
Black Thunder Wyvern

"Good morning, team leader Sensations" Bloodfang said.

"Good morning, guild master Bloodfang" Leroy replied and looked around through the raven.

This dark guild was not any weaker than the dream chaser team, maybe only in gear but only for a slight margin.

"It seems that everything is ready?" Leroy said while looking at the town. It was definitely not an ordinary town seeing that the gates alone were guarded by a grand lord.

"Yes, we'll activate the formation arrays and begin soon" and Bloodfang said, his guild members started forming and soon everyone was ready.

"Guild Master, we only need your order to start" An assassin reported.

Leroy looked at Bloodfang and nodded.

Bloodfang smiled and gave the order "Activate the formations, take out the siege equipment, we need to do this quickly, prepare to destroy the defensive array"

Quickly after that, teams of a dozen members rushed at the monsters outside, they mostly used elementalists to lure the monsters together, those that couldn't be lured were killed by rangers and assassins.

Although the monsters were higher in level and number, the raven guild had prepared itself well, the arrays could suppress the monsters around each team enough for them to kill them.

Leroy was only being paid to deal with the strongest boss, but he didn't just wait there, if he helped the guild further, the dream chaser team could form a good relationship with a powerful dark guild.

The benefits of having a deep connection with a guild like Raven would be great, it would be terminally stupid to not take this chance.

Seeing the team of eight also moving, Bloodfang smiled. It would certainly be very helpful for his guild to form a relationship with such a team.

After luring a high amount of monsters, thousands of dark players used aoe spells and magic scrolls, even with the monsters advantage, they were quickly drowned by the attacks.

After a volley of attacks, at least half of them had died.

It was at this point that Leroy arrived at the front lines, his appearance catches the attention of everyone else.

"Corpse Explosion!"

He shouted as he used his new spell.

From the pile of corpses, 60 of them exploded into pieces, catching almost three hundred surviving monsters on it.

The earth trembled and cracked, the light from the explosion almost blinded the players around, it took an entire minute for the smoke to disperse.

Not a single monster survived in the area of the explosion.

The dark players had a hard time believing what they saw, a single spell killed so many monsters. Although most of them were injured, they doubted that even a high lord in full health would survive such a strong explosion.

Leroy smiled in satisfaction, the spell with the might of a Tier 4 one was extraordinary. Making 60 corpses explode, each of them injuring the monsters in a 10-meter area and dealing 60% of the corpse previous health.

It was simply too broken.

Bloodfang also had a hard time digesting what he saw, could a player really be so strong? What would happen if he used such a spell in a guild battle?

Cold sweat ran down his spine at the thought of it.

The five priests from the dream chaser team were also dumbfounded, they knew that the team leader was strong, but this was ridiculous.

Not paying attention to their reactions, Leroy rushed to the town gates.

Between him and the gates were around five thousand monsters.

He smiled and drank a potion, his maximum mana multiplied and his damage increased considerably.

'Shadow Typhoon' 'Dark Rain' 'Dark Slash'

He casted three spells at the same and all monsters in the area turned their aggro at him, most chieftain rank monsters and below died immediately.

From there, a great lord launched itself at Leroy like a bullet, but just like a bullet, it was sent flying back as Olympus attacked with his shield.

Kaydara also arrived with the priests and started buffing the team.

Leroy and Olympus continued to charge relentlessly, Leroy started casting more typhoons around as his mana decreased quickly, but so did the monster population.

The raven guild members didn't just watch, they also continued to lure monsters in groups and hunting them with aoe spells.

Bloodfang saw Olympus suppressing a great lord as if it was a small chicken and sighed, if raven guild had such a strong tank then they would be able to kill most known bosses.

Let alone if they had Kaydara's buffs on the team, the dream chaser priests were also publicly acknowledged as the bests in the game.

The Silver rank stone tablet could change the destiny of any guild and allow it to become a powerhouse in a short time.

Ten thousand players and two hundred beats fought for more than five hours, although the beasts were killed, the dark players also suffered two hundred fifty deaths.

Only a grand lord and a hundred beasts remained.

Bloodfang started making the preparations for the raid, he insisted that Leroy's team doesn't participate, that way he could use this chance for his guild members to grow, he also wouldn't need to share any loot.

Leroy didn't mind and just waited, even when most monsters were at level 70, the dark players managed to suppress them with the arrays. He would ask to obtain a few formation arrays but it was unlikely that Bloodfang would share it. Such an item was a trump card for a guild.

The battle had just started but four dark players were already dead, it seemed that Bloodfang was letting the weaker ones try first and polish their techniques.

They practiced combinations of arrays, buffs stacks, debuffs stacks, and many other things, Bloodfang made good use of the time, after a while, he joined with the core members to kill the boss quickly.

Leroy who was meditating close to his team fell the life leaving the grand lord and opened his eyes.

Bloodfang distributed the loot quickly and gave more commands.

A thousand dark players formed with various items in hand.

'Is this how they'll break the defensive array?' Leroy saw it as overkill, it was probably a single-use attack from a treasured item.

However, the array was really strong, probably only with Tier 4 attacks could it be damaged.

The mana from the dark players started to gather in the center, around twelve players that chanted busily.

A massive array was summoned in the sky, from it, a red liquid substance poured down into the defensive array.

It spread through most of it in a veined pattern.

The red substance seemed to beat like a heart, the array started to tremble. One could see the unease in the movements of the beasts inside the town.

Soon after, the array released cracking sounds, it started to fell in pieces slowly. There wasn't a big explosion or a loud sound wave, it just fell seemingly naturally.

"Everyone, charge and don't get distracted" Bloodfang shouted and the dark players started bombarding the town as they entered.

Leroy stood up and started walking slowly, he had already them more than he was required to, now he would only focus on the final boss.

It was definitely as strong as Igor, but it should be relatively doable with his team now.

The dark players started flooding the streets as they fought with the beasts, taking casualties and returning as quickly they could to the battle.

Even level 65 great lords were suppressed when they worked together with the arrays.

'It'll take them some time to recover from this expenditure' Leroy couldn't help but think more highly of the dark guild.

Just for a town, they were probably using most of their resources. If someone else then attacked them and took the town from their hands, their guild would probably never made a full recovery.

On the other hand, if they succeeded, the mine would give them a great advantage over others.

Leroy summoned Garo and the rest and sent them to help. Soon the difficult fights turned easier for the dark guild.

He entered the town that was being cleared quickly with each passing minute. His goal was the town center were the strongest monster was at.

Waves of dark mana spread through the streets as he used the dark slash spell to deal with the monsters, he had already given Bloodfang enough time to play around.

Olympus quickly pushed forward gathering monsters from all directions, the priests didn't have a hard time healing him.

Leroy followed closely behind Olympus while attacking, they didn't bother to loot the monsters at all.

After two hours of running, they arrived at the town center, there were four great lords and ten high lords following behind Olympus.

Leroy summoned the twilight knights to deal with them.

In front of them were four hundred monsters, at least forty great lords between them, their leader stood tall among them.

Olympus fell his blood boil in excitement seeing the enemy while the priests frowned.

Leroy started thinking quickly after seeing the leader, or to be correct, the leaders.

Wyvern Knight Persio (Grand Lord)

Level: 65


Black Thunder Wyvern (Ferocious Beast, Grand Lord)

Level: 70

HP: 320,000,000/320,000,000

The wyvern knight was actually a humanoid creature, it looked pretty much like a minotaur, it was on top of the black scaled wyvern, for some reason it hadn't attacked them yet, probably they were outside of its aggro range.

However, the monster that had Leroy's full attention was the wyvern.

A ferocious beast was in a different league than others. It could basically fight dragons in equal terms.

Wyverns were said to be descendants of, so how could one be a ferocious beast?

Seeing them up close, Leroy realized something. 'A player has to reach level 40 before riding a mount, it is unknown when flying mount a will be introduced. But monsters don't seem to be limited by this' Leroy reached a conclusion and smiled.

Maybe he couldn't use a flying mount yet, but if he created a summon that could fly and have a knight or something to mount it, it would be a strong combination.

The only thing he was lacking was powerful bones as a base and a better refining technique.

Although Lucian was searching for a technique, it was unknown how long it would take.

He had been saving many resources to use, it wouldn't be impossible to create Mythic rank summons with bone dust and undead essences of that rank.

With a new idea in mind, he decided to wait.

The raven guild would take care of the bother monsters, his team then would have an easier time to fight with the wyvern.

As for the Wyvern knight, he didn't consider it much of a threat, the only problem was him being on top of the wyvern.

The twilight knights didn't take long to deal with their targets and after a while core members from Raven guild arrived.

"So, how much of a chance do we have?" Bloodfang said as he walked to his side.

Olympus laughed lightly and Kaydara looked at the assassin with an expression of boredom.

"There won't be a problem so long you can deal with the rest of them" Leroy replied, his gaze not leaving the wyvern.

Bloodfang nodded and started making preparations, such an amount of high ranking monsters were not simple to deal with.