

Shu had jumped on top of the building he was running towards, standing on its roof as he looked around with a smile, finding what seemed to be a training field, very similar to the one in the village


Shu shouted, excited to fight with someone strong and what's more, the fighters in the field seemed to be around his age, so he was even more excited

"They don't seem as strong as the warriors in the village but, it'll still be fun, right?"

He said to himself slightly chuckling before jumping off the roof, falling at a great speed, landing in front of two teenage boys interrupting their soon to be, battle

"Huh, what was that?"

That was what everyone in the field began to whisper. While Shu simply looked around, trying to find the person who looked the strongest in the field, meeting eyes with a blue-haired teen, he had on what seemed to be a uniform, just like everyone in the field. His eyes were dark blue intensifying the cold expression he had

"This guy reminds me of Ayami"

Shu said to himself while dashing towards the blue-haired kid, causing a slight burst of wind, standing in front of the kid in seconds

"Hey man, you seem strong, you think you can spar with me?"

Said Shu with a grin on his face as he giggled

"Who is that?"

"Woah, his hair is pretty"

"Is he a new student?"

"I've never seen him before"

"Did he just ask Arthur for a spar?"

"Be it a new student or not, asking the strongest student in the academy for a spar is the dumbest thing I've seen someone do, haha"

Was what every student in the field began to whisper, as Shu's grin grew while the kid now known as Arthur raised an eyebrow

"Who are you supposed to be?"

Arthur questioned with a cold tone as Shu simply scratched the back of his head

"Well I'm just a Martial Artist"

Said Shu with simplicity as Arthur smirked looking down at Shu, as Shu's girn disappeared turning into a simple small left side smile

Before anybody could react a gigantic pillar of ice emerged from the ground which targeted Shu, making Shu smile as he used the pillar itself to jump backward, destroying it in the process and causing an explosion of cold air, making the inhabitors of the training field to be sent flying

"That's quite the surprise..."

Said Arthur as the smoke-like air dispersed revealing the two opponents. Shu was looking up at Arthur with his fists clutched, while Arthur looked down at Shu with his arms closed and a smug expression

"You survived my attack"

Added Arthur to his earlier statement, as yet another smile grew on Shu's face

"I wouldn't be much of an opponent if I didn't, besides I was the one who asked you to spar with me anyway, so going down in one hit would've been a disrespectful way to go out, after all, I'd be wasting your time, don't you think?"

Shu responded while quickly sending a kick to Arthur's head, which was blocked by a sturdy block of ice, causing a small shockwave

"Your kicks...they're quite fast"

Said Arthur as small pillars of ice spewed from the ground, which began to target Shu, who began to jump dash backward, avoiding the ice with finesse

"But my ice is faster"

Arthur whispered while five gigantic pillars of ice grew around Shu, all five being 77 feet in terms of height.

"Were those supposed to hit me?"

Shu questioned while scratching his cheek with his index finger

"No, I just needed some high ground"

Said Arthur while shards of ice began to spew out of the pillars, which targeted Shu

"Oh I see"

Shu whispered while a blue aura surrounded his body as he then began to punch the shards that targeted him, dodging the ones that seemed too big and reflecting the ones that seemed too fast to doge

"You're probably thinking I can't create ice out of thin air right?"

Whispered Arthur while appearing right behind Shu grabbing his head as ice began to spread from his hand onto Shu's body, covering him an instant

"Well, it was a good deduction considering my ice was spewing from the ground, but you shouldn't trust your instincts too much"

Arthur whispered while slamming Shu's head against the ground, smiling as he stared at the frozen Shu

"Thanks, that's actually really good advice"

Was what Arthur heard, as the body of ice he was holding suddenly cracked apart while a sudden sense of fear crawled upon his spine, receiving a quick and strong upper kick to his ribs and armpit being sent flying meters into the air, to then be sent flying back to the ground by another kick coming from Shu

"How is he so fast.."

Was all Arthur can think of before crashing against the solid ground of the training field, creating a small crater with his body

"You're looking down on me"

Arthur whispered while slowly getting out of the crater

"Looking down on you?"

Shu questioned while falling right beside him

"Don't act so naive"

Arthur whispered while biting his lower lip with anger

"Don't bite too hard you'll start bleeding"

Shu said with a genuine look of concern for the boy

"Who do you think you are?"

Arthur questioned with a look of irritation as the veins on his neck became noticeable

"I already told you I'm a martial-"

Shu couldn't finish his sentence as a sudden pillar of ice grew from the ground which targeted Shu's head but before it could even reach his chest, Shu broke the pillar of ice into pieces with his right elbow

"Who do you think you are?...breaking in here and acting like you're the strongest"

Arthur exclaimed as ice began to spread through Arthur's arms and legs, while wings of ice grew from his back, breaking his skin apart as his dark blue eyes began to shine whilst his skin became pale

"Spiritual Awakening: North Pole"

Whispered Arthur as Ice began to spread through the walls of the academy, as well as the air and ground while Shu looked around becoming colder as the ice continued to spread

"Grandpa told me that a person only use their Spiritual Awakening when they're willing to kill their opponent, so I guess, I'll have to respond in the same way"

Shu said with a calm expression as he slowly brought his right leg upwards, surrounding said leg with a blue and almost unstable aura

"Taekwondo Style, Himura Kick: Bringer of Punishment"

Shu exclaimed to then jump upwards into the air using one of the gigantic ice pillars to push himself towards Arthur at extreme speed, bringing his right leg to the side, preparing to kick Arthur's head off, but right when his foot was about to reach Arthur's neck a hand grabbed it squeezing it tightly, causing a massive shock wave that destroyed half of the Castle like Academy

"That's enough Arthur, you too, Kid"

Said a tall Red-haired man while holding Arthur by his head and Shu by his leg. He had what seemed to be a variation of the uniform Arthur was wearing, with what looked like a white cape attached to his Shoulders

"How did you?..."

She questioned while the man let go of his leg, letting Shu land on the ground

"You got quite a strong kick there, I do acknowledge your strength but please, try not to kill my Students."

Said the man while throwing what seemed to be an unconscious Arthur over his right shoulder

"I just asked for a spar, I didn't think he'd get so angry"

Shu admitted while scratching the back of his head looking down at the ground with a bit of embarrassment

"Hmm, I haven't seen you around here, are you a new student?, what's your name?"

Began to question the man as he looked down at Shu with a calm expression

"My Name's Shu Him-"

Shu's mouth was shut by two delicate hands

"His name is Shu Hellgard"

Said a feminine voice with a bit of nervousness on her voice, as Shu removed the hands from his mouth turning around to see Jenna, with what seemed to be a different hair color. Green to be exact


Shu questioned while looking at the female as she suddenly hugged him tightly

"I apologise Sir Reimen, my son can be a handful sometimes, I was planning on signing him on the academy, but he got ahead of me and my husband, I didn't think he'd ruin the Academy like this"

Said Jenna while bowing her head to the man

"Son?, hey you're not my moth-"

Shu was once more interrupted by Jenna's hands


Jenna exclaimed, shushing the boy as the man now known as Reimen simply raised an eyebrow

"Hmm. Well, normally your son would have to take a Strength test but considering he almost took out our strongest student, I think all he needs is yours and your husband's signature, as well as your son's approval. And don't worry about the Academy, it'll be fixed by tomorrow"

Said Reimen with a kind smile as he held onto Arthur's unconscious body

"Well, please head to the Academy's gate, you'll be able to sign up your child there, until then, see you later"

Said Reimen before disappearing in a blur, leaving the two together

"That was Reckless Shu!"

Jenna yelled while placing her hands by her hips as Shu scratched his cheek slightly

"Sorry, it won't happen again..I think"

Shu whispered while looking at the ground, avoiding Jenna's glare

"Well, it doesn't matter, let's just get you signed up"

Jenna replied while beginning to walk, heading to the gate of the Academy as Shu followed behind her