
Sanctuary Energy(Part 4)


Shu yelled before attempting to lay his hand over one of the walls in the small cave, only for the wall to avoid his touch

"What the hell?"'

Shu whispered, attempting to touch it once again, but just like before, it avoided his touch

"Oh, I see. I see"

He said to himself before nodding a few times as if he was agreeing with someone, before jabbing at the wall with a smirk on his face, and just when his fist was about to reach it, the wall avoided him.

"Haha, this is great"

Said Shu to then walk towards the wall but right when he approached it, it parted, taking the shape of Shu's body allowing him to pass-through

"Ah. I get it now, you avoid Sanctuary Energy, that's how Amada was able to come in and out"

He said to himself as he kept walking, the walls began to part even more as he did so, this of course confused Shu, making him scratch his head as he raised an eyebrow

"Walk...Walk more"

Was what a voice said, causing Shu to do exactly the opposite of what the voice asked of him. He stopped walking

"Oh ok"

Shu replied with simplicity as he then began to walk once more, the walls began to spread even more as he continued

"Please, open.."

The voice said as the walls began to twist, pulling away from the boy, giving space to a new wall, a break wall, with a blue crystal in the middle and the Kanji for Sword above it

"Twist, twist and open"

The voice said as Shu tilted his head, placing his right hand above the crystal. But while that happened, Ean found himself bored.

Ean, Shu's new friend. Was bored, he wanted to learn more Martial Arts, mainly something related to swords

"When is he gonna come back? It's been a day, not all that long but, even then, why didn't he tell me? I mean he promised he'd train me every day if I just told him the location of the place with the densest Sanctuary Energy. Wait, oh god.."

Ean said to himself, his eyes would widen as his pupils would shrink

"I-I have to go check, I mean, he isn't stupid enough to just go in there and.."

Ean said to himself as he stood by himself in the streets of the Elsian Kingdom, placing his hands above his head to then gripping his hair

"God..that's exactly what he would do"

Exclaimed Ean, beginning to run a few seconds after realizing his mistake

"Where's his house!? I know he told me he lived around here but, every god damm house looks the same!! Even the shops! The hotels!"

He yelled as the people in the street simply stared at him, watching him knock on every door he saw. Sweat would fall from his head like rain, while his heartbeat accelerated as his breathing became heavy

"Where!? Where!?!?"

He yelled once again, now beginning to knock on the doors even faster, not even giving the household owners time to open their doors before he ran toward another

"Youngsters I tell you, so disrespectful"

Said an old man, watching as Ean ran. In the old man's eyes, the boy was disturbing the people

"Who does he think he is?"

Another man added


Added the old man before him, causing Ean to smile, lowering his head in embarrassment, slowly walking away from the streets. And finally, after hours of knocking, he found the last house, breathing heavily as he stood in front of the door but right when he was about to knock, the door was opened

"Oh hey, you must be Ean, the boy Shu talked to me about. Well, I'm Jenna, Shu's mother"

Said Jenna, presenting herself while smiling at the boy, causing him to smile as he immediately hugged her

"Oh yes good!"

Said Ean, with a loud moan of satisfaction, proceeding to hug her tighter

"Hey, you don't happen to know where Shu is right!?"

He questioned while pushing her away, breaking the hug between him and her, staring her straight in the eye with a smile on his face

"Uh, no I do not, I saw him yesterday, he left the house, but he didn't tell me why. Well, you can come inside, maybe Mikey knows something about it"

Jenna replied while patting Ean's head before walking away from the house, leaving the door open for Ean to enter


He questioned as he looked back at her with a confused expression

"My husband"

"Oh, well alright"

Ean whispered before walking into the house, closing the door behind him, walking deeper into the house, stopping at the kitchen right when he saw who he assumed was Mikey

"Oh, hello. Do you happen to know where Shu is? Your son...sir"

Said Ean, attempting to start a conversation between him and the blonde man

"I don't know where he is, I'm pretty sure he's out training though"

Mikey replied with simplicity before grabbing a dice, placing it above another, and so on, eventually building what seemed to be a small pillar of dices

"He reminds me, Shu..."

Ean whispered before taking a few steps back

"Anyway this is bad, really bad, if he really went over there, he'd be dead...not even The King Of Death came out"

He said to himself before running out of the house, slamming the door shut as he would then jump over one of the houses, sitting down as he then pushed his hair back, his eyes looked straight, with disbelief

"We can't be dead, right?"

He asked himself, slowly standing up seconds later, covering his face, biting on his lower lip thinking about Shu. In his mind, he has just obtained a friend, and died because of him. But of course, that was far from the truth, as Shu found himself with something greater than any normal human could ever hope to hold.