
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones

The prophecy stated of a doom rising and ending the whole magical world. For that to be stopped, four beings were chosen to wield and manipulate the four powerful life diamonds and fight against the coming doom. However, the villain sometimes is not the villain, it’s the broken hero.

Snow_Writer · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The Shiny Girl- Chapter 4

Chapter four

Chapter four

~The Shiny Girl~

In terms of adventurous, she is, in terms of dangerous, she is also, the red haired girl skip around, jumping from a tree to another, grabbing the tree trunks like an expert, chasing monkeys with a bright smile plastered on her cute face.

"Ugh!" The guy below scoffed out of frustration, all the loads they were with is all on the boy, they're not much, just a school like bag. The girl carried nothing and do nothing than get angry for not seeing the monkey she's chasing again.

"Am gonna burn this whole woods down if I didn't find that monkey!" She shouted already burning a tree.

"And am gonna froze you into a statue and carry you for the rest of this journey!" He replied not minding her.

"Oh really, how long do you think it'd hold before I melt them all out!" She smirked giving him dare look.

"You want us to find out!" He replied with a bold look. "All you have to do is come down here!" He smirked back folding his hands.

"I'm not arguing with you when we both know it won't last long,"

"Or you know, you know what? That your monkey!" He pointed at a certain tree, indicating behind it.

"Oh my sweet cute monkey!" In a flash she's behind the tree, just like that the tree went down to ashes alongside the monkey.

"Oops," the boy said in a taunt like tone. She sniff gathering the ashes. "Sometimes I hate my powers!" She said with tears threatening to fall down her eyes.

"Sometimes I love mine, now get your ass away from that ashes and let be on my way!" He ordered with a stoic face.

"Be real for once and care, I just lost a pet-"

"A pet you just met or was chasing, remember you killed it, why should I be bothered or give a damn!" He cut her off saying a bit pissed off.

"I'm not going again, I'm going back home!"

"You can't be serious, we don't really have home to even go back to!" The boy seethed clearly irritated by his sister's attitude.

"I'm going home Nate! You can't stop me, unless of course you find me my monkey!" She stomped childishly folding her arms with her lips pouted.

"For Pete freaking sake, there are other monkeys giggling at us!" He burst out looking really monstrous.

"Huhhh bruv you should calm down, you know how much I hate snows-"

"Then let keep moving!" She scoffed.

"But I want a monkey!" She whined thumping her foot repeatedly.

"Reya!" He called so slow with a deep scowled erupting deep from his throat. "No monkey! And go we go!"

"No monkey and go we go!" She mimicked with a funny voice before trailing behind her brother.


I manage to locate where the girl and hastily head there, no I transported there actually. But was surprised when the place was empty, shit I should have known.

It obvious she was scared and certain something is following her or people are after are. Now I will have to perform another locator spell, something I'm not even good at, I don't even have any of her thing. Gee! Am tired already.


I saw her! Meaning I have her image in my head, that should be enough.

"Metula emris!" I said picturing her in my head and where she could be. The spell I casted was given to me by my mom like, she gave it to me when I told her I know where she is and am coming after her.

My eyes flew open as her light path or step on the ground start becoming more than visible, like magically visible. I followed running and not missing the trail.

I got to the forest heart with the creaking of tiny insects disturbing my ear, the fresh scent of the small small trees occupying my nose.

My intuition pick up the girls in front of me holding a big stick pointed at me. "Wow am just here to talk!" I cooed quickly so she won't run away again.

"I'm Kale, and am surprisingly here to help you." I stretched my arm gently forward in a peaceful manner.

She said nothing than shoo me back more with the big stick she's holding.

Why am I doing this when I can easily get us both back to the palace without her permission and me showing I'm of no harm.

Okay but I don't know the spell to cast for that or how to even use my power to do that. Gawd it actually this time I need my brain to work.

An idea clicked, I just have to bring her to my mind psychically and let her see am really of no harm. Brilliant!

I close my eyes connecting us both together, the bond am creating keep slacking due to something holding it back. Something I don't know and mysterious, I created another bond this time much more stronger with all my energy in it I fought the force weakening the bond and finally have her in my mind.

"I want you to see who I am!" I speak softly in her head.

Well some minutes later she came forward dropping the stick and coming close, I showed her the good part of me and not really the messy part.

Still not saying a word she come close to me, that when I can see her clearly. Damn!!

She looks so unreal, like a goddess or mermaid queen, she's so beautiful she could have all men with just a wink. Her flawless face twinkling innocently at me. Who's after her? Why was she scared when I found her?

Creating a portal I lead her in with myself finding both of us back in the palace. I don't know what to do with her.

I took her to mom and she said we should both wait for her in my room.

I notice she's more calmer when we got to my room, the tense look on her face already disappeared.

She can't be in my room! If she's here then I can't be here. I don't like it when I'm with someone or when strange people are with me, I get it that I helped her and was nice to her, but that doesn't mean I can be friends with her.

I'm alone, I like it alone, I need to be alone, I love to be alone.

Knowing I made her comfortable I stood up walking out before a grip landed on my wrist drawing me backwards, I hijacked hissing loudly like a snake.

"What?!" I asked almost screaming, she shouldn't touch me, I should be the one touching her.

She opened her mouth to me but failed and was really taken aback from my actions. "Sorry but you shouldn't touch me!" I pleaded only to get her to talk.

We stare at each other saying nothing. I expecting her to reply me and talk, and her not even seeing that. It pisses me damn off when she keep starring at me innocently.

I turned back again when she did the same thing, my pupil changed color immediately as I faced her with a menacing dark eyes and face of an angry monster. "Aaaargh!!!!" She screamed jumping back as air and unknown water from nowhere gather together forming a shiny shield upon and around her.

She raise up gently surprise at what on her, the big circle like shield, surrounding her.

Before I will do anything harmful or stupid I dash out heading to my favorite spot. Beside the same stream I discover my power, it became my favorite place since it was there I discover I wasn't different, am like them all, I also have power, one I believe is gonna kill me or make me kill people.

The place is not like before, kids don't play there anymore, said the place now as a mark of a wounded dragon. Meaning if any soul is seen there the dragon would curse him or her.

And there I was always playing with the stream, I love the water.

Truly you shouldn't come near the place, it's now scary, the whole area is now covered in foggy and dead plants, the only place looking neat and tidy is the area I'm always at.

I sat crisscross meditating like always, my chin on edge I breathe in and out calming myself down and letting new found magic flow through me.

I need to learn how to conjure spells and be able to use them, I don't really need anyone teaching me magic because I on my own can learn anything.

My eyes shone white from below as gentle air whipped around me blowing my short hair around. Unknown to me yet a big golden grimoire appear floating in my front.

I feel refreshed and alive as I open my eyes to the shiny book in front of me, I opened it as everything inside is blank, like fully blank, no word is written inside.

I kept turning the blank pages till I got to this place it actually says 'Emptiness is not who you are'. I don't know what it means, but I will find out.

Maybe I need to ask myself this question. "What kind of a witch am I?"

To be continued...

A/N: Who is the girl Kale save and what her power? I can't wait for destiny to start revealing itself.