
Blue’s Strength

Blue hurled a punch toward Shu, who couldn't help but dodge as Red was also after him, shooting a kick right at Shu's head, luckily for Shu he was able to dodge, otherwise he would've lost his head.

With no time to talk or think, Shu instinctively threw a punch at Red's stomach, sending him flying back a bit, just to block another punch coming from Blue

" What sort of exoskeleton do you have? "

Blue questioned as Red came in flying, kicking Shu away with both of his feet, sending him back a few meters, which made the two people he was protecting start to worry since they of course didn't want to die

" I don't know what you're talking about "

Shu replied as he chased after Red, pushing away one of Blue's attacks, before sliding on the ground, sweeping the soldier off of his feet before he could even think, and once Red was in the air Shu would slam his elbow right on the man's chest, breaking his armor and sucking the air right out of his lungs, to then step on his stomach, knocking him out whilst slowly turning to look over at Blue who gave him a calm smile

" You're alone now "

Shu whispered as he looked over at Blue with a serious expression, which just made the man scratch the back of his head, sighing a little as he just looked over at his unconscious companions.

" Not really, they weren't going to help me out anyway, they were pretty weak "

Blue replied as he would then walk over to Green, reaching onto the man's side, grabbing a small knife which he would stab right into the man's throat, twisting the weapon to then rip out his partner's throat, showing the piece of bone to Shu who just stared at him

" Why did you do that? He was your partner "

Shu said as Blue simply threw the knife against the ground, piercing the ground to then dash toward Shu, throwing a few punches which took Shu off guard, but the white haired man quickly retaliated, blocking all the punches before throwing his own just for it to be blocked and for him to receive a punch right into his gut, making him take a few steps back whilst blue just walked toward Red.

" Soldiers who are useless shouldn't be allowed to live "

Blue whispered as he would then place his foot on top of Red's head, all whilst Shu watched from a few feet away

" We are the squad of colors, we are the weakest out of all the squads; so the fact that these guys are this useless just means they don't deserve to live "

Blue explained as he would then, press his foot against Red's head, which caused the man to wake up, grabbing at Blue's foot

" Blue! Blue what are you doing!?!? Stop!! S—stop it hurts!!! Please, noooo— "

The man's head blew up as Blue stepped through it, causing Red's blood to splatter all over the ground as the woman and man who watched from afar covered their mouths, not wanting to vomit

" He was begging you to not do it, are you that heartless? "

Shu questioned as Blue simply smiled, grabbing a sword from his back, pointing it at Shu who just stared at him

" You say that but, there is no emotion in those eyes of yours, they are more empty than mine "

Blue replied before dashing toward Shu, swinging his weapon down in an attempt to slash Shu in half but the man simply took a step back and punched the sword aside, proceeding to land three punches in Blue's stomach and two more; one on each side of his face, which nearly knocked him out, but the alien stood his ground, gripping his sword tightly to then swing it up, slicing through Shu's skin, making him groan a little as he jumped back

" You have tough skin, that would've killed any of my comrades, so I'll ask you again, what sort of exoskeleton are you using? "

Blue added as Shu simply slid his fingers down his new injury, just for it to start healing, to Blue's surprise

" An exoskeleton that heals it's user; I'll make sure to strip it off your corpse once im done with you "

Blue whispered just to be punched in the face by Shu who had ran toward him, punching him a few more times at a rapid pace, ending his combo with a kick to Blue's chest, which made the man spit out a great amount of blood

" I already told you, I don't know what that is "

Shu said before gripping his hands tightly as Blue simply sighed

" Fine, don't tell me "

The man would then press a button on his chest, causing the veins on his neck to pop out, stretching throughout his jaw and forehead as Shu just stared at him, just to then take a few steps back, his instincts telling him how dangerous this man had just become

" What did you just do? "

Shu questioned as Blue's muscles got twice as big, whilst his veins continued to spread; all over his legs, abdomen, hands and muscles, although they weren't visible to show since the man was completely covered in his armor, Shu could tell that he got stronger, and although he couldn't feel the man's energy as he would normally be able to, Shu could tell exactly how strong this man has gotten.

Too strong for himself to handle

" Your exoskeleton is very useful I can tell, but mine is special, I am able to boost every fiber of my being with the special chemicals inserted into my exoskeleton; my strength is exponentially increased, my reflexes , my visions, my senses and my—- "

Blue appeared right in front of Shu, with his fist already sunk into the man's body

" Speed "

He whispered, sending Shu flying across the empty desert of a field, causing Shu to crash against a rock, breaking a lot of his bones.