
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

But · ファンタジー
69 Chs


Only a moment had passed in Nazarick after Argent Silver was slain, in the game, still, the survivors of the raid were winded and tired. A full day. A full 25 hours went by for the whole raid. Five members in total remained. The leader, Momonga, still stared at the spot where Silver's game avatar was. He was still in utter disbelief at how far they got. And how long they held out. Still, it was not successful, so Ainz Ooal Gown took today's victory. But the losses were heavy, since it was a game the only losses were level and gold-wise. Due to how YGGDRASIL worked, the method they used for resurrecting players took away levels from them. Grinding would be annoying but he would be sure to help each fallen member regain their lost levels and power. Monetary-wise, almost all of the NPCs had been wiped out. Momonga had the rest hide in standby mode as a last hail Mary, but it would take tons of gold to resurrect every one of them. Not to mention the gold that would be spent on repairing the tomb itself. Momonga hoped that he could resolve these issues quickly. Before anyone else chose to capitalize on the Imperial Unit's raid to finish the job before they were prepared.


'Still. There were other issues since everyone in his guild was someone who contributed to society some of them had to leave near the end. Luckily most of Argent Silver's numbers had dwindled and those that remained finished the job. Before they took the throne room. "Everyone gave their last weekday off for this. I will make sure to apologize and make it up to everyone." Momonga said this to the other four remaining members. Those were Touch Me, Ulbert, Tabula, and Punitto Moe. Punitto Moe. Punitto's strategy of having Touch Me and Tabula deal with any other members while Momonga took on Argent Silver herself worked out perfectly. And even better with him overestimating the others besides Silver that remained. Ulbert scoffed a bit "I'd much prefer spending my time here than in that pathetic real life. At least here my power takes form." the only thing Ulbert hated more than Touch Me was the real world. Ulbert was perhaps the only one that took "evil" to heart as Ainz Ooal Gown betrayed themselves as villains. 


Touch Me's avatar raised a fist up high "Do not worry Momonga. We all gave it our all and that's all that matters in the end." Ulbert gave a loud "ugh" to Touch Me's words of encouragement. "Yeah, but it's all sun shines and rainbows when Sebas does not need to be revived," Ulbert said this because unlike the rest of those present Touch Me's NPC Sebas was one of the few who survived. Touch Me placed a hand over his armored chest "I was only giving words of encouragement. Momonga almost always takes care of the tomb while we are away. Besides it's not like I chose to have Sebas live." Momonga was just happy to be acknowledged for what he did even though he had his own job as a salaryman to deal with. 


Ulbert just sighed in a deflated tone. He was tired. They all were. To make matters worse, while they had come out victorious in the end the images of the "dungeon no one could concur" was shattered. While it was clear Silver was more determined than most others, all it would take was just one more equally skilled and determined player to lead a raid. They would need to take time to rectify this. 


"Well, as fun as this argument has been I must be going," Tabula said as he prepared to log off. Punitto whispered 'thank god' because he was too tired to try and stop Ulbert and Touch Me's typical arguing. "Same here. Thank you once again Momonga." the two logged off.


Ulbert looked like he was about to do the same thing but then he seemed to focus back on Momonga. "Momonga, this was a good time. I gotta say I actually like the cut of that Argent Silver's gib. If only you and Touch Me had not pissed her off" His avatar moved so that its back was facing the other two "Maybe I will betray you next time, for failing to meet my expectations." Momonga just laughed "Then I suppose I would have to defeat you as well." Ulbert had said the same thing before the raid began, citing it would be a truly villainous thing to do which was why he should. so Momonga knew he was joking.


But what was not a joking matter was what Ulbert said next. Dropping his evil role and going more serious he said, "I…I am paid up for two more months on this account. And with how busy I am getting, I have been considering not going for the next payment period. If that happens, I will make sure to give you all my important items Momonga. Goodbye for now." Ulbert signed off without another word.

Momonga did good at hiding it, given his avatar could not express emotions without using manual emotes it was easy to do. But he was saddened by that news. Ulbert was not the first to give Momonga such news though the rest were paid up for the rest of the year at least and planned to log in whenever their schedules allowed it. He understood why Ulbert never paid his monthly account more than a few months ahead at most. His real life early on was stricken with poverty so he was frugal. Except when it came to some obsessions, like that time he tried to make an item that could summon an infinite army of undead. 


All that was left was Momonga and Touch me now. "I will stick around Momonga. My new job starts in a couple of days so I don't have to sleep." Touch Me was trying to lighten the mood while stifling a yawn. Momonga gave a deep chuckle "Don't worry about it. We can continue later. I have work in six hours myself after all" his job as a salaryman was certainly tiring, he'd argue more than this raid would be. If he left now he could at least get some decent sleep in. Touch Me's avatar nodded "Very well. We shall revive the NPCs later at least. I will use my two days off to help those who lost levels due to being killed. But…" Touch me sighed "When my new job starts, I'll be more busy than before. The pay is three times what my previous employer paid me. So it's worth it. but…I won't be around much at all." 


Momonga went silent, Touch Me was the one person who always made time to show up in YGGDRASIL at least once a day just like he did, even when he was still at his old job. This was unsettling news, to say the least. "It is no problem. Good luck, and good night, my friend."


After Touch Me logged off Momonga sat on the throne of Nazarick. In complete silence. He was in no more mood to sleep.



"Y-young miss Tanya are you sure that you are alright?" Viktoriya asked as when she came in this morning Tanya was looking tired and very angry. "Yes. I am fine." it was obvious by the way Tanya was trying to force back her angry tone by talking with her teeth closed a bit that she was not fine. She was mad for two reasons, one the raid had failed meaning there was a near Zero chance she could settle this dispute in the game. And she knows little about what will change when they go to "the new world" Beyond that it will happen to any player who is still in YGGDRASIL when the game shuts down for the last time. At least going off what the three self-proclaimed gods told her. The second reason she was mad was because using her hacking skills and easy access to YGGDRASIL's files she found out the real reason something that angered her about the player that was absent from their raid two days ago.


Viktoriya eyed down Tanya. She had gotten used to Tanya's normally calm and logical personality suddenly changing on the fly. The girl was normally better at hiding it though. "Well, I am going to make your favorite tea. If you want we can talk about it then." as she stood up and was about to leave the room, Viktoriya said "I know you enjoy that game too much for me to say 'it's just a game' plus I think it is cute to see such a genius obsessed with a game. However, all I can say is that sometimes bad things or bad luck are just a way you can learn or improve your situation. I will see to that tea now."


After Viktoriya left the room Tanya banged her fist on the table. "Damn, it all" She considered screwing over Rerugen in his real life for this. "What if he…wait." Tanya's stern look of anger slowly evolved into a large creepy devil-like grin. "Improve my situation eh? Hehe, now I have a better idea. Before I log in tonight I must prepare for it." 


"U-um Tanya-chan?" Tanya was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Viktoriya's voice. The maid was carrying in the tea and had placed it down on the table in front of Tanya. "You're sure l-look in better spirits" the maid mentioned as she poured the tea. Tanya much preferred coffee, but this Viktoriya at least made a tea blend she enjoy thoroughly. "Yes, in fact, you helped me change my perspective. Thank you Viktoriya." after finishing her tea, Tanya got to work.



The "Argent Silver" logged in. The players of her guild were either offline or busy building their levels back up. The latter of which included her commanders. Since "Major Lherich" was the only that did not lose levels he was pretty much busy helping everyone regain their levels whenever her was online. So she would have to wait till he returned. 


"Well, I suppose I can head down to the research lab at least." Tanya walked down the many levels of the base known as Fort Gegen Gott, to the third lowest floor. The "research lab" as it was known. It was dedicated to finding morn exploits or testing out new features and of course simulated training. Headed by none other than a certain former atheistic scientist, Adelhied Von Schugel. At least his much younger reincarnated version at least. Whose username was "Adelhime42" as somehow "Adelhime" was already taken. Much like Romel, Adelhied had not been reincarnated before. And for once his crazy antics along with hacking skills that were better than her own he was just as useful here as he was back then. Though only in the game, if Tanya's own research was correct Adelhied was a foreign student at Tokyo University that was pretty much allowed to do whatever he wanted because he was super genius. So he wasted a lot of time in the game. He was "head researcher" a compromise since he refused to take a commander position for pretty much no reason. 


"Adelhime, you're not exploding monsters again are you?" Tanya asked before an explosion went off in a sealed-off zone where Adelhied was observing from the main lab. "Well not monsters mein head commander" his accent was fake this time, so much so it made Tanya cringe whenever she heard it. He had been in Japan for so long he had lost his regular German accent. And it was very easy to tell. "Then what are you exploding?" Tanya asked cautiously. "Hehehe, two of our players asked to leave the guild while you were gone. Guess they were too scared to ask you directly. so…I gave them a farewell, in an explosive way!" 


Tanya sighed, she was surprised very few members left after the failed raid on the Great Tomb of Nazarick. But hopefully, they would not lose more due to Adelhied's antics. "I suppose that is…fine." her avatar's hand went up to her face and she shook her head. "I shall have Vestige fetch their dropped items." Adelhied looked at both of his NPCs, he was the only one besides Tanya that had more than one NPC. Though unlike he only had two. One was a female Predator slime that had a scientist jacket and a black skirt that went down to its knees. If you never even touched her "human skin" you'd never even be able to tell it was slime, it was dubbed "Banaita Final" as it was the final slime Adelhiem made. The other was a large Goul of the undead race that covered itself in an all-black uniform under a science jacket. And covered its face with a plague doctor mask that Adelhiem had equipped it with. It was based on his mask-style World item "desikacator" which gave its wearer immunity to all ailments and boosted their power every time an ailment was attempted on them whether it be through an item, magic, or weapon. Of course, Adelhiem could not fully reproduce the effects and it only granted temporary immunity to all ailments for the first three minutes of combat. And needed a one-hour recharge period. But it was still useful. And the plague doctor mask still looked exactly like the world item it was based on. That alone was great. That NPC was called Vestige.


The large Goul entered the zone where the players had been killed. Thanks to Adelhiem's hacking skills a player that died in it would drop items just like a normal NPC or creature out there. Specifically, they would drop their inventory items. But nothing they had equipt to an on-hand weapon space. "You should be out there getting your levels back up as well," Tanya said pointedly, but Adelheim responded, "As should you." 


Tanya chuckled "I will when Major Lherich returns. I have a punishment to deal out after all." before Adelheim could make a painful suggestion Tanya cut him off, "Nothing that will kill his avatar Adelhime." the other player sulked "Very well. Oh by the way." Adelheim did not look at her. "Argent Silver, I will have to cut my time off it the game by half. The university needs my help. Sorry if that becomes inconvenient since I won't be able to level up so fast." Tanya knew it was coming, players would eventually be unable to partake in the game due to real-life obligations eventually. Seems for her guild it was already starting. For now, it was just cutting his time in half, but even though Tanya did not know the exact time it was happening, she knew it would be before the game is shut down a year and a half from now. "Very well. Thank you for informing me." 


Tanya left and got a notification. It was time for Rerugen to learn what it means to fear her. If only she knew how much the first iteration of him feared her before this.


Both "Argent Silver" and "Major Lherich" stared at each other. Due to picking an elf, much like Tanya, Rerugen's avatar did not look far off from his real self. Besides the long pointed ears and fantasy-style military outfit of course it looked exactly like his empire self. 


"Before we begin, I will give you one minute to explain yourself," Tanya said as her Avatar leaned back. Rerugen sighed "As I said before I was busy at work. I know that I pinch pennies, but that doesn't mean I am not busy at work." Tanya's grin grew "I said explain yourself. Not give excuses." Rerugen's avatar adjusted the glasses on his face. "What do you mean?" Tanya's grin grew in a way that made Rerugen's real spine shiver. "Check your Dms and click the link. I'll wait." 


A few moments passed and when Rerugen was no longer AFK he looked furious. "How the hell did you find all of that out?!" Tanya's avatar leaned forward now "I am surprised you're shocked. I thought you knew me better." his anger only got worse he shouted, "I can have you reported both to the game servers and the authorities for hacking my private information you know!" Tanya's avatar nodded "And yet I am not worried. But you should be. With everything I have, and unlike you, I actually have resources. I doubt you would win in court. At least not before your life was ruined." Tanya knew what she was doing was going beyond the line. But it was necessary. She had a plan, a new one birthed from Rerugen's mistake. So she had to be the evil one this time, she would be cruel. He would understand, and she would confess why when the time was right. That is if her plan worked and Rerugen was there. 


Rerugen was silent. But Tanya only made the sinking feeling in her stomach when she said "Though for someone whose cheap and pinches pennies despite not being poor anymore, you certainly must have spent a good chunk of change to keep up what you are doing." Tanya pointed at Rerugen, he felt as though it was actually them, not the game pointing at him. "So, shall I reiterate all your misdeeds including the real reason you were not here during the raid before I deal out punishment Major Lherich? Or would you prefer your other…"


After the "meeting" was over Rerugen was walking to the entrance of the base. "that…I was a fool to think I knew what a true devil was. That I knew what true evil was before today." he gulped a bit, his real mouth was dry as well. "How did she find all of that…no that's not important." the punishment was not the worse, in fact, he no longer had to pay for his account as Tanya would take care of it after what he already paid for was done. All it was that he had to sign in twice a month at least to check on the base, clean up any monsters that got in, make sure game supplies were stacked up, etc. basically grunt work. Still, he was shaken to his bones. He had planned to cut back his time in the Imperial Unit because he was getting busier and busier in his job. At least Argent Silver was reasonable in that he could choose when to sign in to do the work. 


Yet what he feared most was the loss of control, his guild leader basically controlled his account now. And she talked about it like it was paying for candy. "She is…a brutal rich brat." he made sure not to yell, lest he incur more of Argent Silver's wrath. He was helpless to get out of this, and worse yet he could tell no one. Despite having taken the role of the uncaring leader as commander and even did love acting "evil" as he was not given the best hand in life. He still could not bring himself to tell the others. They annoyed almost as much as others he knew, but he refused to let them burn with him in the pleasure of A devil girl who already led them in YGGDRASIL. 


"Yo, Major Lherich. You don't look so good. Well, as bad as one can look without losing hp." Weikarn said as he approached Rerugen, his NPC Warn, a death vine, strutting behind him. "Y-yeah, are you sick? Sadly my skills can only heal in-game ailments. S-sorry for being u-useless" Wae*mu said as her NPC Wae*nu, a Dryad, was a bit behind her. Rerugen cleared his throat "Yes I am fine. Thank you for your worry. I am going to check on my NPC and then log off for today. Good day." 


He left in a hurry, he did not get far before he ran into Kouven and his NPC Terranian which was a Lord Knight who is a bipedal insectoid race that resembles Hercules beetles. "Where are you off to in a hurry? Your NPC Deimano is in your office. Unless you want to see Adelhime42" Kouven loved to tease Adelheim about his unfortunate username all the time. Kouven annoyed Rerugen the most out of all of his player comrades, his wanna-be edge lord personality reminded him too much of himself in a way. But now he was thankful as he only just realized he was heading the wrong way. And running into Adelhime's lab was a terrible idea. He quickly thanked Kouven before leaving, he also did not want to get the vampire player involved. No matter how much he annoyed him.


He quickly got into his in-game office before logging off. And considered what his life just became. Even if it was only for two days a month, he had basically become "Argent Silver's" lap dog. And if wanted it to not get worse, he would have to keep it that way. "Still…having someone else to pay for my account is better than giving up the game entirely. What was I thinking, she was right it was stupid of me to try and keep up those-" he shook his head "Just drop it." he told himself before taking off the device. 



A long time has passed. Three months before YGGDRASIL's shutdown date. No official announcement yet but it was coming. The game was barren and Tanya could tell. She was in one of the biggest world hubs in the second world of YGGDRASIL. It was usually busy, at least before the game's player base died off. And yet she only spotted three other players, two of them logged out shortly after she passed by them. Most of Tanya's guild had left the game for good. Those that had world items just gave it to her. The only commander left was Rerugen. But only when he had to per their agreement. She knew he was uneasy around her. But she knew it was her fault so she was not going to complain about it. 


While she walked along she spotted someone, a rare sight to see out of his Guild's tomb. Momonga. She approached him and at her avatar very jokingly did a salute. "Why if it isn't the leader of the Guild that defeated mine? Nice to see you around Momonga." Momonga gave a very downcast laugh. "Yes, good to see you are still around Argent Silver." Tanya was not aware of the full state of Ainz Ooal Gown. She could only guess most of the guild much like hers was gone. It likely was harder on him than it was on her. 


"Sorry, I only came here for sightseeing. You can leave me be." Momonga seemed to want to be alone right now. Still, Tanya knew it was only a matter of time before they were true enemies rather than in-game rivals. She cannot say she hates him as well. "Well, you could do that in real life as well. At least here you can cast a spell to fly and see it all from above. And yet you talk about it like you're just walking through a park." 


A few moments of silence went by before Momonga said "Ulbert once told me sights in the world aren't as interesting as they are in YGGDRASIL. So I guess you are right." Tanya was about to respond but instead, she choose to walk in front of him before talking, swallowing what she was going to say before. "You haven't forgotten what I said when you beat me last time remember? It won't be as fun defeating you if you well more dead inside than you appear on the outside."

Momonga's avatar stared at her, the undead Overlord looking at the elven Warlord. "May I ask you something, Argent Silver?" Tanya's Avatar nodded so Momonga continued "Why haven't you quite as well?" 


Tanya did not answer easily, not like she can say "I don't have a choice" and "I need to beat self-proclaimed gods and I can only do so by killing you along the way. Is that okay?" no she needed to keep it simple. Her real life was busy as well. First, she had to go on a media circuit for a month with her mother and "Grandfather" Then she was forced to prove she did not need to go to college yet and she did so by passing tests far beyond what freshmen could do. She knew they were already considering giving her enough credits to graduate early again. If not then only take the last courses to take a major. Then she had Viktoriya's wedding in Germany, it was bittersweet watching her friend get married as she knew it was the last time she would see her. Saying goodbye to each guild member both reincarnated and not was taxing as well. 


But she had the perfect answer. Because it was how she truly felt. "Because. It feels like my time here is incomplete. Doesn't it to you?" Momonga's head moved up and he chuckled again "I suppose it does. Well. if you face me again Argent Silver, I will be sure to only be dead on the outside." he stared back at her and his Avatar's skeletal hand reached out, Tanya's hand reached out as well and they shook hands "I look forward to it, Momonga."