
Starfall Town

Black Dragon Empire, Black Dragon City.

As the capital of an empire, it is far richer than cities of any kingdom. The level and quality of the npcs here was also higher than in Star-Moon City, the player's standards were also higher. Larger buildings, many shops and plots of lands, it was superior in every aspect.

"Let us move to the Guild Residence first" Leroy said and started walking. Only a few guild members arrived at Black Dragon City, that only amounted to 3,000 people.

It was convenient to have more people on the Guild Residence, they could at least gather information in the area for his team.

Their Guild Residence in Back Dragon City wasn't on a relatively favoured location compared to the one in Raven Sanctuary had on Star-Moon City but it was still larger.

"You have arrived" Olympus said. Mark and Robb were also by his side. They were already members of Zero Wing.

"Yes, this place is not that bad" Leroy commented.

"Of course" Olympus said proudly as they walked to the residence.

It wasn't easy to obtain the best lands on an empire, they were much more expensive.

Leroy inmediatly got himself a private room on the residence, it was more of an office than anything else.

As Leroy was at his office, someone knocked the door.

"Come in" Leroy replied lazily from the couch.

"Sir, Marquis Floquer has come to meet you" It was a female npc assistant.

"Don't make him wait" Leroy said but wondered why a marquis would come and see him, in black dragon city he didn't have any noble rank, in the eyes of the npcs he was just a commoner.

Soon after, a blonde middle age man entered the room.

"Mister Sensations, I am Marquis Floquer. I've heard of you from Grand Duke Heartfield and Grand Marshal Cerret, I've come here to seek your help regarding an urgent matter" The marquis had pale, anxious face.

"I've heard only good things about you, my lord" Leroy lied with a straight face. "Please tell me how can I help you".

Hearing this, the marquis calmed down a little and revealed a smile.

"This is... a matter that shouldn't be know to the public, I can only trust a strong enough adventurer with it" the marquis said with a cautious expression.

"My lord, please share your burden with me, this lips won't open even in front of an emperor" Leroy said humbly.

"Good. I'll go from the start. After working for some time and making use of my connections, I've being conceded a town I've wanted since some time already, finally, I've managed to get the town but..." Marquis Floquer stopped while looking at Leroy before continiuing

"But right after I received the town, it was attacked by bandits!. I've let my guard down and sent only a small team of guards to the town as security, I need mister Sensations strength to deal with them. If I send more soldiers it could raise the attention of others, I can't ask other nobles or the palace for help. If this matter is revealed, forget about keeping the town, it'll be hard to keep my head" Marquis Floquer said with a face of fear.

"I understand, I only wonder how my lord were to reward me if I succed. It is a high risk request after all." Leroy said.

"I can offer you a few lands of you chosing on the town, 50% of the town profits while I can use my conections and concede you the rank of Baron of Black Dragon City" Marquis said nervously

"Your offer is very tempting, but I'm afraid that the potential wins don't equals the danger involved. The bandits are not the main problem, but if the imperial palace finds out that I've actually helped you cover this matter, my head would definetly roll" Leroy said calmly. What a joke, if even a Marquis could be executed for this, he as a commoner wouldn't be let off the hook either. This matter was still more than what it seemed.

"Mister Sensations, this is not 50% of profits from an ordinary town. The town is close to the Stardust Mountains, there are Magic Crystals there but more importantly are Stardust Ore Mine. The Stardust Ore is very exotic item and can help increase the attributes of crafted items.

If it wasn't because of the dire circumstances I wouldn't share it with even the Grand Dukes. In case that the mission fails, the imperial palace would probably offer a Town Capture Order, and give the administration of the town to other nobles or even adventurers. You wouldn't like for others to have a chance at owning it, right?"

The Marquis said this as if sure that Leroy would agree. And he was right!, if he could acomplish the quest without anyone else noticing, he would share the town with the Marquis. If not, he would have to compete with the several large guilds, only if he won against them could he claim complete ownership of the town.

"Very well, I'll accept your request, my lord" Leroy accepted inmediatly, it was a solo quest, and even after Floquer explaining his rewards, the quest still marked them as unknown.

"The imperial palace will send a delegation to look at the development of the town in five days. You need to hurry, mister Sensations, and help me before they arrive. Even if their report is bad, it won't be as bad as losing the town to bandits" Marquis Flower said nerviously. "I'll try sneak out some guards in the following days".

"Give me the location of the town and I'll go inmediatly after making the necessary preparations" Leroy said.

"Yes, how could I forget. Here please take this" the marquis said and took out a scroll from his clothes.

Leroy took the map and said "Please sleep peacefully today, I'll take care of those bandits"


Leroy took the necessary items and left.

He didn't have much more to do anyway, and a altough he didn't like to complete quests as much, it should be the fastest way to obtain a noble rank.

'This quest can't be so simple' Leroy mutered as he walked. A quest that allowed him to earn half a town without competing with other players couldn't be as simple as the marquis made it out to be.

On a road not far from the city, Leroy summoned a raven on a nearby tree. It would be better to scout the road ahead just in case.

It took a long time, he traveled through several maps, in more than ten hours before he arrived at the town in question.

Fallstar Town, it as a town located in a Level 40 map. At its west, it had a forest that ended in a cliff into the ocean, the south had a desert while the north had the Stardust Mountains, the east was the direction where he came from.

All maps sorrounding Fallstar Town were Level 35-50 maps.

"2,500 bandits, amongst them four npcs with auras similar to a Grand Lord. It is not a mission that a single player could complete." Leory frowned when seeing their numbers through the raven.

Thirty five knights and wolves were summoned at his sides.

He then pointed with his finger and a wolf moved into the town, the gates were destroyed by the battle with Floquer's guards and only two bandit guarded the entry.

The Ghost Wolf moved fast but it was still spotted by the bandits, they inmediatly started attacking while the wolf skillfully evaded and counterattacked.

Less than a minute after, a team of a hundred bandits pursued the wolf who didn't return at its fastest speed, giving the bandits a sense of catching up and eventually leading them away.

A second wolf entered the town and started attacking nearby bandits, he also left the town whlie chased by ninety five guards.

Four wolves has entered and lured about 400 bandits outside the town, they then gathered near the forests at the west. Once the bandits came close to the forest, a team of knights came out from behind the trees and rushed at them. At the same time, from behind, dozens of wolves started attacking.

Each bandit was a Level 45 NPC while there were five Tier 1 bandits between them, althrough the knights and wolves were hard to deal with and caused them casualties, they could still deal with them if, they have been through many battles together.

Leroy who stood in a branch of a tree nearby the battle, activated Sin of Fury and his pants Magic Current skill. His damage inmediatly increased while his mana multiplied.

'Dark Rain' 'Hell Fire' 'Dark Fireball'

Three spells were casted at the same time and the bandits showed fearful expressions after seeing their companions die one after the other.

'Land of the Dark'

A chill inducing dark fog was casted on the feet around the bandits.

He used the domain-type attached skill of his pants, increasing his summons damage by 50%, their defenses and hp doubled.

The bandits were killed by the second and once they numbered less than fifty, they started fleeings.

'It is a bit too late now'

The Ghost Wolves didn't stop attacking and killing, if the bandits stopped to deal with them, the knights would close in and they would be finished anyway.

Leroy then waited for the corpses to disappear before sending more wolves, through the raven he could see the unrest of the bandits as the teams hasn't returned yet.

As the four wolves were running back to the forest, the bandits didn't follow and returned.

With no more choice, Leroy commanded them to hold them around as he rushed with the knights to the bandits position.

A squad of more than 250 bandits were sorrounded without them realizing it.

What followed was a similar scene to the previous one, the retreating bandits couldn't outrun the wolves and died before reaching a safe location.

With more than six hundreds of bandits not returning, the town entered an alarmed state, small teams patrolled the walls and the gate's security was reinforced.

'This has got a bit complicated' Leroy thought, luring the bandits would be much more difficult without attracting the entire town.

'If only I had magic summons with aoe skills...' He felt the need for summons with aoe skills now. If he had them, he could send wolves and knights inside to lure them while the others killed them with aoe attacks.

His new spell should still work wonders but he didn't use it yet.

Leroy then sent over ten wolves charging to the gates while he also rushed in front, the wolves easily injured the bandits positioned in the gate and entered to lure many more. They then inmediatly rushed out with four hundred bandits on their tail with even more being alarmed.

'Bone Wall'

As the bandits left the town to kill the wolves, a wall of bones came from the ground and blocked the gates. The bandits were now outside the town while they couldn't receive reinforcements unless they broke the wall or exit from other gate.

When the bandits realized the trap, it was too late, tens of knights appeared at sides of a figure next to the gate.

'Land of the Dark' 'Summon Twilight Knight'

The feets of the bandits were sorrounded by dark mist, and two more figures appeared at each side of Leroy.

Their powerful aura, intimidating demeanor and their shiny dark armor made the eyes of the bandits meet despair.

Both Twilight Knight moved their sword in a horizontal position at the height of their shoulders, one to the right, one to the left.

Their auras exploded forth and moved their swords into an horizontal slash. The movement felt illusory to the eyes, the swift movement of the sword didn't match its size nor the overbearing aura of the knight.

A big blade of dark energy was released from the attack, big enough to hit seven bandits each. The bandits hit by it died instantly while the attack still impacted the ones behind them. Only after the attack killed twenty bandits each did it disappeared.

'This is the attack of a fully offensive summon' Leroy saw his twilight knights power with happiness, he had spent much time and resources creating them, even if the bandits were higher level, they couldn't resist at all.

The raven knights and wolves didn't stop for the bandits to react and continuously attacked them.

The two twilight knights then jumped high in the air, right into the middle of the bandit team. They holded their sword with both hands as powerful dark energy poured down from them.


The knights descended and smashed their swords into the ground, an explosion of dark energy engulfed the sorrounding fifteen meters and more than sixty bandits lost their lives right after.

A big space was created sorrounding the knights, they inmediatly moved and started attacking the bandits. Each swing of their sword would claim a bandit's life, if two or three bandits were close to each other, they would be killed with a single normal attack from the sword, then both twilight knights started using a whirlwind slash skill.

The Raven Knights focused on not letting them go out while the wolves pounced on the bandits, all of them wanted to get as far away as possible from the dark knights.

At this moment, various attacks landed on the Bone Wall closing the gates.

'It won't last" Leroy saw the wall that was starting to fall and smiled.

Three npc guards appeared by his side.

"Elna, go to the mountain, there is someone there. No need to capture it."

One of them disappeared after he said that.

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