
Complete Destruction And War

Many soldiers came down from the sky, invading every continent, attacking everyone they saw, killing some and getting killed.

The military that was left on every continent tried to fight back but were quickly and easily overwhelmed

" Ayami, Yuyen, grab the children, we need to hide "

Shu said as he quickly jumped out of the castle, landing outside, being met by many soldiers who pointed their weapons at him

" Fuck "

He whispered, raising his guard whilst everyone else ran out of the door; Fu and Bjorn holding off many other soldiers, knocking them out with a lot of ease

" Ladies stay behind "

Fu said, as he began to back up a little, as more soldiers came out of the castle and many more fell from the sky, surrounding them

" We'll handle them, you girls just focus on protecting the children "

Bjorn added as the three men started to walk around Ayami, Yuyen, Emma and Flouray who were guarding the children with their bodies.

" Shu, it doesn't seem like we can generate sanctuary energy "

Bjorn said as Shu simply tightened his hands into fists, looking over at the enemies who slowly closed in

" I know "

He replied, taking a deep breath as he closed and opened his hands, trying to adapt to the fact that he could no longer feel or generate sanctuary energy

" Which just means we'll have to use our physical strength and whatever martial arts we know "

Fu said, just to be caught off by Shu who dashed toward the crowd of men, dodging many attempts to kill him to then punch his fist through one of the man's chest

" Oh yeah, I've almost forgotten.. "

Fu said as he would then take a step forward, moving his head aside to dodge a spear thrust, proceeding to grab the metallic like spear, pulling it back to dragon the enemy forward, grabbing his head and slamming it against the ground, cracking his cranium

" As martial artists we don't just rely on sanctuary energy "

Fu added before grinning, proceeding to jump into the crowd of enemies, exchanging blows with many of these soldiers

" While they fight, it's best we move and find a place to hide; as we are now we wouldn't be able to help out "

Ayami said, as she picked up her daughter, holding her against her chest to then look down at her son and then over at Emma, as if asking her to do her the favor of lifting Dio for her, which Emma quickly picked up, grabbing the boy and holding him tight, and of course Yuyen did the same as well, grabbing her child.

" I'll protect you three; these soldiers don't seem to have sanctuary energy either, plus as a mermaid I'm blessed with strength humans aren't born with "

Flouray said, as she would then, place her hands behind the women's backs, pushing them forward a little, as if to get them to run, which they did, running through all the fighting the boys seemed to be enjoying

" Hahah!! It's been so long since I've felt like this "

Fu yelled, as he would then block a punch from a solider, proceeding to break his arm with a quick pull, just to knock him out with a punch to the face

" I'm actually feeling anxious for once "

He said to himself, but loud enough for Bjorn who was beside him to hear it, which just made him chuckle, thinking to himself how smug and self centered this guy was.

Just when Fu was about to get back to fighting he received a strike from a hammer to his head, which made him bleed and slightly lose his balance; the other soldiers took this as a chance to jump on top of him, landing many more attacks on the man, bruising and cutting his skin the more they attacked him.

" Uugghhh!! Get off of me already!! "

Fu yelled, as he would then pushed them all off, rushing forward to grab one of the soldiers by his arm, pulling him a bit to then start punching him, landing many quick and swift strikes just to pull his arm again as to keep him from falling, landing one last strike to his head, slamming the man on the ground with the pure force of his punch

" Heheheh, I'm having fun!! "

He yelled as he would then rush into the mob of enemies, continuing to fight

" Is he okay? "

Bjorn questioned as he would then grab one of the men by their heads, slamming him into the ground, as Shu simply dodged many coming attacks, taking multiple steps backwards as he did so

" Yeah, doesn't he look okay? "

Shu replied, to then push a punch away with his wrist, proceeding to punch his opponent right in the face, sending him flying back a little

" No, I mean like—in his head? Is he mentally okay? "

Bjorn added, as Shu simply ran toward him, jumping into the air as Bjorn clasped his hands together, holding them like that as Shu came down from the air, falling against them; using them as propellers to clash into an enemy soldier

" Yeah? Why wouldn't he be? "

Shu said with simplicity as he quickly got up, dashing backwards as three soldiers moved forward toward him

" Never mind, I don't mind why I asked you of all people; you're the one they call a devil after all "

Bjorn said as he kicked away one of the person's who chased after Shu, just to grab the other two and slam their heads together, knocking them out.

As that happened, the girls got further away, stopping at a giant waterfall

" Let's stop here and enter the water fall, I'll be able to protect you all if we're closer to water "

Flouray said as she would then jump into the water, from the tall mountain like high ground she was on

" Jump down one by one, I'll catch y'all "

As that happened, in the vampire kingdom, the war was more 'balanced' per say, the soldiers couldn't kill the vampires; they simply just regenerated, since regeneration wasn't something that they did via the need of sanctuary, though even so the vampires couldn't overwhelm the soldiers since there were too many of them

" This was an unexpected turn of events "

Loki said as he walked down the hallways of what once used to be his castle before these demons took over his continent

" Yeah, you're right, I wasn't expecting earth to get invaded by aliens "

O-Red replied, whilst walking beside Loki, placing his hands behind his head, yawning a little

" But don't worry, we demons are pretty strong, even without sanctuary energy, we are basically superhuman; but first, let's go to our lord, he'll know what to do "

And just like that, the earth entered an apocalyptic era; complete destruction and war.