
Safe code 143

Violet_Roses_5392 · 都市
5 Chs


Everyone has a life but when someone ask about life our conception and opinion are different.one part may say that our life is short whenever you get time live happily and doesn't think about others. Another part may say about you to achieve something like dream,job, make money and all about your savings .I think this part more usual part in our life. Third part may say life is all about money . Money can give you everything , may buy everything but here people, loss the sense of happiness, family and their love. At this stage you may feel lonely and whenever you get something that you like it become your obsession or you may want your control on it . Everything has an end and the end is the beginning. This is one of the indian spiritual says. You have two lives . The second one begins when you realize you only have one. Other 13% may think about love , care , helpful , kindness , and also think about others along with their family . They feel happy when others are happy . Everyone thinking, living life are different.Now a days we feel our is all about comparison and competition among each other ,working to earn more than others . We are going through the scarcity of humanity, kindness , care, etc can't see what others want ? what our family want .

"To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable .Faith means believing the unbelievable.Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless". - G.K. Chesterton

I think this is all about my point of view . May be you are different from others . Hear , see and say about the words of love and care towards others it may really help you in your life long journey .

My destiny is met with something that I don't know so what about you . I'm just kidding. You can see my destiny thorough out the story without boring , yeh I hope so .