

" Fucking idiots, and they call me a moron, Ugh, so stupid! "

Shu muttered to himself, kicking snow as he walked forward, frowning whilst picturing the faces of the villagers who opposed him

" Shu, where are we? "

A female voice questioned, which was completely ignored by the boy, who continued to complain to no one else but himself

" Shu!! "

The voice yelled, causing the boy to turn slowly, glaring at the person who had just yelled at him

" What is it Ayami? Cant you see I'm trying to think? "

Shu replied, placing his hand on her face, proceeding to push her away, angering her beyond believe

" Ugh, can't even think around here "

Shu said to himself as he continued to walk, unknowingly being followed by a newly angry Ayami who began to endlessly insult the boy, coming up with sentences that didn't even make sense

" Oh right! I know! "

Shu exclaimed, opening his eyes wide, raising his eyebrows and placing his index finger up, as if he had just come up with a brilliant idea

" They're scared of the nobleman's dad, so what if I just beat his ass and show that there isn't any need to be scared "

He added, slamming his left fist onto his left hand, smirking before turning around

" Shu!!! We're stranded!!! With no food, no clothes, no water no recourses, absolutely nothing!! And all you can do is think about how to beat someone's ass!?!?!? "

Ayami yelled as loud as she could before punching the boy behind his head, knocking him down to the ground

" Oh hey Ayami, you woke up, and you too Yuyen "

Shu replied, scratching the back of his head, feeling the bump Ayami left on his cranium

" Why are you acting like you just saw us? "

Ayami questioned, now a bit calmer as she simply ignored her, staring at Yuyen who stood behind the black haired girl

" Yuyen has a cut on her face, what happened? "

Shu asked, walking past Ayami, proceeding to place his hand on Yuyen's cheek, rubbing the cut slightly, dirtying his thumb with her blood

" Oh, that, she woke up, and I accidentally cut her thinking it was an enemy, it should heal in a few days, it isn't anything serious, don't worry about it and let's talk about more serious- "

Ayami couldn't finish her sentence, seeing as not only did Shu ignore her but also lick the thumb which was covered in blood, sucking in Yuyen's blood, before sucking on his thumb, covering it in saliva

" Grandpa would always put saliva in my scratches, he said it helps them heal "

Shu said, rubbing the saliva covered thumb all over Yuyen's cut

" Anyway! I'm in a hurry! I need to kill a nobleman's dad- "

Shu, just like Ayami was abruptly interrupted, the only difference though was that he received a punch right to his face, which made his entire body spin before slamming his head on the ground, which stopped all the spinning but also caused a fog of dirt and a loud shockwave

" You were the boy who beat my son? "

A man's voice said, as the fog slowly dispersed, revealing the person's appearance.

He had long white hair, which stretched to the bottom of his shoulders, with a black cloak covering most of his body, leaving only the front opened, from which white clothing could be seen.

His eyes were pure violet red, with slits for pupils, nothing else could be seen from the man's face though, since It was covered with a black mouth mask.

On his hands he had golden gauntlets, which moved smoothly according to his fingers' movements.

On his feet he had golden boots to match his gauntlets.

" You aren't much of anything, but your energy and autonomy is a whole different story, you'll be a good lab subject "

The man said as he glared down at the boy with his crimson red eyes

" Hey! What do you think you're doing! "

Ayami yelled, preparing herself to kick the man, but he simply glared at her, staring deep into her soul, bringing her down to her knees in fear

" Wha- "

Ayami whispered, with her eyes wide open as she stared up at the sky, with her mouth wide open

" What did you do to her!?! "

Shu yelled, attempting to land a punch on the now distracted man, but to his surprise the man simply caught his fist

" Nothing, I just turned her brain off and on for a few seconds "

The man replied as he slowly turned his head to look ta the boy. All Shu could see was solemn in the man's eyes before losing consciousness due to a strike to the back of his neck

" I could take you both with me as well, turning you into test subjects, but there's nothing interesting about you two, nothing worth noting at least. Consider yourselves lucky "

The man said before disappearing in a blur of speed, leaving Yuyen to attend to Ayami, who's mind at the moment wasn't working correctly.

Whilst that happened, a bright light from the heavens fell upon Romulus who simply stared at it, and from it an angel formed itself.

It's appearance was exactly like Romulus' but seemingly younger, a teenage version of him.

It's wings were huge, before they shrank to fit the human form he had just taken

" Hello lord Romulus, you are most likely confused as to why- "

The angel couldn't finish his sentence seeing as Romulus simply turned around, beginning to walk toward the edge of the mountain

" You're my guardian angel, a being who's job is to help mortals ascend over to god hood "

Romulus said, interrupting the angel who's kind expression turned completely serious

" How do you know that? "

The angel questioned, as a menacing sensation surrounded the area

" Don't try to intimidate me, it won't work. Guardian Angels aren't allowed to harm the mortal they're trying to help ascend, it's against the rules given to you them by the gods, if I remember correctly that is "

Romulus added, before yawning, looking down at the ground from the edge of the mountain before jumping off, being followed by the now not so happy angel.