
Saijō no Hachiban

### Title: 最上の八番 (Saijō no Hachiban / The Supreme Number Eight) --- #### Synopsis: In the bustling city of Yokohama, where dreams are as numerous as the stars, one boy’s aspiration burns brighter than the rest. Yuto Saijo, a high school sophomore, harbors a passion for soccer that borders on obsession. With the determination to become the best midfielder in Japan, he dons the revered number 8 jersey, a number symbolizing infinite possibilities and the greats who came before him. Yuto’s journey begins at Yokohama High, a school renowned for its powerful soccer team. Despite his raw talent, Yuto is initially relegated to the sidelines, overshadowed by established stars and struggling to find his place. His resolve is tested daily as he battles self-doubt and the pressures of high school life. One day, fate intertwines Yuto’s path with that of Ryoichi Takeda, a legendary midfielder who mysteriously vanished from the professional league at the peak of his career. Now a reclusive coach at Yokohama High, Ryoichi sees a spark in Yuto that reignites his own passion for the game. Under Ryoichi's rigorous and unconventional training, Yuto begins to hone his skills, learning not only the physical aspects of soccer but also the mental fortitude required to excel. As Yuto’s abilities flourish, so do the challenges. Rivalries both on and off the field intensify, and a shadowy organization with vested interests in high school soccer emerges, threatening to derail his dreams. Amidst personal trials and team conflicts, Yuto must navigate the treacherous waters of ambition and friendship. "Saijo no Hachiban" delves deep into the spirit of youth and the relentless pursuit of greatness. It captures the emotional highs and lows of a teenager fighting to carve out his legacy, supported by a cast of unforgettable characters each with their own dreams and demons. From intense matches that leave the audience breathless to heartwarming moments of camaraderie, Yuto’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the beauty of soccer. In the end, Yuto learns that being the best number 8 is not just about skill, but about inspiring others and carrying the weight of a team's dreams on his shoulders. His journey is not just a quest for personal glory, but a path to discovering the true essence of the sport and the unbreakable bonds it creates. --- Drawing inspiration from the poignant and dynamic storytelling style of renowned light novel authors like Yōkō Kamio and the gripping narrative techniques of Naoki Urasawa, "最上の八番 (Saijō no Hachiban)" promises to be a heart-wrenching yet exhilarating saga that will resonate with readers long after the final whistle.

KobayashiSora · スポーツ
43 Chs

### Chapter 34: 敗北、敗戦、そしてトラウマ (Loss, Defeat, and Trauma)

The locker room was a somber place. The once jubilant atmosphere was replaced with a heavy silence, broken only by the occasional clink of cleats against the floor or the muffled sounds of players changing out of their gear. The loss against Kawasaki High was a bitter pill to swallow.

Saijo sat on the bench, his head hanging low. Sweat and tears mingled on his face, the weight of the defeat pressing down on him like a physical force. He had given everything on the field, but it hadn't been enough.


The murmurs started quietly but grew louder with each passing moment. Discontent simmered among the substitutes and bench players, those who had watched the match from the sidelines. They were the ones who hadn't made it to the starting eleven during the tryouts—Akiyama, the agile winger; Haruto, the relentless midfielder; Ken, the sturdy defender; and Riku, the sharp-eyed forward.

"Saijo missed crucial goals," Akiyama muttered, his voice dripping with bitterness. "We could have won if he'd just scored."

Haruto nodded in agreement, his arms crossed over his chest. "Yeah, he carried the team, but what's the use if he chokes when it matters most?"


Takashi, the captain, overheard the conversation and stepped forward, his face stern. "That's enough," he said, his voice cutting through the tension. "Saijo did his best out there. We win as a team, and we lose as a team."

But the discontent among the substitutes wasn't so easily quelled. Ken clenched his fists, his frustration boiling over. "Easy for you to say, Captain. You were on the field. We've been working just as hard, but we didn't even get a chance!"

Riku stepped up, his eyes blazing. "We've been training every day, putting in the hours, and for what? To watch from the sidelines while we lose? Maybe it's time for some changes."


The tension in the room was palpable. Saijo felt the weight of their words, each accusation like a dagger to his heart. He stood up, his body trembling with exhaustion and emotion. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know I failed. But I'm giving everything I've got."

Akiyama scoffed, taking a step closer to Saijo. "Sorry isn't enough. We need results. Maybe you're not as great as everyone thinks."

The room grew even more silent, the air thick with the potential for conflict. Takashi tried to intervene, but the anger and frustration among the players were too intense. The substitutes and starters faced each other, the lines of battle drawn.


Just as fists were about to fly, the door to the locker room burst open. Coach Takeda stormed in, his face a mask of fury. "What's going on here?" he barked, his voice echoing off the walls.

The players froze, their anger momentarily forgotten in the face of their coach's wrath. "This is not how we handle defeat," Takeda continued, his eyes sweeping across the room. "We learn from it, we grow from it, but we do not turn on each other. Is that clear?"

The room was silent. The tension remained, but the imminent threat of a brawl had passed. Takeda's presence was enough to keep them in check, but the underlying issues were far from resolved.


After a few moments, the players began to disperse, the substitutes muttering among themselves as they left the locker room. Saijo remained behind, his mind swirling with doubt and self-recrimination. He knew he had to prove himself, not just to his teammates but to himself.

As the rest of the team left, Saijo stayed behind to practice alone. The field was empty, the lights casting long shadows as the night grew darker. He dribbled the ball with fierce determination, replaying every missed opportunity in his mind.


The echoes of the game haunted him—Ryohei's skillful passes, Takumi's relentless attacks, and his own missed chances. He couldn't shake the feeling of failure, the weight of his teammates' disappointment pressing down on him.

He practiced his shots, each one more intense than the last. His muscles screamed in protest, but he ignored the pain. He was determined to perfect his skills, to become the player his team needed him to be.

The moon rose high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the field. Saijo continued to practice, his movements driven by a desperate need to improve. He tried to master The Dragon's Roar, focusing on precision and power. The ball flew through the air, but it wasn't enough. He needed to be better.


As the hours passed, Saijo's exhaustion grew, but he refused to stop. His legs felt like lead, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but he pushed on. The memory of the match against Kawasaki High was a constant reminder of his shortcomings, driving him to work harder.

He practiced until his body could no longer keep up, collapsing onto the field in a heap of sweat and exhaustion. He stared up at the night sky, the stars twinkling above, a sense of despair settling over him. He felt like he was failing his team, his coach, and himself.

But deep down, a spark of determination remained. He knew this was just one battle, and the war was far from over. He would rise from this defeat stronger, more focused, and more determined than ever.


As Saijo lay on the field, a solitary figure approached. It was Gon, his expression a mix of concern and admiration. He had watched Saijo's solitary practice from a distance, understanding the inner turmoil his friend was going through.

"Saijo," Gon said softly, kneeling beside him. "You don't have to do this alone. We're a team. We'll get through this together."

Saijo looked up at Gon, a weak smile forming on his lips. "Thanks, Gon. I just...I need to be better."

"We all do," Gon replied, helping Saijo to his feet. "But you don't have to carry the weight alone. We're with you, every step of the way."


The chapter ended with Saijo and Gon walking off the field together, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced. The road ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: Seiryuu High would face it together, as a team. The fire of determination burned brightly within them, a promise of future victories and a testament to their unyielding spirit.

### End of Chapter 34