
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · ファンタジー
52 Chs

C15 - Face to Face

It wasn't an overly complex power system for Shane to understand even with his little intelligence point he could still have a little understanding.

[It appears we have company, we will get back to this later, now it's time for you to wake up before your brain stops working, normally you shouldn't have gotten access to this part of your mind]

"What do you mean by that, why would my brain stop working and how is this a part of my mind?" Shane asked but the system didn't respond.

3 figures entered the room they saw both Shane and the nurse lying on the floor.

"What happened here, well not like it matters, Pearl which one is it," one of the figures said as he moved closer to Shane, he placed his finger in front of Shane's nose to check if he was still breathing.

One of the figures clapped and a runic symbol at the back of her hands shone brightly as more runes appeared hovering around Shane and the nurse's body, after a few seconds the rune hovering around Shane disappeared leaving the rune around the nurse.

"How did she come in contact with one of them, I thought Elves were non-believers," the third figure said.

"Don't care, don't forget that we are in the most guarded place in the town, let get going, take the Elf she is who we are here for " the man said with a smile creepy on his face, he thought back to everything leading to this moment and it was crazy as hell.

"What about the boy?" One of the figures said, "What about the boy?, He is of no use to us, leave him, and let's get moving before they come back" the Man said and the other nodded quickly covering the nurse's body in a strange cloths, as they made their way out of the room.

They were in a hurry to get out of the room, and they didn't notice Shane waking up, he saw them leaving with the nurse.

They were in a hurry to get out of the room, and they didn't notice Shane waking up, he saw them leaving with the nurse.

"Who the fuck was that, and why did they take the nurse, will I get into trouble," Shane said as he got up from the floor, after the system told him to wake up, the door that had been closed since the beginning opened and Shane walked through it.

"What should I do, I better inform the guards" He ran out of the room heading straight to the guard's post, it didn't take long for him to find 3 guards patrolling, "Hey guards, someone has been kidnapped" Shane shouted alerting the guards.

The guards rushed over to Shane "Did you see the people's faces" one of the guards asked, while the others ran towards the direction Shane pointed to "No sir, I didn't see their faces they wore hoods" He replied.

"Ok, go back into your room, we will take care of this" the guard ordered Shane, Shane nodded and left, he was happier leaving the area, but he still had a lot of things to discuss with the system.


"What an interesting story, no wonder I couldn't enter your world, seems like your gods messed up your world badly," the self-proclaimed God said to the nurse kneeling beside him.

The Nurse had spent the past minutes or so explaining what she knew about her world, she eventually got to what happened after the gods helped close the portal the undead was coming from, the power of the evil gods reduced enough for Orishas to stand against them, even with the portal closed, the evil gods were still powerful.

After fighting for 4 days straight the Orishas were able to kill the evil gods, but at the cost of over half the population of the world and the destruction of The House of Holy Cross, But when everyone thought it was the end of the 100 years-long war and carnage, the world shook violently and a great storm blows across the world.

Earthquakes hit the world, and the world was divided into four continents, basically separating each race from one another, and this helped to stop the war between races.

"Okay I have heard enough, I don't care that much about your world, tell me how you manage to get your consciousness into my space," the god asked.

"What space, I was going through someone's memories and I found myself in that strange place" she replied, she was starting to regret diving through Shane's memories because she was now faced with a being that called itself a god.

"Hummmm, you must have made contact with a Demi-god, now that's interesting, by the way, you are being kidnapped as we speak," the god said as he conjured a screen out of nowhere.

The nurse could see her body covered in strange clothes as three figures carried her away, they ran past an alleyway.

"I can help you if you want, dealing with mortals is always super easy, sometimes it's like you guys don't even try to get strong, always so weak," the god said as he sat back on his throne.

"What, why would someone kidnap me, am just a simple nurse, why would anybody kidnap me" the nurse panicked.

"As I said, I can help you, but it will cost you," the god said.

"I came here looking for something, a soul that wasn't supposed to be here, I need to take it back to where it belongs, and I can't enter your world so I need someone to help me trap that soul" the god explained.

"I am just a nurse, how can I trap a soul that escaped even from a god, all I can do is heal," the nurse said.

"Hahahahah, don't worry about that if you accept to help me, I can make you stronger than you ever imagined, I am a god after all, things like this are very easy to do" the god replied

"Will you become my servant, are you ready to become my Oracle in this world, I will give you power, and in return, you will do anything I ask you, you will always obey me" the god stated out the rules.

'This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I can't let go of this opportunity, even if it means losing everything, not that I have much' She remembered her life, being a weak elf healer, she had always kept a happy smile on her face, but nobody knew how much pain she goes through every day.

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