
Sanctuary Energy

Seven hours passed after Amada began to cry, and on that time, Shu trained. Trying to get his grandfather off of his mind, he kicked and punched the air with a look of desperation, each punch causing a burst of wind as his shirt blew up, unable to take the force of his punches

"Crap, I forgot to coat it with Sanctuary Energy"

Shu whispered to himself as he looked down at his torso, placing his hand over his chest before sighing as he closed his eyes

"Well, it doesn't matter, I don't need it anyway"

He said to himself as he then proceeded to take a fighting stance before being interrupted by a slight pat on the back

"Swinging and kicking mindlessly won't improve your overall strength. Training your Sanctuary Energy, however"

Said Amada as Shu turned around, taking a look at her before his eyes rolled up and down analyzing her body language

"You seem ok. When did you stop crying?"

Shu questioned as Amada simply smiled before patting his head, causing Shu to raise an eyebrow in confusion

"I got over it, if Yorujo was here right now, he'd tell me to 'stop crying and get it together so I'm doing just that"

Said Amada as she walked past Shu, standing in front of him before taking a deep breath while being watched by the boy

"So. What now?"

He questioned as Amada simply chuckled in return, to then smirk as she pointed at him with her index finger

"I'm going to train you, and I'm going to make you stronger than you are right now, even though you're already plenty strong for your age"

Said Amada as Shu's eyes widened in excitement, his serious expression was no more, he now had a huge smile covering his entire face as his eyes sparkled at the thought of becoming stronger, picturing himself in the sky with an adult body and a blue energy-sipping out of his body

"So how will you train me!? Are you going to maybe teach me a super strong Martial Arts technique!? Oh, oh, maybe you'll teach me how to improve my physical strength and, and-"

Said the boy in excitement before being abruptly interrupted by a huge and quick


From Amada who simply crossed her arms under her chest

"I'll teach you an advanced way to use Sanctuary Energy"

Said Amada as Shu simply tilted his head as his smile disappeared, turning his expression into one of curiosity

"Advanced ways to use Sanctuary Energy?"

Shu questioned as Amada simply nodded before raising her index finger, preparing herself to explain

"You see Shu, there are seven levels of Sanctuary Energy control. First; Beginner, the level at which one begins to feel their own Sanctuary Energy. Then, Second; Enhance, which is the level in which one begins to use their sanctuary energy to enhance the strength of their bodies, right after that we have . Discern; this is the level in which one begins to feel other people's Sanctuary Energy"

Amada explained before being interrupted by Shu

"Then does the Spiritual Awakening count as a Energy control?"

Shu questioned as Amada smiled shaking her head from left to right, as if saying 'no' to Shu's question

"No, Spiritual Awakening is more like a burst of energy, it's like filling up a bucket of water and then proceeding to throw the water inside the bucket on the ground. What I mean is, when you use your spiritual awakening you unlock your core and since the core is no longer restricted to your veins and other body parts, such as your brain and muscles, it's able to improve every factor of your being. I don't count this as a level of Sanctuary Energy though, for many reasons; the most important one being that this can happen at any level of Sanctuary Energy control, meaning that one doesn't need perfect control over their energy, but instead a sense of self that allows them to use Spiritual Awakening. The same goes for awakening an ability, you don't just receive it, that's up to your level of talent. But anyway, enough of that, let's move on"

Amada explained as Shu nodded, waiting for what else she had to say

"Back to the rankings. Next is; Configuration, once you achieve this level of control, you'll be able to shape your Sanctuary Energy, some people are so good at this that they can even change its color, but that is rare. Anyway, moving on. Next, we have; Enthrall, with this level of control, one can absorb Sanctuary Energy around themselves, there are other ways to improve your Sanctuary Energy with things such as Artifacts infused with it or, natural minerals that possess it, but absorbing it yourself is the most purest way of doing so. Next up is; Zest, with this level of control one can change Sanctuary energy itself, giving someone the ability to light up a fire out of thin air. And lastly; Establish, at this level, one would be able to control atoms themselves, giving the possessor of said level the ability to shape matter itself. Only gods can achieve this level of control"

Amada continued to explain as Shu simply tilted his head

"Do you know anyone who was able to achieve that level, apart from the gods? and about that core thing"

Shu questioned as Amada chuckled, covering her mouth with her delicate-looking hand before proceeding to reply

"The only mortal capable of achieving that level was your father, and because of that reason most of the gods voted that he'd be killed, 'as no mortal should be able to hold that level of power' at least that's what I heard. And as for the cores, we'll get into that later, but for now, sit down. I'm going to teach you my way of meditating"

Amada demanded as Shu nodded, proceeding to sit on the ground, placing one of his legs above the other

"Now close your eyes and try to make your energy leave your body, that way I'll be able to tell at which level you are, and how I'll be able to teach you"

She explained as Shu simply obeyed, closing his eyes as his energy began to sip out of his body as if it was smoke

"Ah, quite amazing honestly, you're level of control is that of the beginning of Discern. I suppose we have a lot more of explaining and training to do. Now get up, we're going to a more 'secluded' place to train"

Amada ordered while staring at the smoke like energy that continued to leave Shu's body