

    Three days later

    Came to the village gate wave wind Xun and Watergate armed, waiting for the first mission in life.


    However, at the time to noon, being led on the forbearance of the gang, but has yet to appear.

    This makes rely on a tree in the Watergate some doubts: "Xiao Xun, why Tsunade SAMA hasn't come yet? Do you remember the time?"

    "The mad woman, estimated overslept again?" The wind wave Xun snappily responded to a.

    Since he wonder what life has in the past three days, during this period, not only restored the spirit of the gang, he returned to arrange a rain to the hidden village exploration task.

    First he actually refused, because the task was to help the rain hidden village, and the task of investigation is generally does not occur in battle, that is to say that he is unlikely to have a chance to close the head.

    But later Tsunade's words, but let the wind wave Xun immediately starting.

    "This is a class a task, and the task reward for five hundred thousand."

    Five hundred thousand what is the concept of integral terms is five thousand points, even if the need for four people sharing, he can at least get one hundred thousand dollars, which is one thousand points.

    You know, add up all their savings before him, but also hundreds of thousands.

    And when the wind wave Xun know, this task can be candidate Tsunade their timing, he took the remaining two places to come.

    That must not let outsiders fields, such a good opportunity, also can do to others?

    Therefore, he put the Watergate and Kushina recommended to tsunade.

    But Tsunade is also such reporting to the senior, but when after three generations of approval, but there are some unexpected accidents.

    Because Kushina is nine tail force in the village, and has not become the gift, so the three generation refused the request from Tsunade, he is optimistic about their own people chosen to pick a.

    "Third words you Xun said, who can it be?" The side looked at his hand to the side of the wind wave Xun asked.

    The wind wave Xun shrugged, a pair of he didn't know.

    This is not to say that he did not ask each other but Tsunade also forgot who specifically, only know that is a Yu Zhibo family.

    So, in the end is how Tsunade head when on?

    For this, the wind wave Xun still feel very puzzled.

    But speaking of the Uchiha clan, now was not too big can, which will not be long before the Uchiha and a brother?

    Not far away, just like the wind wave Xun, wearing a black jacket collar, face grim black haired boy, slowly to two people walked over, it is long before the Uchiha and Watergate competition.

    Seeing this, the wind wave Xun can only sigh, the world is too small, it can let him guess.

    Yu Chi Bologna came after Kanyemeikan Namikaze Jiujiang one eye, but directly over him, came to the water front, before, said: "we meet again, I did not expect this task is performed together with you."

    The first at the wind wave Xun, saw his brother didn't what reaction, only a smile: "I also did not think of this task, the team will together with you."

    Then, the hand to each other: "then please exhibitions!"

    However, long Uchiha did not reach out, but at the Watergate, war full way: "next time I will not be lost to you, this task, you must follow me."

    The seeing, although some embarrassing, but not much reaction, this is not to say that he was timid, but because he is very confident of their own strength, he will tell each other with the fact, is behind, he is definitely not.

    The Watergate choose silence, does not represent the wave wind side can also be jiujiang.

    A joke, a bear children only, not to his face even, even the future of the four generation of the face will not give, it's a bit much!

    The wind wave Xun disdain: "yo! I found that today you Uchiha clan people, one is dead face! Not that is not hard, what big garlic"

    Wenyan, Uchiha long turned and thought about it for a while after the cold face said: "I remember you are Namikaze Minato's brother, how? What are you dissatisfied with what I just said?"

    The wind wave Xun shook his head: "it is with no way, just think you all not the quality of it, even the basic manners do not know, do not know you Uchiha came to be the first large family leaves."

    "Your boy, want to fight?" Uchiha long face more gloomy.

    "Come, I will not be afraid of you, don't forget, but we are now playing a two." The wind wave Xun no fear road.

    "What a two! Bring me one?"

    At this time, they suddenly heard behind a lazy voice.

    "Tsunade SAMA, early!"

    "Tsunade SAMA, good!"

    Watergate and Uchiha long two people have said sternly.

    The wind wave Xun is only one person, it is very Bufen said: "Hey, you a crazy woman, you can be on time, now almost noon."

    "小浔! 要叫纲手大人!"

    The wind wave in the Watergate hear Xun call, was surprised at the same time, his brother rushed to the road.

    But who did not think of is, not only the wind wave Xun even no start, also seems to have become accustomed to Tsunade yawned, make confused: "feel shy, the village is too big, I was lost for a while."

    Tut! Do you think you are the future of Kakashi! Also lost, find a reason are so bad.

    Tilt the wind wave Xun hair on the hair to stay at Tsunade, mercilessly expose the way: "go, look at your head the fried hair, you can see it must be late."

    "Ah? Is this?" Tsunade Judah unconsciously touched his head cocked adam.

    Then, she sat on the lawn, I do not know where she pulled out a comb, to face the black line of wave and wind Xun said: "you help me!"

    In the face of this pair of attitude Tsunade behoove, wind wave how Lenovo to Jiujiang, three days ago, her mood is so bad.

    But that, he could make Tsunade hair, like it or himself.

    As for the reason, it is because after that night, each other's hair is a mess, he could not bear watching, to take the initiative to give a.

    Can not think of, this guy is a get out of hand Tsunade hooked on the tree with a rope, then words, is "brother Xun is really more virtuous."

    Emmmm, it seems that this one family, take me as a full-time nanny.

    No way, because the past Tsunade despotic power, wind or wave Jiujiang initiative came behind each other, comb her hair.

    Just a little bit to the wind wave Xun Tsunade comb, the side of the gate and Uchiha long two people dumbfounded.

    The better, after all the wind wave Xun mentioned to him, but the Uchiha long is completely messy.

    How can he be old, the family repeatedly told, beware of big face, even in front of their own, showing this.

    "Yes, you just hit a two is what?"

    Still enjoying the wind wave Xun combing Tsunade said abruptly.

    Before the wind wave Xun explained that side of the Uchiha lung was hastily: "what did not what we have just joking."

    If he saw this scene, also dare to touch the surface of the wind wave Tsunade, Jiujiang brow, he is really not far away from the dead, he is the Uchiha clan genius, can not fool the Uchiha clan.