

Saikō, drowning in the depths of regret as he reflects on the decisions that led him astray in life. Struggling with the weight of his past mistakes, he longs for a chance to undo his wrongs and reclaim the life he once envisioned. One fateful evening, Saikō hears a mysterious voice, it promises him a chance at redemption: complete a series of tasks in another world, and time will be rewound, granting him the opportunity to rewrite his history. Without hesitation, Saikō accepts the offer, plunging into a fantastical realm filled with magic, monsters, and unforeseen challenges. Guided by the enigmatic voice, he embarks on a perilous journey, battling his inner demons while facing external threats. As Saikō navigates this new world and confronts his past with newfound determination, he discovers that the path to redemption is paved with sacrifice, friendship, and self-discovery. Will he succeed in altering his fate, or will the echoes of regret continue to haunt him, even across dimensions?

SaikoFukurokuju · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Love he never felt before


Love he never felt before

As I emerge into the world, my senses inundated with the cacophony of life, I find myself cradled in the arms of a nurse, her gaze transfixed upon my newborn form.With locks as dark as night and eyes that shimmered like emerald pools, they captivated all who beheld them, leaving the room awash with astonished whispers. The urgency in her movements betrays the gravity of the situation, and though I am but moments old, I can sense the weight of impending destiny hanging heavy in the air.

"Place the babe beside the mother, quickly now," commands the doctor, his voice tinged with concern. "Time is of the essence."

'So this is my mother, huh? She is quite beautiful if I say so myself. But what is the ruckus all about?' I muse silently as the nurse gently places me beside her.

Even as I lay there, a strange sensation washes over me. Though the words spoken around me are unfamiliar, I find that I can understand them. It's as if some hidden part of me has been awakened, granting me the ability to comprehend this foreign tongue. 'I guess that voice knows her stuff, huh?' I ponder inwardly, my thoughts interrupted by the tear-filled eyes of my mother.

'So she is my mother huh she is pretty if i say so my self but why is she crying?'

Her gaze meets mine, and for a fleeting moment, a sense of connection passes between us. But before I can fully grasp its meaning, her breath falters, her spirit slipping silently into the realm of the beyond.

'Wait, she is not moving. Is she dead? No, not again...' I begin to panic, but the nurse, sensing my distress, swiftly picks me up, cradling me in her arms.

"Don't worry, I am here to protect you," a voice whispers softly in my mind, its warmth enveloping me like a comforting embrace.

Hours turn into days, and days into nights, as I find myself nestled in a cradle, my tiny form cocooned in blankets. But even in the midst of slumber, I cannot escape the prying fingers of a mischievous little girl.

But before I can protest further, a woman's voice cuts through the air, scolding the girl for her teasing. "Freya, stop picking on your little brother," she admonishes, her tone firm yet gentle.

As she scoops me up and begins to sing a lullaby, I feel my eyelids grow heavy, the melody lulling me back to sleep.

Days pass, and with each sunrise, I find myself growing stronger, nurtured by the love and care of my newfound family. The nurse, whom I now know as Akiko, becomes a mother to me in all but name, her tender ministrations a testament to the boundless depths of maternal love.

And amidst the warmth and comfort of my new home, I find myself smiling for the first time, a sense of contentment settling over me like a warm blanket. "So the situation is this: the nurse adopted me after my biological mother died. She has one daughter, Freya. Basically, in a nutshell, now I have a mother and a big sister," I reflect, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Oh yes, I forgot about it. I have a new name, Saikō. It's kinda similar to my old name, though," I add, my heart swelling with gratitude for the second chance at life that I have been granted.

But even as I bask in the glow of newfound happiness, a shadow looms on the horizon. News of a baby with black hair spreads like wildfire, and in a sketchy neighborhood far from the safety of my home, two rough-looking figures conspire in hushed tones.

"What? A baby with black hair?" one whispers incredulously.

"Yes, I heard he is so evil that his mother died giving birth to him," the other replies, his voice dripping with malice.

With a sinister grin, the first man plots his next move. "Then he must possess an extraordinary 'core.' Before someone else gets the same idea, find out where he lives. We are getting him."

And so, unbeknownst to me and my newfound family, a storm gathers on the horizon, threatening to engulf us in its wrath. But for now, in the safety of my cradle, I sleep soundly, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead .

What's this core he is talking about ? huh

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