
Saddam Nation (ended early because of insane people)

Update: I ended this story because there were absolutely batshit crazy people who were taking offence for no fucking reason. The main character drinks ... "oh my god author you fucking asshole." Main character believes in separation of church and state..."oh my god author you fucking asshole." Fucking hell. You're on a Chinese website reading stories in English probably jacking off to hentai and you're hypocritically flogging your culture and religion. Fuck you. You're what's wrong with this world. **************** Saddam Hussein was a cold-blooded, iron-fisted ruler of a Middle Eastern nation...Iraq. After watching HBO's House of Saddam, I was inspired to write a transmigration story where the narrator becomes Saddam. But instead of vainglorious and destructive wars and policies, instead of sadistic children, New Saddam tries to build a new Iraq which is liberal and developed. Warnings: Saddam Hussein and his family weren't nice people. This isn't an attempt to rewrite them as sympathetic characters. The narrator references the crap people of that era pulled regularly. The MC is focused on kingdom building so any good things come out of his intentions not from Saddam. Treat this story as trashy, no-brain fiction and just enjoy it. There's no intellectual purpose behind it.

Mandamus · 歴史
39 Chs

Epilogue: Timeline


Thanks for all the comments in support everyone. I do appreciate it. For some context, the nutcase who posted that review wasn't the first to do something along those lines. The crazies who've bizarrely taken offence on behalf of their religion or culture have often come and commented or reviewed and then deleted the said comments/reviews. But on the backend I can still see what was said.

I don't mind if someone criticises the writing style or pace or whatever. I acknowledge its a shittily written novel just for fun. In some cases I took feedback on board for example the suggestion to write more from other POVs.

The issue I do have is with the religion/culture cunts because that shit is scary.

But just to highlight the absolute hypocrisy of these cunts - the same fucker who left that cuntish review @KenshiRYIZ also posted this comment on another story on webnovel 'Game of Thrones: House of Dustin' -

"the best thing that you can actually do right now is to just make lady Dustin forcefully have her son's virginity it will make all this trouble worth it or you will really lose a lot of readers here because they think this entire war was not worth it."

So all you people whingeing and moaning and abusing because the main character who drank alcohol in real life, is shown to drink alcohol in this shitty fictional novel - fuck you, you absolute fucking hypocritical cunts. If you think human rights, women rights, economic growth is something 'Western and Liberal' then you are a disgrace on the same parents who paid for you to have enough of an education to learn English and then come onto a Chinese website, tacitly showing your support for Chinese policies against 1 million Muslims in China, and read absolutely filthy hentai and jackoff in your dark rooms while sucking the nuts of an ISIS recruiter.

Now, the people who've been following the story along, I reflected and I think it would be in bad taste if I didn't atleast share some other material I had prepared for this novel - so enjoy the below. My plan was to fill in the time jumps with side stories. But hopefully this timeline gives you some sort of conclusion.

Thanks and see you later for the 'Narcotrafficker with a system'.


1985: Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter's VP becomes American President instead of Ronald Reagan. The bonhomie of the JC era reduces. Iraqi American relations remain pleasant but Iraq is no more seen as critical. Walter Mondale is domestically focused and enjoys the fruits of America's economic resurgence just the way Reagan did IRL. Without Reagan and his wife there is no War on Drugs. Although the inner city crack epidemic still happens the incarceration of black people in America doesn't reach the heights of the original timeline.

Iraq narrowly misses out on qualifying for the 1986 FIFA World Cup. The nation is heartbroken but focuses on Mission 1990.

1986: Shia Arabs in the Dasht e Azadegan region of southern Iran protest against discrimination likely with an eye on the rapid economic growth of their Iraqi neighbours. The protests are quelled brutally leading to a mass influx of refugees into the Iraqi marshlands. The Iraqi Government mobilizes aid for the refugees and arranges massive tent cities.

Microsoft goes the IPO route. The Iraqi Sovereign Wealth Funds assets almost double overnight.

Iraq's GDP grows at 15% p.a. sparking fears of another bout of inflation.

1987: In response to growing calls from refugee Iranian Arabs, the Iraqi Govetnment implements a unique immigration policy that provides a route to citizenship that is women led. For families seeking citizenship or asylum the women of the household are allowed to seek jobs for a full 1 year before the males of the household are allowed to join the workforce.

The Iraqi Premier League signs huge TV rights deals with broadcasters in Egypt, the Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey becoming the wealthiest football league in the world.

Iraq begins a massive operation to digitize official records.

Baghdad University becomes the first Asian University to launch a degree in Computer Science.

Controversy as Saddam Husseins only remaining son Qusay takes up New Zealand citizenship. He is said to be a documentary filmmaker.

1988: Saddam Hussein marries Ayaan Ayyub in a private ceremony that sparks celebration across Iraq.

The Soviet Union leaves Afghanistan. Mikhail Gorbachevs policies mark the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union.

Iraq strikes a deal with China and begins stockpiling rare earth materials in an undisclosed location.

Manufacturing overtakes oil as Iraqs biggest export.

Iran's supreme leader Khomenei is taken seriously ill. Ayatollah Montazeri becomes the defacto leader of Iran and opens backchannel talks with Iraq.


Iraq qualifies for FIFA 1990. Iraqis celebrate for a week.

Ayatollah Khomeni dies and his successor Montazeri becomes the leader of Iran. Relations between Iraq and Iran improve rapidly. Refugees of southern Iraq's tent cities begin to return home.

The oil deal with America comes to an end. American troops depart Iraq. Iraq declines to renew the deal for another decade. In a stunning speech at the UN General Assembly, Saddam Hussein calls the environmental disaster the biggest challenge in human history and promises to cease Iraqi oil production by 2010. He announces a special economic zone with economic incentives for cleantech ventures in Western Iraq.

Microsoft outsources part of its software backend operations to Iraq.

Three new Iraqi microchip manufacturers begin exports from the country.

Iraq reaches the quarterfinals of the FIFA world cup, losing to Italy on penalties. Hundreds of thousands of Baghdadis line the streets as the returning team does an open top parade through the capital to meet the President.

1991: Iraq and Iran sign peace accords as a rumored precursor to a FTA zone spanning from Iran to the Gulf nations. Work begins on a natural gas pipeline from Iran to Iraq to support Iraq's rapidly escalating energy needs.

Canadian venture firm DesertSolar sets up shop in Western Iraq as the first firm to take advantage of Iraq's economic incentives for cleantech

The Democrats lose the American elections due to an anti incumbency effect. Billionaire Ross Perot is unexpectedly elected President.

1992: The Soviet Union collapses.

On Moharram day a suicide bomber linked to new terrorist group al Qaeda blows himself up at a Shia shrine in Southern Iraq. The country shuts down in a national day of mourning. Protestors take to the streets to decry the terrorists.

Iran Iraq Turkey and the Gulf Emirates announce a Free Trade Agreement that is widely seen as benefitting new economy behemoth Iraq.

The Port of Basra becomes the largest Port in the world by notional value of goods passing through it.

Protests erupt in Erbil at the lack of connectivity of the region with the Spine of Iraq railway system. President Hussein promises to rectify the situation.

The English Premier League begins its inaugural tournament. The League is based on the incredibly successful Iraqi Premier League, the 2nd richest sports league in the world in any sport.


Iraq's GDP growth slows to 9% p.a. after the longest run of double digit growth in history.

A record 155,000 people are given permanent residency or asylum status in Iraq. Most of the incoming immigrants are from Iran, Syria and Yemen.

Kamal Hana Gegeo retires from his post as Chief of Staff citing health reasons. He retires to the Kurdistan region.

Iraq introduces internet to all government offices.

A secretive consultative group of senior Iraqi leaders is rumored to begin working on a new Constitution.

National ID cards are rolled out across Iraq. The cards with RFID are proposed to be used for a range of services such as transportation.

1997: On New Year's Day, women revelers are harassed by groups of men who are later found to be recent immigrants. Some regional leaders express discontent at the Governments open immigration policy. Over 400 families are deported from the country for violating the terms of their stay in relation to the attacks.


Iraq begins production of domestically designed arms and ammunition. A whitelist of countries designated for exports is created.

Iraq's national team reaches the semifinals of the FIFA world cup and eventually finishes third.

A 1GW solar plant comes online in Western Iraq, the largest such project in the world. Iraq is lauded for its focus on environmentalism.


An attempted suicide bombing in Baghdad is foiled. Iraq pressures Afghanistan to turn in the Al Qaeda leaders hiding in its territory.


Democratic nominee Al Gore becomes the new President of the United States

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein stuns the country by announcing a new Constitution will come into force in 2010 turning the country into a parliamentary democracy. Legal experts laud the proposed constitution as the first modern constitution. The constitution is short and fluid with only its essential character and constitutional remedies inviolable.

Iraq introduces the concept of distributed ledgers to underpin their judicial system. All case law would be uploaded to the digital ledger allowing the public to see the evolution of the particular case law.

Mobile networks are set up in Iraq


On Sept 11, terrorists bring down the twin towers. Unconfirmed reports claim that Iraq had watned the US ahead of the attacks.

President Al Gore announces sanctions on Afghanistan until it produces the culprits of the attack including Osama Bin Laden. Al Gore refuses to direct a war against the Asian country.

Iraq suffers a mini recession as the dotcom bust filters through to the country's economy.

The Iraqi Wealth Fund invests massively in little known companies Amazon and Google.


Al Gore is unseated as US President in response to his highly unpopular stance against a War in Afghanistan. New President George W Bush declares war within hours of his inauguration.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein begins to take a backseat in the administration of the country.

Iraq finishes upgrades to its Spine of Iraq railway system.

15% of Iraqs energy needs are supplied by solar power, the highest in the world.

Iraq sets up the Alhadiqa hydroponics facility in Western Iraq, the largest of its kind in the world.


George Bush condemns the Axis of Evil that includes Libya, North Korea and controversially Iran.

Iraqi President comes out in support of Iran at the UN General Assembly and slams America for unilateral actions.


Iraq reaches the final of the FIFA world cup. The first team from Asia to do so. They lose to Italy 1-0.


The collapse of Lehman Brothers sparks a recession in Iraq. The Wealth Fund steps in to stimulate the economy as its US T Bond assets rise manifold.


The new constitution of Iraq comes into force. Saddam Hussein steps down as President. His final speech to his country draws a crowd of over a million. Prime Minister Talabani is sworn in.

A statue of Saddam is erected in Baghdads Tahrir Square alongside a larger statue commemorating the heroes of the 1984 coup attempt.

2011: Saddam Hussein and his wife Ayaan Ayub fly to Chilean Patagonia to retire from the public eye.