
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · ファンタジー
52 Chs

C48- What the heck

"Someone hurry back to the Guild let them know what is happening" the strongest adventurer there a STEEL rank adventurer said.

The other adventurers eyed the Steel rank adventurers with compassion in their minds.

"Isn't that Glory lord"

"Yes it's him, but what is a Steel rank adventurer like him doing here, this dungeon is only grade F"

"The Association must have sent him here to monitor the dungeon, didn't you hear that an Ant dungeon that was only a Grade G suddenly became a Grade C all of a sudden"

"Yeah, I heard so that's the reason, well since Glory lord is here there is nothing to worry about"

The Adventurer called Glory lord wore full body armor covering every inch of his body, he had a greatsword attached to his back, Glory lord looked around before asking "How many people are in the dungeon" his voice was as deep as one voice could become, although he was only a Steel Rank adventurers he was a 3rd-Circle warrior who was lucky enough to advance his class from a common warrior to a Knight.

"About 15 Glory lord, a Party of Explorers, and some Dungeoneers," The person in charge of keeping track of any adventurers going into the dungeon said fidgeting as she replied.

Glory Lord nodded at her, he turned towards the other adventurers "Fellow adventurers as you have all heard 15 of our mates are trapped inside this dungeon, we must go and rescue them, for that is the code of us Adventurers NO MAN LEFT BEHIND if none of you wish to follow me I will not blame you but for those that do I promise you GLORY above all, WHO'S WITH ME" Glory lord roared and some of the adventurers began to chant.




Glory lord and some of the willing adventurers who were not scared of a common grade F dungeon marched into the dungeon, normally the dungeon didn't allow entry for adventurers of Glory lord level but due to the break that restriction was lifted.

Glory Lord was not from Larzano Town, he was called by the Adventurer's Association from a City to check the reason behind the sudden rise of the Mana fluctuation in some dungeons, Glory lord was a well-known Adventurer around this part of the Elven continent.

No one has ever seen his real fave as he was always in his armor whenever he was in the guild, back in the City where he was based there was even a quest placed on the quest board for anyone who knew the identity of Glory Lord would be rewarded a hefty amount of gold coin.

Glory lord and 15 other adventurers of different Rank headed into the dungeon to possibly rescue the trapped adventurers and stop the dungeon monsters from coming out since it was a relatively low-grade dungeon Glory lord wasn't a bit worried as this level of the dungeon wouldn't be able to provide a better challenge for him.

Meanwhile, within the dungeon, Shane and his party moved along the dungeon floor at a rapid pace as they wouldn't face any wolf that had not detected them, honestly for Shane this was way more boring than just sitting at home but he was still able to learn some things about Mages and magic from the rude elf.

It turns out that mages were quite rare in this world, especially among humans, the ride elf called the Humans a race not loved by Mana and they weren't the only race on the planet that suffered the same fate, races like Minotaur, Humans, Orcs and most demi-human in general are classified that way. Only races like the Dragon, dwarfs, and Elves were loved by Mana.

But the fact that those other races were not loved by Mana doesn't mean they couldn't produce a Mage although it would be rare to find them, according to the Elf, only Royal families in the human race could produce high-class human mage, while the rest of the commoners and Nobles could only produce mediocre mages.

As the group settled down to rest for a while Shane decided to play with this illusion Magic, although he had two illusion spells, they weren't combat type, the first one was Courage a novice-level Illusion spell that prevents the target from fleeing and grants them extra health and stamina for 60 seconds, Shane had wanted to try this spell out but decided against it since they were not here to fight any monster so there was no use for it.

And the second is Clairvoyance a spell that draws a path, in the form of a magical blue line, leading to your current quest or objective. He used this spell while they were roaming the dungeon to find a hidden path or room and sure enough with the help of this spell he was able to find some hidden room.

Shane was now playing with the illusion magic, as he activated this magic without trying to use an illusion spell he was able to produce pink mist from his palm, as the mist continued to pour from his palm he noticed that the group didn't notice this pink mist and after some trial and error, he was able to make the mist into the shape of a bunny.

"What's a bunny doing in a Wolf dungeon" Wooden asked in surprise and his voice alerted the others who were also shocked to see a bunny inside the dungeon but before they could think further about it the dungeon floor began to shake and Wooden being an archer was able to sense groups wolves rushing towards their location.

At that moment they also heard the sound of a glass breaking, and fear immediately crept into their heart as they understood the meaning of the sound, only Shane was oblivious to what it meant but seeing the faces of those adventurers he reckoned that it was something grim.

"We have to move now, several packs of wolves are heading towards us and there has been a dungeon break, if we stay to fight we will get overrun and killed, and I for one would rather not die in a dungeon," Wooden said immediately running back the way they came.

The group immediately followed behind with Shane running behind them but as he was about to pass through the entrance.


Just like Shane had seen before the dungeon floor grew thick grassland and vines that immediately bound this body preventing him from moving, Shane was perplexed his brain couldn't explain what had just happened, why would the Ryde elf bind his body "Sorry human but we need you to distract the wolves for us as we escape, consider this an act of good deed" Shane heard the voice drift into his ear and it was Riniya's voice and before he could even say anything.


Thick green magical roots grew over the entrance blocking it, trapping Shane within the dungeon as the group make a run for their life, they had not cared for the life of a human, a race that had killed, enslaved, and raped more of their kind, and since this human could use magic then it meant he was no doubt from the eastern human continent, a place where non-humans were considered nothing but slaves and object, a place where non-humans could be killed openly without anybody saying anything about it, where female non-humans could be raped in public fun amusement of the humans.