessories her mother had given to her.

She rushed through the forest, worried and scared of the thought of a fourteen year old without powers alone at night in a huge and creepy forest.

Nyx made sure to only follow the path her mother had deemed safe.

Just as she was about to take the last turn, a particular creature, entangled Nyx.

At first Nyx was going to scream, but after staring at the beast closely she realized it was "Dimitri, please let me go, my mother would be worried sick about me." Nyx begged.

"Do I look like I care about who you are!" Dimitri roared, after all he had only seen her fourteen years ago when she was still a newborn.

For some certain reason, unlike like last time Nyx could not understand what he said, so she just replied based on her instinct.

"I'm Nyx, and my mother Is Leila." She replied pointing at a small symbol on her wrist.

"Oh! I didn't realize. Get on my back now." Dimitri said in the language of gods.

When Nyx didnt move Dimitri shook his head at his own stupidity. "Of course she doesn't understand what I'm saying."

Swiftly it bent down a little, staring at Nyx who understood and immediately mounted his back.

Boom!!- Dimitri took off at an incredible speed, and if not that Nyx was holding him tightly, she would probably have fallen off. The look on her face displayed that of fear.

Sooner she realized that even as Dimitri still flew at an incredible speed, she didnt feel it anymore.

It was as though she wasn't even on his back. No not that, it felt as if he wasn't speeding at all.

In a blink of an eye, he reached the end of the forest very close to the semi townlet gate.

Swiftly Nyx alighted his back, thanked him and rushed in through the gate, hurrying home?

She pushed the door open panting. Nyx then started tiptoeing towards her mothers room when a voice that belonged to the very cause of her mothers problems and misery resounded- "Were are you coming from?"

Oh no is Nyx in trouble? Let's find out

AlainaZcreators' thoughts