
Sanctuary - A tale of transmigration

All her life nothing went right. An abusive family, no friends, harassed at work.. Until one day she decides to end it all. But what it starts as a leap to death becomes a leap of faith, as she embarks in a impossible quest. She never had one for herself, but now must create one for others... Sanctuary

PinkCulture · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The damsel and the wolf

I wake up by the smell of flowers. I breathe deeply to inhale their scent while I look around to gather my bearings. I found myself in a colorful field at the edge of the woods, while the rest of the area is comprised of gently rolling hills. This is it! I am here! I check myself and find that I am wearing a white and green ankle length tunic held with a belt to the waist; damn, no bra. My back is going to kill me. I check my feet and find myself a pair of open leather sandal. I guess this is regular attire for women here. Judging by the breeze intruding, I am not wearing underwear.

Oh God, no panties, no bras, please tell me that at least they do take baths! Oh, if they don't do bath, I am so done her.

A sound of branches moving reaches my ears and I turn to face the woods with apprehension. I am unarmed and unable to fight, so if I am in danger I can only run. The bushes on the edge of the wood move, and a black wolf, reaching my sides in height. I hold my breath in terror and stand still. There is no way that I can outrun it. The wolf slowly moves forward until it is five feet from me, then sits down and looks at me tilting its head to the side.

Its behavior is curious, but strangely I don' feel threatened. Nevertheless, I remain perfectly still, I don't know enough about wolves to know how it would react to any sudden moves. my contact with wolves in my previous life was pretty much limited to what I saw on tv.

My musings are interrupted by a change in its body. In front of my incredulous eyes, its muzzle shortens, the ears retract and its fur recedes inside its body who is quickly changing shape. In less than a minute the wolf is gone and, in its place, stands a naked man kneeling on the ground.

I am stupefied by the scene in front of my eyes. Tara told me that there were magical beings, but this…

The muscular man stands up slowly, oblivious to his nakedness, gifting me with the view of his well-toned muscular body. My gaze wander low and I blush.

He is big everywhere…

I shake my head to clear my thoughts,

Wake up girl, take your mind off the gutter. You are in an unknown land and a naked man is standing in front of you. You damn well know how this will probably end!

The man lifts his head and with his hands brush his long black hair to the sides, then looks at me.

"My apologies for startling you. It is not safe for a female of your kind to wander alone in werewolf territory. Not all of my kind react well to humans in our lands."

I gather my courage, fueled by the fact that he has not moved from the spot, and say,

"Uhm, thank you for your concern. Could you… cover your… thing?"

The man looks at me with a puzzled expression then understanding comes to him.

"Oh, again my apologies. We don't retain clothes when we shapeshift so we consider nakedness to be natural." Nonchalantly, he uses his hand to cover his penis. Well, trying to, at least, since a couple of inches dangle below his hands.

Good enough, I guess. At least he tried.

"Might I ask what business do you have here?"

I exhale slowly, yeah, sure, I died and a goddess threw me here… I somehow doubt that the truth would fly…

"I… I don't know where I am. Could you point me to the nearest settlement?"

The man frowns and takes a good look at me from head to toe and back, before finally settling on my hair. I unconsciously pat them in place.

Damn, girl! Stop acting like a blushing bride!

Having finished his impromptu inspection, the man sighs and then talks to me again.

"Very well. I do not know how or why you arrived here, but I believe that you mean no harm. There is a farm beyond that hill owned by an old woman. She is a good person and a friend of my people and hopefully will be able to help you. Allow me to escort you there; it will avoid misunderstanding if another of my kind found you on the way."

He takes a step toward me, and I instinctively take a step back. He stops, frowning, obviously puzzled by my action.

Suure, let's let the big naked hunk escort us, he only wants to help… yeah, right.

My thoughts and fear must have been shown on my face, for the frown on his face disappear.

"I tend to forget that casual nakedness causes discomfort to humans. Please forgive me. Perhaps, you would feel more at ease if I changed back in a wolf?"

I exhale slowly the breath that I didn't know I was holding and nod.

"Yes, please."

Well, so far it seems that he has no nefarious ideas about me. Hopefully it will stay that way.

The shimmer in the air returns and in seconds the man gradually morphs again in the big black wolf. The wolf shrugs once, pretty much like a dog wolf, then trots to my side. I look at it with interest; not that the man is no longer in front of me, what little courage I have comes back.

"Uhm, can you understand me while in that form?", I ask.

The wolf looks at me and sneezes.

I guess that is a yes.

"Well then, I will depend on you. Just so you know, appearing stark naked to an unknown woman is not the best way to make a good impression, even if your intentions are good."

The wolf sneezes again, and I could swear that it's smiling at me.

I start walking in the direction that he indicated earlier, and the wolf keeps pace to my side. I can't help but smile. I am in the middle of nowhere, taking a stroll with a big bad werewolf, and I am chatting with it as if I was a schoolgirl walking her pet…