
Sanguinary Rebel

An unidentified race wages war against earth, taking full charge over it's inhabitants. Luckily a scheme meant to ravage the life of a young teenage girl fails, and instead accidentally sends her back in time where she discovers the truth about earth's new unwanted visitors. Lexi reincarnates in the body of a newborn -Nyx and grows up encountering different hardships together with her new mother - Leila. However, even after facing different struggles and challenges, Nyx is still bent on saving earth and taking revenge on those who sent her on this gruesome journey of no return. Welcome readers to sanguinary rebel - A bloody journey of retrieval and revenge!

AlainaZ · ファンタジー
8 Chs

'Beauty Boil'

Leila's biography ended there, which seemed brief and partly complete. Nyx did not want to think anymore, because of the pain she felt her mother was bearing, so she lay still doing nothing.

On and on, she ignored her own questions with great effort and struggle, and later on due, to her idleness, she fell asleep.

A figure hidden in the dark, grinned wickedly.

"The child is asleep, do it now!" A voice urged.

Gradually, a fidgeting maid sauntered towards Nyx, against her will, and with great efforts inserted a needle, dipped in a purple liquid.

The maid looked towards the direction where the unknown stood, and before she could scream, dark tendrils, shaped with c - like sharp ends, extended abruptly cutting her chest into two open leeways. Thereon her body disintegrated, turning into ash.

Nyx woke up because of the unprecedented ache caused by the needle, wailing loudly to summon her mother, who quickly returned to the room.

As Leila emerged from a dark portal, she perceived something unusual, taking care to not take her eyes off Nyx.

"There there, don't cry I'm here now." Leila consoled.

'My hand, it's got something inside it. ' Nyx wailed louder.

Leila pushed all superstitious thoughts aside, thinking her child was hungry, since she had not fed her.

Determined, Nyx stared into her mother eyes with great vigor, which glowed a faint red colour.

Amusement and trepidation spread on Leila's face. She had just witnessed all that happened minutes ago, only by gazing into her child's eyes. This was something only very few people, born with a slim quantity of magic could execute, people called ....

Since she was not able to pin point the exact location of the anonymous being, Leila deduced a brief plan, and began acting as though, she was still unaware of its existence. Nyx had already quit weeping, granting Leila the chance to exit the room, shutting the door behind her. Leila then conjured an invisibility spell, covering up her entire presence, quietly reentering the room by lasing right through the door.

The unidentified being stepped out of it's hiding spot in excitement, ready to end whatever it had intended to.

Out in the light, a huge shadow slowly displayed itself, revealing it's hidden identity. The shadow approached Nyx ready to wrap up his mission, when out of no where Leila attacked.

"Conselo!" she conjured, sealing the shadow inside a transparent circular orb.



"Let me out of here, you foolish si-mortal!, Or else...

" Or else what?" Leila interrupted. "You're next to powerless in that orb, ai! and to think your ment to be the smart one."


"When I get out of here, I'll make you pay." it screeched in rage.

Leila grinned "What makes you think, that am going to let you out of here...Alive? First you poison my child, then tried to kill her, and you really think I will let you go?"

For the first time the shadow trembled, not in rage, but in fear of the terror it had gotten itself into.

"I..I w..was....wasn't.....

" Shut up Elias!"

"You...you know my name? h..how?"

"Yes I do, and how? Isn't it obvious that even in your shadow form, you still reek of the smell of, stordonians."

She replied, gently removing the needle, inserted in Nyx hand.

"The sooner you explain yourself, the better for you. I really lack patience, especially since you attacked my baby."

"Please forgive me, it was Madam Clara, that sent me to get rid of your tot. I didn't mean to annoy you." Elias Pleaded.

"Clara eh?" Leila frowned "I will let you go, if you do something for me."

"Anything, whatever you want I'll do it." Elias said desperately.

"Hmm, poison Clara with this." Leila handed him a black bull horn, the size of a fully grown man's hand, containing a little amount of some green liquid.

"I will do just that." he replied, his head down in venerate.

"And if you dare try anything foolish..." she warned, yanking out a black hexagonal shaped stone.

"My soul core!" Elias cried out. "H-h-how?"

"I'm not so naive, sometimes you just gotta be careful. If you do try anything stupid, I will DESTROY YOU." Leila finished, emancipating Elias shadow form, who rushed out to execute his new task.

Searching around Elias overheard Clara bid for some tea from a young maiden, and quietly went after her to the kitchen.

Activating the special combining skill of shadows, Elias than merged with the lassie shadow, slightly shorter than his. Unseen, the shadow poured the toxin into the tea mug, before retreating to Leila's room.

"Well done." Leila praised, watching Elias from the blinks mirror.

The young lassie afterwards presented the tea to Clara.


Clara whacked her cheek forcefully. " Idiot, I've been waiting for you out here for minutes, and it's now your serving me the tea. Why is it so cold? Just get out of my sight." She complained, snatching the cup.

Clara sniffed the aroma of the tea, which instantly took effect. Her mouth watered, and without warning, she gulped down the entire tea.


She belched loudly, turning a bright red due to embarrassment. "Looks like I am loosing my manners." She said to herself, dropping the tea cup on a white wooden table, afore hurrying back to the gate to await lord Adonis arrival.

Leila smiled, her plan worked perfectly. As a reward Elias received his soul core from her.

"Thank you." Elias said rushing towards the dark corner of the room where he could easily fade away.

"Wait!" Leila called out.

Elias stopped and then turned around, still trembling in fear. "Do you want me to carry out another task for you? "

"No" Leila shook her head. "Take this and drain out it's content. It will help with your damaged soul dominator. Zhe said, handing over a white substance.

Elias bowed in gratitude. "Thank you. I promise to repay your kindness in the future." he said disappearing.

Leila yawned tiredly, lying on the bed beside Nyx.

"Let's wait for things to play out." she said closing her eyes.


"Argghhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Clara screamed, staring at her reflection in a mirror like object, next to the table. "My face! My face!!" she yelled.

Lord Adonis who was seated next to her, stood and move away from her, evidently displaying disgust.

Boils as big as eggs, kept growing all over her face, with some yellow substance, slowly streaming out of them.

"Gbrrhh!" Lisa couldn't bear it anymore, and unconsciously threw up on Clara's , causing her face to look even worse.

"S--sor---sorry, I didn't mean to..." Lisa apologized, but soon repeated the same mistake.

"Hahaha" Leila laughed hysterically in her room, watching the whole event through a star breaker mirror. "This is way better than I imagined. Look how cute she is. Hahahaa!"

Darius had enough of it, as he himself found it hard to bear the ugly scene in front of him.

"Bacchus!" He called out.

"Yes sir?"

"Hurry up to Leila's room. Plead with her to come heal clara." Darius ordered.

"As you wish sir."

Leila turned pale when she heard Darius statement.

"He always has to spoil the fun, when it's merely coming to be." Before the servant, Bacchus reached her room, Leila had already descended the stairs. Persuasively he passed the message to her, and returned back to his post, waiting to be sent on another errand.

As soon as she got to the dining room, Clara stood up and rushed towards her. Half expecting such a reaction, Leila earlier prepared.

When Clara tried to jump on her, she simply passed right through Leila, crashing into a bronze armoury.

Giggles escaped from servants, who at the same time rushed towards Clara.

When they noted she was okay, with only few cuts, they turned around, returning back to their previous positions.

Darius and Lord Adonis, we're at loss of words. Neither of them felt that it was appropriate for them to help Clara, so they turned back to Leila, who frowned deep in thoughts.

"I'm not going to do this, or anything to cure her if your not rewarding me.

This time Lord Adonis spoke up. "Fine, after you heal her, we'll speak about this issue.

"No" Leila declined "Unless.....

*Allow my authority stand with hegemony*." She conjured.

No one knew what the spell had done. No one but Lord Adonis, whose body had unexpectedly bonded to Leila's.

Leila stared at him with a smug smile. "In case you don't know what that does, how about I demonstrate."

She snapped her index finger, at the same time Lord Adonis felt his blood heat up at a high temperature, turning him crimson for a few moment.

"O--o-okay, I understand." He replied barely breathing.

Leila spawn her fingers, breaking the spell.

"Now to fix your ugly face, beauty boil...." she said audibly, walking towards Clara.

"You should be thankful I even agreed to do this. Mind you the process is P-A-I-N-F-U-L, REALLY REALLY P-A-I-N-F-U-L." She said, stressing her words, to make Clara feel worse, which indeed worked well.

Instead of casting the healing spell, Leila used the manual elves method,.inserting huge needles on all the boils all over Clara's face.

"Arghhhhh!" The pain was becoming unbearable for Clara, even everyone present couldn't bear the scene. Blood streaming down her face, coupled with the yellowish substance was enough to make them loose their appetite for days if not week. What a sickening scene!

"God Leila, can't you make this l..less p..painful." Clara groaned.

"Oh! since you know how to do my job better than I do, you can as well heal yourself, instead of making me do it." Leila replied heading for the stairs.

"Wait, I didn't to nark you, its just that the process is too painful." Clara complained.

"Leila, please heal her, remember you will get whatever you want, so far its within my power.

Leila didn't bother replying, moving her left leg in a circular motion. All the needles on Clara's face then rotated, causing more disgusted contents to flow out.

"Argghhh!!!" Clara screamed louder.

"I warned you the process was P-A-I-N-F-U-L didn't I? Anyway, as much as I enjoy seeing you in this state, I've got to quickly end this, before my child notices my departure. She handed a black liquid to Clara.

"Too bad, but not to worry, next time I promise to play longer. Also ensure you remove. those needles afore you take the antidote." She added, walking casually to her room.

Lisa who had kept mute ever since Leila's arrival nearly fainted in fear."She was playing the whole time. Who purposely inflicts pain on others, all in the name of fun?"

Other than Lisa, the maids and servants were as well left aghast.

"How is piercing needles on Someone's face fun? I mean although I hate Clara, the method Leila used, was to cruel." One of the cooks, Nomiki whispered.

"Maybe that is the reason she is often referred to as the abhorred, and offscouring dark witch." Another cook Kyveli replied.

'You dare to call me the despised dark witch huh?" Leila's voice rang in Kyveli's mind.

"W..w..where are you?" Kyveli muttered turning rapidly. Others had returned to their posts, while Lisa, Darius, and Clara went out with Lord Adonis. As such, no one noticed her unusual behaviour. With a single whistle from Leila, She walked outside, her eyes glowing black just like Leila's.

Kyveli, who had lost control of her own body, choices and desires, watched as she grabbed a rock, with jagged ends, and stabbed the side of her neck. Dropping DEAD on the floor.

©©©Back in Leila's room©©©

"I really need to avoid hurting or even killing people. It's another side effect for those who study and possess dark magic." Leila said to Nyx, rocking her from left to right.

"Someday, child, I don't know why but I feel that, no I'm sure that you will bring peace and at the same time turmoil to this unbalanced world.

Leila are you losing control?.... Let's just hope Clara learnt her lesson.

Hello all of you!

AlainaZcreators' thoughts