
Sakura in the Gravity

Three friends one night in Japan receives a text message from an unknown number offering money for killing Yakuza; their journey of friendship in military drama begins. Their fight for life and friendship does take in a lot of places to champion their enemies they never intended to see or know about and save the world they live in.

Audrius_Razma · 幻想
73 Chs

Sinbury Screams!

The knock wakes up Simon in his blue padded cell. His head is feeling from last night and the dream he had been nothing usual, at least he thought.

The cell hatch opens up and the ward nurse announces the ward doctor is ready to see him for a ward round. The nurse says, "If you are feeling stable and sound for our visit let us know."

Simon turns around under the blanket and nods his head. His eyes are feeling drowsy, he can open the lids of his eyes to see them.

The doctor walks in the blue room after nurses secure the safe space to talk with their patient Simon. Doctor says, "I heard you last night had some trouble sleeping and caused an emergency state in our facility."

"It was black magic."

"I am sure it was. I would like to know more about it.", says the doctor, nodding his head to the nurse taking her notes. But Simon refuses to talk more and closes his eyes. He faces the other side of the room and falls fast asleep.

Meanwhile, our friend Ignacius is just settling down and not wanting to lose time is gathering information from the mental health ward he is located just a floor above Simon is captive.

He asks many questions but cannot establish any truth further from irrational talks he is having with his fellow captives in Sinbury Hospital.

Until he meets Marciuszawa, the student who is for violent behaviour for breaking several laws including anti-social behaviour, body harm and resisting arrest.

He was breaking conditions of bail. The courthouse held him to establish why he was keen enough not to comply and was on a law-breaking spree, increasing his chance to be detained further.

They found common ground after a couple cups of tea and a packet of cigarettes they smoked on the ward balcony. He understood it was taboo for male patients to learn what was in the female ward, causing more causes for concerns.


It took a couple days after they parked the thunder truck in a hangar outside Sinbury plains for Mage to establish local support to rescue his fellow teammates from being held captive under courthouse order.

Detective Simpleton pointed him to look for student Daku Stix in the local bar. He felt like in a pub crawl, but when he was about to give up with Bob and Dylan, the luck had made its way.

Daku Stix was philosophy faculty student, spending most of his evenings in union bars before heading out to illegal students' garage fights to earn his title after graduation as King of Hades, in Greek mythology known as underworld for dead.

He and his fellow students were now in the second year of their degree exchanging fists with their fierce rivals from law faculty. But he was having problems because they detained one of his fellows in Sinbury Asylum, and he was eager enough to set him free.

Mage walks in and sits down at the bar. He asks for a double shot of whiskey with no ice. The barman pours a glass and passes to Mage, he twists whiskey glass and pours some in his throat.

"I heard you are second year, Stix. I think we have some common ground here to talk business."

"I think you should go where you came from", said Stix.

"I know Marciuszawa's story and who is behind it but I am happy enough to aid you in breaking him out of that shat hole they call Hospital."

Stix orders his fellow students to sit back. He then offers a drink to Mage and asks him to step outside alone to smoke a cigarette with him in case they forge common ground.


The nights were getting worse for Simon after he witnessed his own death, and how he came back to life was haunting him the last three nights. He paid little attention to the screams coming from other wards but something occupied enough of him in his mind, what happened to his body he could escape death.

When he can hear along the wind a soft whistling sound coming outside his window. He can recognize the person.

Then Simon took a glimpse at moving shadows along the fence and could recognize Simon with his crew from prison, he was sure they had extra few more bodies moving along them.

When in front of the main entrance two drunk students stumble on the front steps and start urinating on main entrance doors crossing their urine streams together, one saying, "We made an X mark on the devil's gatehouse?"

It took not long before security responded through the doors asking them to leave or they would inform the police about them.

Stix gives a sly smile out of the corner of his lips and says to his fellow student he should not cross his path with this Cerberus.

"Izanagi, have you lost your mind bringing me to the gatehouse of Cerberus?"

He then punches his fellow student to the floor and then punches security guards too back to the walls, kicking and punching them splatters of blood from their broken bones.

Daku waves holding the keys in his hands for his new friends to come out behind the bushes.

He smiles and picks up Izanagi off the floor, dusting him off.

"I am a great actor Daku, your poor punch did me no good or you are just getting weaker after every shot of whiskey."

"I hope I forget what you said next weekend in the union bar, Izanagi."

They open the front gates and step in when Mage, with the rest of the guys, catches up to them at the main doors. Mage says, "Boys, we are making history here."

They inspect blueprints Detective Simpleton emailed them before tonight's fight and they split in a group, making their way in main stairs and fire exit stairs to block any attempt to escape.

Daku and Izanagi are leading their rescue party through main stairs to take back Marciuzawa, when Mage with his team are heading back to free Ignacius and Simon, including witnesses they find for operation the Cursed Dagger to finish.

The screams came out from the asylum but enough patients became quiet listening to their wardens screaming in agony and fear, when assailants were screaming at them giving the beating of their lifetime.

When our heroes are making their way up the floors, nurses fall through the windows dropping on fences or cars breaking their backs. The dead bodies bleed out their mouths, dilated iris staring up above them, when their fingertips pointing up above them.

It was visible that others did not meet their painless death and were lying on the concrete floor with broken limbs and bleeding to death from brain damage before they found them in a morning shift.

While Ignacius was sharing his last smoke with Marciuzawa, they were observing the wardens heading in panic along the corridors when sirens were beeping without a break.

Then all they can hear windows smashing and Bob with Dylan walking and smiling to them, waving their hands as they were on a usual day visit to see their friends in a hospital ward.

Ignacius' mouth opens so wide and he can see behind them Magnum Magen with Simon Says walking along them and many other men dusting debris off their shoulders.

Marciuszawa screams he was right and philosophers cannot die because they are living proof.

Ignacius looks at Marciuzawa with surprise and comes to understand he was the only one making sense here, who said his friends will storm in here to have him back.

"But why did you tell me it was Hades' Kingdom? I am sure it is sort of graveyard sounding place."

"Junior student, you have much yet to learn."

Then Marciuzawa walks to his mates, giving them a big hug and starts walking away, tapping on each other's shoulders.

Ignacius looks at Mage, Simon, Bob and Dylan to ask them if they have finished the Cursed Dagger project.

"Do we have any intel yet because I am afraid I will catch cancer in my lungs if I stay a day longer in this place?"

Mage says, "We have set all the victims free and told them to wait a couple streets further away from the local park for Detective Simpleton to pick them up and hide them in our new safe house."

But Simon was feeling a withdrawal effect and still holding on his blanket over his shoulders, was thinking about Grand Duke and intention of his appearance the moment he died.

"What is next?"