
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

Tvv · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Mugen Train Arc: Akaza and Doma



Tanya sheathed her katana as many bits of a demon disappeared, she sighed "I still cannot believe it took us that long to cut his actual head off." she spoke to Kyojuro Rengoku, who dusted off some excess flesh that had yet to turn to dust in the wind. "I can't believe he had so many limbs! We might have been done for if we did not react quickly to his tenth and twentieth arm!" Kyojuro walked over to her with his usual broad smiling face.


Tanya rolled her eyes, "and yet you stepped in the way of a flying head for me, even though I already knew it was coming." she motioned him to crouch down a bit and flicked his forehead "that's for being an idiot and not thinking for yourself." Tanya could appreciate the help, but Kyojuro already went above and beyond when it came to saving others, and, she did not need him dying so pointlessly for an attack that she could easily counter. "Haha, sorry for making you worry!" Tanya huffed and turned her head, "I just don't want you to die so pointlessly!"


Kyojuro grinned wider, he was used to Tanya and her constant excuses for her not actually caring. "But the wound I received from that attack, it was the only one either of us got." he points out, and he was right. Other than that wound only dust and dirt covered their clothes and no other injuries. "Well my plan was flawless, but…" Tanya smiled a bit "I don't think it would have worked with anyone else but you." she was suddenly picked up in Kyojuro's arms "h-hey I told you to stop doing that out of nowhere!" Kyojuro grinned "I got excited, truly Tanya, together any demon does not stand a chance."


Tanya adverted her gaze away from him, she let him kiss her cheek and her face went pink. "You better not die a pointless death Kyojuro, my perfect defense strategies only work with you so far," she said after leaning her head on his shoulder. "I know Tanya, but with you by my side, nothing can beat us, even death himself should be scared!" Tanya giggled slightly, "oh they will be."




Tanya and Kyojuro stood a few feet away from each other, staring down not just demons, but upper moon demons no less. Akaza, upper three, facing Kyojuro. Doma, upper two, facing Tanya. Doma even held a butterfly pin that used to belong to Kanae, Tanya's adoptive older sister. To make things worse, an injured Tanjiro and an energy-spent Kanao were nearby, right behind the two Hashira that less than a minute ago, saved them from attacks that nearly killed them, attacks that neither Tanjiro nor Kanao saw coming. 


"Rengoku…" Tanjiro thought as he looked at Kyojuro whose smile had dropped as he faced Akaza. "Tanya-nee…" Kanao shakes, not only was Tanya facing a strong and dangerous demon but one that had already killed their sister. Even though she knew how much Tanya detested praying, she did it anyways, she prayed desperately that history did not repeat itself, and that Tanya would be okay. That this time it would not be her telling her sisters, Shinobu, Aoi, the three young girls, that this upper-rank demon killed another member of their family. 


"What a scary look you give, just makes me wonder if you can keep it up as I eat you." Doma taunted, as he placed the butterfly pin on his blood-red turtleneck. Tanya gritted her teeth, she could feel that despite his laid-back and cheerful way of speaking, Doma was far stronger than any demon before. He was upper two, and she could feel it in her bones. The cold air he created, seemingly by just standing nearby would make it hard to fight as well, she could see her breath visibly in the air. "I do hope you can entertain me as much, or a little more than the last one." 


Tanya's eyes surged with anger, it was weird to feel anger for someone she lost, she had not felt this way since her final fight with Mary. "don't talk about her, I'll take your head and teeth if you say anything about her again" Doma laughed "with a look like that I actually believe you!" Tanya was about to move when Kyojuro placed a hand on her shoulder "don't let him get to you." Tanya did not nod, she just held her katana up and said "I know Kyoujuro." she was thinking to herself as well 'I should not, he is right. I knew Kanae barely half my current life, why is it getting to me?'


Kyojuro was worried about Tanya, but Akaza was still staring him down. "Demon, why did you go for the injured ones?" he was talking about Tanjiro and Kanao, even if the former was the only one with the dangerous wound. "Firstly, only he went for the girl" it was confusing why it was important to Akaza bring up that Doma attacked Kanao and not him, but none of the slayers asked. "As for why, it was because he could get in the way of our discussion." Kyojuro's eyes stayed on Akaza "what would we even have to discuss? I am meeting you now and I already dislike you." 


Akaza grinned "I see, I also loathe weak humans as well. Even the sight of one like that boy makes my skin crawl." Tanjiro flinched a bit. Kyojuro's gaze does not change "then you and I have completely different senses of value." Akaza smiled, his eyes darted between the two hashira's before focusing back on Kyojuro. "I have an interesting proposal then, why don't you and that blonde-haired slayer become a demon?" 


immediately Kyojuro said "I refuse, we both do" Akaza smiled, that was one of the quickest rejections he has ever gotta for that offer, and it seemed the other Hashira did not disagree with Kyojuro. He could see both their fighting auras, it made him excited. "I can tell your strength at a glance, the two of you, especially you are so close to the realm of the highest. You two are hashira aren't you?" though Tanya was also brought up, she kept staring at Doma. "I am Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira." Akaza placed his hand out "I am Akaza, and do you want me to tell you why neither of you will ever reach beyond that barrier keeping you from the highest feats of strength? It is because you're humans." he raised his hand "become a demon then you can train for one hundred years, two hundred years, and you would still be able to get stronger and stronger!" 


Doma giggled "seems Akaza-san wants to keep the Hashira alive as usual, but I fully intend to eat the delicious meal in front of me." though those words made Tanya want to shiver more than the cold was going to, she resisted. Akaza also gripped his fist, though only Kyojuro seemed to notice. Doma folded his war fans "since they introduced each other why don't we? I am the godly demon, known as Doma-" the demon's skin crawled for a bit as he saw Tanya's glare increase. "I am Tanya, Tanya Kocho." she was shocked she even told him, but a part of her felt an odd sense of pride. Doma, however, returned to his grin, a little bit creepily than before as he thought 'I felt scared, genuinely frightened, for a half-second.' he found it, interesting, feeling something. Tanya had till Doma spoke known the deal proposed by Akaza would be tempting, living forever. But Doma's annoying voice and calling himself 'godly' reminded her of why she was here. 'Besides, I only beat Being X once Muzan is dead, cannot do that as a demon.'


Kyojuro spoke in response to Akaza's proposal. "both growing old, and dying, are part of the beauty of being an ephemeral being like a human. It is what makes our lives so unbearably precious and noble. The word 'strength' does not just describe the body" he never took sight off of Akaza, every word had weight to impose he meant ever bit. "This boy and this girl are not weak, don't you insult them." Akaza's smile turned into one of disappointment. Tanjiro and Kanao's heads poked up when Kyojuro spoke about them. Tanya smiled, "well said Kyojuro," she spoke with familiarity, unaware that Doma was enjoying her smile, and not in a good way. "I will say it as many times as I need to, you and I have different senses of value. No matter the reason, I will not become a demon." 


"Is that so?" Akaza slams a foot on the ground and holds a hand out in front of him. along with the crack lines of energy manifest into a light blue snowflake with numbers around it. "Technique development," he says while the snowflake of energy is still forming. "Destructive death; Compass needle." Doma grins, as the air gets far colder, and ice begins to form. With his war fans out and spread, he says "blood demon art…barren hanging garden." 


Akaza says with a hard sense of power "if you won't become a demon then I'll kill you." ice formed around Doma before the upper two demons said "I must see what further effect you will have on me." this confused Tanya of course, but then while Doma rushed at her with incredible speed, Akaza rushed at Kyojuro. The two countered with their swords, though Tanya needed more power to counter the incoming eight successive slashes of ice shards used a breathing technique "fifth form; blossoming magma!" the large flaming purple bud took down most of the slashes one gets through and luckily only nips her hair. But she can feel her face become colder just from being close to the attack. She backs away before countering his war fans with her sword slashes. 


Kyojuro and Akaza crossed fists and sword. the sound of colliding metal against the demon's thick skin was heard as they punched and slashed. The two separate battles moved so far that anyone outside those fighting in them would have a hard time keeping up just watching, something Tanjiro and Kanao experienced firsthand as they could only observe the Hashira fight incredibly with two of the strongest demons under Muzan's influence. It was nothing like any of the battles they have had with demons, the fight with Enmu that took the two of them and Inosuke combined did not even seem to compare as they watched in awe.


Akaza and Kyojuro clashed continually, the demon bled but the injuries dealt healed less than seconds after they were made. "No flame Hashira has ever been among the Hashiras that faced me before. None has ever taken me up on my offer as well." Kyojuro did not respond, as his sword blocked and then slammed into Akaza's right wrist. Akaza continued to speak even with the sharp blade embedded into his arm, "but why I wonder? As I fellow martial artist I just don't get it. Not when only chosen ones can become demons." Kyojuro cut through the arm, and Akaza dodged back from a flamed slash as the hand quickly healed back. 


As he punched forward with his fist, and Kyojuro clashed back it was starting to infuriate Akaza that his opponent was not even speaking back to him. "It pains me to see someone with such blessed extraordinaire powers decline so hideously, I cannot bare it!" with a push of the sword down the demon came face to face with the Hashira. "Die Kyojuro, while you're still young and strong, before you can let your girl down." this facilitated a reaction from Kyojuro "shut up" he spoke bluntly for once and slashed upwards. 


Akaza spun back in the air, elated to finally see Kyojuro react to something that wanted the fight to go on like this. "Destructive death; air type!" he swung in the air, Kyojuro stood there till he felt something hit his sword, and he winced. Akaza made two more strikes in the air, and Kyojuro was lucky enough to hold his katana in the right position to block the hits. "I see!" he finally got what Akaza was doing. 'When he strikes the air, he creates shock waves, he must be able to strike faster than the air to do that!' as multiple strikes are made on the air in front of him, Kyojuro knows what is coming this time. "Fourth form; blooming flame undulation!" with a large circle of flames Kyojuro manages to block all the blows. 


Tanya and Doma's attacks clash against one another, Doma barely seeming bothered by each one. Tanya backs up a bit "Kenshin breathing, first form; flames of wrath!" the large purple flames do not perturb Doma any more than the previous attacks. "Frozen lotus!" with one slash of a fan not only does he counter Tanya's attack, but many lotus flowers made from ice blow her back, she is able to land on her knees, but she saw that her attacks did nothing to him. His smile pissed her off far more than Kyojuro's smile ever did. "I wonder, if you truly want to die so badly, maybe I should do Akaza-san's way of thinking. Only more forcefully, maybe kill that little girl sitting there by that injured boy to replace you as my meal."


Tanya's veins popped. "Second form; Blitzkrieg." with a long line of string purple flames Doma's eyes widen as he feels Tanya's incredibly fast attack cut through his left side, even if not much. "So fast, I should return in kind, Tanya-Chan~" Tanya gritted her teeth "it is Kocho to a bastard like you-" she was going to curse him out, but he moved so fast she was hit twice before she could react to block. She coughed and quickly blocked the incoming war fan. She felt that both attacks were a punch and a kick that sent her against a train detailed train cart. She knew they were close to where the passengers were. 'Maybe I can distract him with the unconscious ones?' she shook her head, she was not even sure it would work, even though she was wavering between the possibility of it helping her win.


"Kyojuro would never forgive me" she whispered, she gripped her Katana, and cut away hard. Jumping into the train cart to keep Doma focused on her. "Where are you going Tanya-chan~" her spine shivered, and not because of the cold. Her Katana clashed with his war fans, knocking through already ruined chairs and floor. Ice blew through what was formerly the right side of the cart. Tanya winced as even though she was quick to dodge the ice still got her near her shoulder. The only saving grace from the cold is that it kept her blood from rushing out of her body too quickly. With purple flames, she countered incoming ice Lotus flowers.


Outside, Inosuke was watching, just barely. He looked over between the two fights. His mask hides his fearful face, 'I can't see an opening in either fight, even the one by the car, even in the enclosed space. If I joined either, bug eyes or short moth would just be hindered by my presence.' he slowly made his way over to Tanjiro. 'That ice demon. Why, am I more scared of him as well?' he felt more defeated than when he almost died fighting the large spider demon, it was not just that Tanya and Kyojuro were far stronger than him, but that the demons they were fighting, would end him if he was the one fighting.



"Stop following me ahhhh!" a demon, upper rank four no less, screamed as he huddled against a tree. Zettour stood there, a little bit in awe. 'I sense a dangerous power from him, he could easily beat me, why is he so scared?' he shook his head, he should take whatever advantage he could get. He did not want to fight an upper rank yet anyways. "Easy there, I am a demon as well. An ally, my name is Zettour." he used his actual name rather than Rokuro's, the body was merely a vessel at this point. "I-is that so?! I am H-Hantengu. I don't want to be here I just wanted to eat the humans the lower ranks failed to!"


Zettour chuckled "and who said I was here to stop you? After all, lord Muzan must have made you an upper rank for a reason." Hantengu flinched, crawling forward a bit he stuttered out "y-your a former lower rank!" Zettour nodded "yes I am, and not just a removed one." he did not reveal he had died before, that was not something he could reveal so casually. "You've come to challenge me to a blood battle didn't you!" Hantengu crawled behind a tree quickly, "it's not my fault the lower moons got purged, or that the two on the train were killed by humans! I am innocent here!" Zettour smiled, this was perfect for him. He could easily coerce such a cowardly demon 'I better be careful, he is still stronger than me. Until I can get his blood I best not act too brashly.'


With a plan in the back of his head, Zettour said "Hantengu, would you like to be forever blameless? Forever left without fear?" After a few moments of silence, Hantengu looked out from behind the tree, still cowering behind it "W-what could you mean?" seeing his interest caught Zettour said "I can remove Muzan's curse for you. He could never find you that way, you will never have to fight people who are out to kill you. The only thing I ask in return is your blood, Hantengu." he held his hand out with a smile, while out of the other demons sight, the back of the other hand formed into a mouth. 


Hantengu shivered, "y-you are a liar!" he gripped his Khakkara, pulling it out. "Lord Muzan is the liar, always forcing demons to fear him rather than work for him. I am simply giving you an offer." Hantengu shook his head "y-you're just trying to trick me so that our lord will kill me!" Zettour chuckled, he was trying to trick the upper moon demon, just not for that reason. The mouth on the backside of a hand extended out and revealed an eye. Hantengu rushed towards Zettour, but a long flash of green stopped Hantengu long enough for Zettour to get close. "Eye of forced unconscious sleep…now sleep!" the eyes stared Hangentu in his pupilless eyes, and a flash went off.


The demon stumbled a bit "gahk" Hantengu made two slashes, one that cut the hand off and the other that cut the opposite hand off. But the effect was in place, and after nearly twenty seconds of Zettour dodging the attack, Hantengu succumbed and fell unconscious. After his hand finally regrew Zettour said "we can't take his blood, it will wake him." he looked over at the cause of the speedy flash, there stood Wakuraba, the other thing that was different was the eye that normally had 'lower 3' in it now was now just fully black, while other eyes were the same as it was before. "Tch, whatever, I still cannot believe that worked" Wakuraba looked at the unconscious Hantengu, baffled that Zettour's plan worked. "He resisted for quite some time as well, guess I still need to get used to Enmu's skills." the mouth closed, leaving just the slit above the hand. 


Wakuraba crossed his arms, he was certain he died, and he remembers feeling his body fade. He asked how Zettour brought him back, but Zettour said 'in due time, first I need a new pawn for my plan.' Wakuraba sat down across from Zettour, who kept watch over Hantengu. 'If we are not going to kill him, what are we doing?' Wakuraba wondered what plan Zettour could possibly have, and if it would actually be enough to take down Muzan. 



Katanas clashed with fists and war fans. Tanjiro tried to get up, Kanao was about to help him when Kyojuro shouted out "stay right there! It is too dangerous with your wounds!" Tanjiro, Kanao, and Inosuke all flinched. They felt helpless watching the two fights, knowing they would just get in the way of a battle between the Hashira and the upper moon. Both are the strongest on each respective side of the seemingly endless war between the Demon slayers and the demon. Tanjiro now fully understood what Kyojuro said about there 'being at least 10,000 more steps' to becoming a Hashira. Something which only added to his fears while watching the fight.


Tanya and Doma fought in the cart as the cold air made it harder and harder for Tanya to fight, An attack from Doma forced her against the sideways door. "What was the name of the other butterfly girl again? The last one I killed?" his face filled with curosity, Tanya's just sheathed more with rage, causing Doma's normally unhinged bones to shiver. "Like hell, you deserve to know" Tanya gripped her sword and slid it upwards against the war fans she was defending against "first form; flames of wrath!" the suddenly burst purple flames cause one of Doma's fans to blowback from the cart. 


When Doma rushed to get it, which was Tanya's plan, she rushed forward as well. "Third form; Live Miasma bud" the moment Doma grabbed the Fan, a two-way slash cut the hand off. He activated his blood demon art while his arm quickly healed, a range of Lotus blew off the windowed wall that served as the current roof of the sideways train cart. He jumped up expecting to see her fall injured in the air, but he quickly had to move out of the way and block two successive blows from the small slayer's Katana.


Tanya grinned, third form gives her a temporary boost when she cut off a limb, even if it was just a finger. It would not last long so she had to take advantage of it quickly since boosts will not stack. She was faster now, Doma could keep up, but he was impressed. "You and your sister, are both fun opponents. I have decided, whether it is making you into a demon or eating you, I will enjoy either one." Tanya ignored the comment and slashed away more ice and slashes from the fans. "Wintry icicles" Doma shouted from below and above Icicles appeared, and Tanya was forced to quickly move back, as one nipped her arms she reached and her finger touched the end of her katana. "Seventh form; Elenium airstrike!" with what bit of the boost left in her, the ranged cut went through the icicles, and cut Doma's torso, though it instantly healed. 


Tanya landed at the end of the cart, she felt her lung strain. 'If I can cut off another limb that boost will help, but I got lucky last time' she kept the focus on the creepily smiling demon. He was still toying with her, the fact that there were two upper ranks here, Tanya knew Being X was behind it. But she will not beg for help like she knows Being X wants her to, she will not ask Being Z for the supposed help she was supposed to be getting from them. 'The sunlight is our best option' Doma sped forward, and in a blink of an eye, he was right on top of Tanya's position. "Pay attention little butterfly" and he unleashed more Ice lotuses. Tanya felt less sure they could hold out till then.


Akaza nearly hit Kyojuro in a vital spot when the flame Hashira yelled at Tanjiro and the others to stay back. "Pay attention to me Kyojuro. Don't focus on the weaklings" Akaza said knowing it would get a rise out of Kyojuro. After dodging, a punch Kyojuro spun a bit before delivering a blow "First form; unknowing flame!" the slash cut off both arms. Akaza's excited grin grows as he says "these wonderful sword techniques of yours will be lost, are you really okay with Kyojuro?!" Kyojuro says while trading blows with Akaza, "it is merely a fact of life." 


Blood splatters in the air, Akaza's blood. But none of the wounds are sustained, as opposed to Kyojuro who suffers less constant damage, but the damage his body accrues grows with every single strike. Kyojuro hears an explosion behind him, he turned his head for just a second, seeing ice spur out of one of the train carts. He was worried for Tanya, but nearly got hit in the face. "I said to pay attention to me Kyojuro!" the flame Hashira counters and then dodges an upwards kick from Akaza, before hitting the upper three demons hard enough to make him go flying backward into the forest. 


Kyojuro ran into the forest to chase after the demon he knocked into the range of trees. But in a second, Akaza was right on him as if he jumped fast enough to make it back so quickly. "Neat trick," Akaza said with a smile, the hashira quickly blocked a blow from above. Between trees, fists clashed with heated metal. Kyojuro cut off one of Akaza's arms, only to quickly block a kick that sent him back out of the forest, against the rocky ground they were fighting on before. Tanya was flung back at the same time. "Rengoku…Tanya…" Tanjiro coughed out. 


Kyojuro and Tanya faced each other for a moment, both were not looking so great. "Tanya are you okay?!" he yelled so loudly but hearing him actually calmed her down a bit. Seeing him without his trademark smile did little to help her confidence though. "Yeah, this creepy demon though is making it hard to fight." her lungs strained again which caused her to cough loudly. Kyojuro's concern grew, but it could not last long. "Become a demon Kyojuro," Akaza said as he appeared from the dust, his arm regrew. "You both should," Doma said as he was closer now, fanning himself "though I am fine either way, I am only saying both so Akaza can be happy. But you totally should become demons Tanya-chan and Kyojuro-kun~!" both slayers did not like how Doma spoke. 


The Flame Hashira spoke pointedly "As I have already said, you and I have different senses of value. I will not become a demon." Tanya was in agreement, but for different reasons, "if becoming a demon means serving some bullshit higher power, Muzan, then I decline as well. Living forever here is the same bullshit eternal afterlife drivel with extra bullshit steps." Tanya turned her head and whispered "switch with me" Kyojuro understood and whispered back "be careful, Tanya." after preparing attacks, with red and purple flames the two rushed in opposite directions. 


Tanya cut Akaza's left shoulder down to his waist, and the demon sheathed "I don't wanna fight you, don't stand in my way." he tried to run past Tanya but the girl rushed in front of him. "Keshin breathing, fourth form; eclipsing tide!" Akaza dodges the direction cut, as the second one cuts his left cheek. He backs away and counters sword strikes with his fists. While the two clashed, Tanya wondered why she was the only one making offensive moves. She thought that maybe Akaza really wanted to face Kyojuro, or felt she was not worth it. 


After a few more dodges from the demon, Tanya's sword cut into his wrist. "You know it's pointless to keep fighting, do either of you really want to die that badly?" Akaza shouted out as he started more strongly countering the sword strikes, angry for some reason. "You two could spend the rest of your lives together, as a demon that will have no time limit! With your strength, no slayer could ever kill you!" Tanya smiled and said "I admit, living forever does seem tempting. But I am not aiming to live forever." she stared Akaza directly in his marked eyes "I want to live comfortably, without someone being lording over me" Akaza, he took that to mean Muzan. But his hesitation nearly allowed Tanya a cut near his neck, his quick reaction made sure only his shoulder was nipped. 'Why, why did I feel like she reminded me of someone? No, it was both her and Kyojuro.'


Flames and ice clashed, and Kyojuro used the eighth form of Flame breathing to blow away ice lotus flowers the moment Doma summoned them. "I am not enjoying fighting you like I did that girl, Tanya," Kyojuro said nothing, just remained focused on the fight. But he could tell Doma was toying with him, liking was when he fought Tanya as well. "I think she and I are kindred spirits. I feel as though she is probably just as Apathetic and uncaring as me." Doma spoke with a perfect smile. "Or was, I am wondering if you are the cause of that." Kyojuro's flames heat up, and Doma says "Maybe Tanya and I should become one, do you not want that?" Doma's eyes widen, as an arching flame cut off his arm from his shoulder "Third form, blazing universe!" Doma quickly summoned icicles to force Kyojuro away from him. After his full arm quickly came back he grabbed his fan. 


The two weapons clashed more and more, Doma giving small cuts to Kyojuro's sides. "You are quite strong, keeping up with Akaza-san is impressive. No wonder he wants to keep you around." with fast strikes, eventually, Kyojuro could not counter and dodged, a fan coming close enough to create a deep cut from the forehead down through his eyes. "Let's return to our original opponents so Akaza-san and I can be happy!" suddenly Doma slashed his fans on the ground "lotus vines!" several ice lotus flowers appear and vines quickly sprout out of them, Kyojuro is sent far enough that he quickly blocked a strike from Akaza, whose deep grin returned. "Kyojuro look out!" Tanya quickly caught her Katana against Doma's fans. 


Both the flame Hashira and the Keshin hashira stood close enough that their backs were mere inches apart. Kyojuro was bleeding, a lot and Tanya was struggling to keep total concentration constant due to her limited lung capacity. Both are unable to say something to one another before their demon opponents pulled them away. 


Tanya and Doma slashed toward one another, and icicles came up from the ground faster than Tanya anticipated. Two of them pierced into her, one her legs, the other near her kidneys, just barely missing them. "I never fight all out you know" Doma taunted even as Tanya's first form cut into him a bit. "The sad thing is, Akaza never kills women. No girl has ever befallen his fist. Which makes you the perfect opponent for him." Doma smiled mischievously "too bad for you and your boyfriend, I'll make sure you cannot get in Akaza-san's way." Tanya's eyes straighten and with a quick selection of breathing techniques she cuts into Doma. only for the demon to easily kick her back.


Kyojuro and Akaza once again are back to exchanging blows. With one eye out of the picture, Kyojuro was finding it harder to block and hit Akaza. "It is a shame to kill you when you're so close to physical peak!" Akaza yells before punching hard enough into Kyojuro's torso to break a few ribs. Kyojuro backs up and does an upward flamed slash, Akaza grins wider as they exchange further strikes, it was obvious he had the advantage. Akaza backed away as Kyojuro used 'seventh form; fire that pierces the sky.' followed immediately by 'fourth form; blooming flame undulation.' Tanya is forced back by Ice vines and slides across the ground. 


Rengoku's katana surrounds itself in bright flames. Tanya's katana surrounds itself in wild purple flames. "Flame breathing, fifth form; flame tiger!" Kyojuro shouts loudly, "Keshin breathing, eighth form; Soul of the motherland!" Kyojuro's sword does a series of flame slashes that take the form of a tiger as he rushed at Akaza. Tanya's purple flames form into an Eagle with golden eyes and a red and black beak. "Disorder!" Akaza's energy surges as he counters the flame tiger with multiple shockwaves. "Barren hanging garden!" Doma excitedly counters with consecutive ice shards and slashes, but the eagle takes the brunt of it.


When the dust clears, Tanya is sent back, landing near Kyojuro. She coughed up mounds of blood, she managed to get on one knee. Her hair was long now, her hairpin missing. Doma spins the golden yellow butterfly pin in his hand. "Ahhh- what a lovely piece don't you think?" Doma's wounds healed before the dust fully healed, the only evidence he had any was the tear in his clothes. Tanya tried to stand up, just barely getting up, blood dripping from her mouth, joining the red on her uniform and shoes. She could feel her lungs felt like they were on fire.


Kyojuro stood back behind her, blood dripping down his legs from all his wounds. Onto the ground while he struggled to stand as well. He was huffing, trying to keep conscious. "Don't die on me yet Kyojuro" Akaza said after his wounds healed in an instant. "Look at you, broken ribs, an eye cut, organs ruptured. All of these would heal almost instantly if you were a demon." he motioned behind Kyojuro "her wounds apply as well, if you two agree to become demons I'll make sure Doma cannot go near you two." not too far away Doma giggles "it is cute that you think you can stop me Akaza-san!" 


The three slayers who had been watching, Tanjiro, Kanao, and Inosuke felt as though they were watching a play during a tragic scene. Unable to do anything, no good than any other observer. 'Help them' Tanjiro tried to say, 'I need to help them' Kanao tried to say, 'don't be scared, move' Inosuke told only to himself. But their bodies did not move, injuries and an ultimate understanding they would barely even serve as distractions before they are killed, kept them from moving. No matter what they told themselves. Despite this Tanjiro tried to force himself up, tried and failed for now.


The two who had been fighting this entire time just stood there, barely able to stand. Kyojuro bleeding with broken body parts all over, and Tanya bleeding less than Kyojuro but had great trouble breathing at the moment. It was looking bleak. 'We won't make it to sunrise at this rate, am I really going to die here?' Tanya wanted to look at Kyojuro, but moving her body so much was a luxury she wishes she had at the moment. "Kyojuro…" she managed to force out, "...we need to run."