
Sanguinary Rebel

An unidentified race wages war against earth, taking full charge over it's inhabitants. Luckily a scheme meant to ravage the life of a young teenage girl fails, and instead accidentally sends her back in time where she discovers the truth about earth's new unwanted visitors. Lexi reincarnates in the body of a newborn -Nyx and grows up encountering different hardships together with her new mother - Leila. However, even after facing different struggles and challenges, Nyx is still bent on saving earth and taking revenge on those who sent her on this gruesome journey of no return. Welcome readers to sanguinary rebel - A bloody journey of retrieval and revenge!

AlainaZ · ファンタジー
8 Chs


"ughh my head"

'what happened?' Lexi struggles to think, but her head hurts even more. Leaning over, roy was saying something, but she couldn't hear a single thing. Gradually, his voice rang out clearly.

"Lexi, Lexi! please tell me your okay, pleasee!!" Roy begs desperately. With great efforts.

Lexi manages to stutter slowly "I.I..I'm f.f..fine."

"Oh thank God!' he screams excitedly, but immediately freezes and glances around his surroundings in fear.

"I dont know what is going on, but I think, no i'm sure that we are in danger, so no matter what we have got to get out of here" Roy said, gripping her hands.

Lexi stared at him puzzled and worried, but decided not to bother him with any questions, at least until they were safe.

Roy got up from the cold, badly stained floor, and picked Lexi up, craddling her as though she was little child, then hastily walked to the door kicking it open, with one of his legs.

"what the?!" Lexi gasps in disbelief, at the horrific sight in front of her. Everywhere was in total chaos. Buildings kept burning fiercely, cars were exploading an unusual pattern, people kept getting smashed into bloody pulp by invisible forces, and even humans, continuously murderd themselves, like hungry beasts, possessed by lust and fury. The most gruesome occurence was the sight of decapicated children, covered in their own blood. Nothing, and no one appeared to be safe, the only survivors, ran around cluelessly seeking for a palce of saftey.

Tears streamed down Lexi's face.

The sea of blood,snapping of bones, grinding of flesh, cries of pain and argony, people mindlesssly putting themselves to demise. Death seemed to rule them all.

'We're doomed, earth is doomed.' Lexi thought unconsciously.'Why is this happening? Whose is the one behind this? why now? why on earth? why? why? whyyyy?' She yelled inwardly.

A black sports car pulled over in front of them and a tall man, who looked as though he was inn his mid-thirties yelled loudly "Hey both of you should not just stand there get in before you get yourself killed."

Roy and Lexi immediately snapped out of their dazed states, and rushed into the car, which then zoomed off at an incredibely high speed.

"I'm Jake." The man briefly introduces. "I don't know how you two survived this long without help, I just hope you help me keep my daughter safe."

Roy dosen't reply, instead he stares outside the window deep in thoughts.

This is the first time I've ever seen him really worried, usually he puts on a bright smile, but from the look on his face, I know this is big.'

"Here, stop here!" Lexi utters as soon as Jake is about to drive past her mansion. Putting the car on reverse, Jake turns over, before heading towards the mansion's gate. The security are about to send them out, but soon notice Lexi and Roy, letting them freely pass in.

"Mom! Dad!" Lexi screams as she jumps out of the car,running into her parents warm embrace.

"Oh baby, we were so scared something bad happened to you, thank goodness your alright" Lexi's mother said nearly in tears.

Lexi could feel her parents heavy mood, that her mom Mrs Alex was trying to say something, so she turned to Mr Alex, her dad [sighs] " L'ets go to my private room, so i can explain everything to you." Alex says, with tears welling up in his eyes.

Body guards and various elite security agents ran round the house, trying to put things in order, and save as much lives as possible.

Today is the worst, why? why? why? of all days, the world has to quickly distrupt on my damn birthday. To make things worse, whatever news dad is about to break to me is definately not good news.' [slightly frowns]

Lexi steps into the Pneumatic Vaccum Elevator, with her parents, then Mr Alex casually places his hand on the security scanner, which then turns from yellow to teal green, indicating approval of identity.

"Welcome back Mr Alex, please do have a nice evening" Carmine, the house personal Artificial Intelligence greets without emotions. Visitors were often curious about the reason an AI was given such a name.

"Alex why call your AI carmine? that's kind of you know creepy and off, wouldn't it be better if you gave it a cute name, like buttercup or something?" Cecilia complains.

"Buttercup, seriously?" Alex asked a bit annoyed, "Carmine is an appropriate name for our AI, as it reminds people who come here, not to mess with my family, especially since, we love playing with that red liquid called blood."

Alex position as the president, couldn't prevent him from still upholding the rank of a mafia lord.This was one of the numerous reasons that, he was confidently elected as president. This gained the country more fame, and top security. It also grew fear in the mind of other countries, preventing them from approaching the country for war. Being mafia's, not only dd thhey live fearlessly and mindlessly bloody, they also enjoyed inflicting pain upon those who were termed as enemies or worst still traitors. Such upbringing turned Lexi into a cold, fearful, and stubborn person. Which was why she only had one friend, Ivy.

"Lexi pay attention" Alex said. Lexi stared at hin for a while, before discovering she had unconsciously walked to the room together with her parents.

Gaining no reply from his daughter, other than a quizzical look, Alex continued-

"Lately, unknown forces invaded earth, and according to them they are here to take revenge. Apparently there may have been a rough relationship between them and earthlings ancestors, that probaly triggered enemity between them, so what they want is to take over earth. I'm telling you this because you may have been accidentaly involved."

"I am barely aware of anything that is going on, yet i'm involved?"

"Yes dear, you may have been in the dark for too long" Alex replied, as him and his wife exchanged glances.

[Sigh]"As you may recall, i'm the world's greatest mafia lord. Most people identify my position as the highest in the world, but that's were everyone is getting it wrong. There is a secret rank, higher than mine in all aspects, called, 'slaughter devil'. Just as the name implies, the fierce title can only be borne, by those capable of killing either at will or as a hobby, without even a tiny bit of mercy.

Thereupon much investigation, your mother and I soon discovered that the person currently bearing this position is none other than....

We can do this! Thank you besties I really appreciate your opinions.

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