
The elites and the big army

A few days passed by, and throughout them, Shu issued a few orders, one of which was to rebuild the castle and the other for Ean to bring home his Elites whom were out on missions of their own.

once the elites got back, they were met and welcomed by Ayami who guided them to the still in construction castle, leading them into the king's throne room.

Despite the fact that it has been only a few days, the castle was almost completely done with its repairs, all that was missing was the paint and a few more rooms to be made.

" You called us back my lord, what could the reason be "

An old man in red and black samurai armor, coming of course with a long samurai sword, questioned as he would then slowly stroke his long and white beard, staring at his majesty with curiosity.

The old man had short white haired, which was completely normal for his age, he also had a few freckles on his face, with a scar across his nose.

His eyes were dark brown, which matched awfully with his hair

" War is soon to come, so the king has summoned you all here "

Ayami said as she slowly walked up the stairs to her husband's throne, proceeding to sit down on her own majestic chair

" War? In these peaceful times? How come? "

A strong bulking man questioned as his dark grey eyes suddenly widened in surprise.

Just like the old man, he was wearing armor, but his was more like that of a knight.

He had basic black hair and to match with his armor he carried a knight's sword which was attached to his back.

" This is the work of a demon, and as you already know Raiken, demon's don't care much about anyone's peace "

Ayami replied as the strong tall man now known as Raiken simply scratched the back of his naked head.

" But what can a single demon do!?! "

" Do!! "

Two twins said, one had red fiery hair whilst the other had calm and laidback green hair.

The two were almost completely identical besides the fact that they were wearing differently colored spandex and armor.

The red hair was wearing a black spandex, which had a few pinks lines across their joints, above the spandex she had small armor which covered all her body except for the joints and her back.

The same applied for the green haired one, only of course that all for her was green.

Each one of them wore a glove on their right hand with the same color as the lines on their spandexes

" Leía will surely beat the demon to a pulp! "

The woman in red yelled as she raised her glove, being mimicked by the one in green

" And Feia will surely help Leía beat the demon to a pulp "

The one green said as She would move her hand back and forth in the air, smiling and giggling whilst she did it.

The four elites would stare at Shu who simply watched the entire scene unfold, his chin resting on his palm whilst he waited for them to finish.

But even after five minutes went by the twin sisters still went on and on about how they could beat the demon if it was in front of them, thought eventually they'd shut up once they said Shu's serious and annoyed face

" We apologize my king "

Leía said as she bowed down

" Apologize "

Feia repeated as she would too bow down, the two taking a step back whilst they did so

" Koiwan "

Shu whispered as he would then turn to look at the old man, who smiled a bit and stared back at his king

" Yes my king? "

The old man now known as Koiwan questioned as he bowed down on his face, lowering his face in the process

" I will make you commander of one of my great armies, but I also expect you to train the soldiers from said army extremely well, for we'll need the help in the upcoming war "

Shu said as Koiwan would then nod his head, standing up once he felt the need to reply

" I will do as you say my lord "

The old man replied as he would then close his eyes, resting his left arm on the hilt of his sword

" Reikan will command one of my three armies as well, as for you sisters, you two will make sure to stand guard at the gates of this kingdom, this kingdom needs to be well protected throughout the course of this army. Make sure you all train till your muscles completely give up, and remember that Ean, my right hand will be granted the title of General commander of my entire army, so whatever his commands are, they are almost as equal as mine, and can only be denied by my own commands, is that all clear? "

Shu questioned as all his elites would quickly nod, all yelling at the same time time

" Yes my king, understood? "

Once they said that, they would quickly march out of the room, allowing Ean, who was waiting outside of the doors, enter

" So I'm the general now? "

Ean questioned whilst slowly welcoming up the stairs, staring down at Shu who would lag back against his throne, sighing out of pure tiredness

" I needed someone whom I could trust with my family "

Shu replied as he would then stand from his throne, being followed by his wife, soon after the two would walk toward their room, even Ean alone with the room guards

" Oh well "

Ean said to himself as he would then scratched the back of his neck, proceeding to order the guards in the room to leave

" a knight must follow his king's orders without hesitation "

Ean added as he would then sit behind Shu's throne, laying against it with his eyes closed, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he began to meditate.

Which would leave his wife completely in shuck as every time he and her trained he would never meditate, going on about how it wasn't necessary for their type of training.