
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter twenty one


Ryan felt awkward and cleared his throat "umm.. we should probably head back to the camp". Serena nodded and stood up, dusting her clothes..

Ryan did the same as they both head back to the camp. As soon as they got there, Ryan's stomach rumbled. Serena chuckled.

"I'm sorry.. it's just that I haven't eaten anything since I got here" Ryan scratched the back of his head nervously.

"How about you come over to my tent so I'll treat you to lunch" Serena shyly said.

"It'd be rude of me to say no" Ryan grinned and gestured for Serena to lead the way which she did.


~• ~• ~• Back at the human world •~Ω

Stella sat on the couch, crying her eyes out while James tried his best to console her.

"Honey please stop crying, just calm down"

"HOW CAN I BE CALM??!!" Stella yelled "OUR SON HAS BEEN MISSING FOR OVER A WEEK NOW!! IF NOT.. DEAD! AND YOU'RE... ASKING ME TO CALM DOWN?!!" Stella choked on her sobs and more tears streamed down her face.

"Honey we filled a report.. the police are on the case already... They confirmed that Ryan isn't among the dead nor injured victims in the amusement park incidence.. So you should stop worrying whether he's dead because he is not dead! .. The police already assured us that if they get any information, they'll give us a call; so we just have to be patient ok?"

Stella nodded and muttered sadly "But if he's not dead, then where exactly is he?.. I just hope nothing bad happened to him.. I just can't bear it if anything happens.. I just can't!!" Stella's eyes brimmed with tears.

"there there .. it's okay.. I'm sure he's safe.. he's just missing that's all.. I'm sure he'll be found soon.. It's okay.. stop crying ok?" James cooed and hugged her, gently caressing her back. Stella nodded and let herself be comforted by James warm and assuring hugs.

Suddenly, a knock came on the door. James pecked Stella's forehead and got up to answer whoever's knocking. He opened the door and saw Ryan's best friend "Oh mark! what a surprise.. please come in" he shifted to the side and gestured for Mark to come in.

"Hello Mr Smith" Mark greeted and walked in the house as James shuts the door.

"I heard about what happened at Fun land a week ago.. I'm so sorry about Ryan" Mark sighed sadly "Believe me, I felt very grieved when I heard the news; I refused to believe that Ryan's gone. I had to do research on the injured victims but I couldn't find Ryan's name on the list" Mark tried hard not to break down "

"Ryan's not dead" Stella muttered.


"I said HE'S NOT DEAD!" she raised her voice; as James caressed her back, calming her down a little.

"what?!!.. he's not?!!... but I.. he- "

"Ryan's not dead; neither is he part of the injured victims. He's just mysteriously missing. we've filled a report and the police confirmed it themselves. They said that they'll inform us if they found anything but it's been a week now and we haven't received any response from the police" James sighed sadly.

Mark went silent for some minutes. Suddenly he spoke up "I think I should join the police in the investigation. I mean, I just can't sit here doing nothing when my best friend is probably in great danger"

"We appreciate your help mark" Stella said sincerely.

"Yes we sincerely do. Me and my wife should also join in the investigation, I mean, Ryan's our son and we just can't sit here waiting, until we get a response from the police. I mean, who knows how long that'll probably be!"

"No- " mark stood up "Ryan's mysterious disappearance probably got it hard on Mrs Smith and she really needs someone by her side right now Mr Smith. Leave the investigation to me; you should stay with Mrs Smith and make sure she doesn't hurt herself"

James nodded and gently placed his hand over Stella's shoulder and pull her for a gentle embrace " rest assured; I will do exactly that"

Mark nodded "humph.. well I guess I'll be leaving now, take care Mr and Mrs Smith"

"Take care too mark"

Mark nodded and walked towards the door. Opening it, he gave them one last look and shut the door.

"Don't worry my love, now we have mark helping in the investigation. It won't be a matter of time before we get news about Ryan"

Stella nodded slowly and muttered "But I think we should do something.. Maybe .. Create fliers of missing Ryan and distribute it everywhere then our chances of finding Ryan will increase"

"I agree but mark said we shouldn't worry; that he's on the case"

Stella stared up at James and sneered "Don't you feel remorseful at all?!! people who aren't even related to Ryan are out there, looking for him while US as his parents are sitting here like a pile of decaying shits doing nothing about it!!"

"Calm down Stella!- " James sighed heavily "ok fine! I agree to you said.. But here's what we're gonna do; let's wait for like a couple more weeks and if we don't receive any response by then, we'll do your suggestions"

"Two weeks!" Stella pointed out.

"Three weeks!"

Stella hesitated but nodded "Deal"..

★★Back at the supernatural realm★★

§§§§§§ Werewolves camp §§§§§§§§

"And then mark was like '*yo bruh let's shoot some swans with a sling shot*' and I was like '*bruh I don't think that's a good idea*' but he went ahead and still did it anyway and at the end he got chased across the field by an angry looking Swan and ended up tripping over a big rock and landed his face on cow poop" Ryan said, laughing hard.

Serena laughed so hard that her face was slightly red "oh my goodness hahaha"

"Well good thing he kept his mouth shut when he fell otherwise he's going spend three whole days brushing his teeth with different types of toothpaste if not with detergents hahaha" Mark laughed hard "Mark spent a full day bathing, washing and scrubbing his face like a mad man hahaha"

Serena and Ryan were so engrossed in their conversation, laughing so hard that they failed to notice a presence until they heard someone loudly clear his throat.

They raised their head up and saw John, looking intimidating as ever.

"Senior brother John" Serena smiled widely and ran to give him a hug which he hesitated a little but accepted anyway.

Ryan just sat there, feeling so intimidated by John. Those silver eyes, looks so strangely familiar.

"I can see that you're much better now Prince" John said smirking a little, his husky slightly deep voice sounding so sexy but intimidating.

Ryan gulped In slight fear and stuttered "y..Yes.. sir..Mr John... sir.. I'm better.. now"

"That's good to know, so that means we can begin training immediately"

"what?!.. but i-"

"but what prince?" John asked, raising his slit left eyebrow.

I'm not ready yet. Ryan thought but shook his head instead and replied "Ok"

"Good, meet me at the training grounds in the next 10 minutes, don't be late" John warned and left, leaving the smiling Serena and the quivering Ryan.


Serena giggled "he's not my actual brother silly.. Remember that time when I told you about being unconscious and waking up in the castle?"

Ryan nodded. Serena spoke up "well, after being told about everything that happened, I became depressed. I felt like I was alone in this world. I wanted to join my father and tried to commit suicide but John came and saved me before I lost my breath. He cared for me and assured me that I wasn't alone in this world. He took me in and took care of me like a little sister and I took him as a big brother. John might look scary and intimidating but believe me when I say this, John is the nicest person once you get to know him.. But just make sure not to piss his off or get on his bad side because.. well, I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"ah thank you for this 'all so wonderful' advice Serena" Ryan said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"I'd start going to the training grounds if I were you because if there's one thing John hate, it's late comers"

Ryan gulped and quickly stood up, almost tripping "Please take me to the training grounds.. I don't want to get my soul ripped out of my body"

Serena giggled "Of course I'll take you.. but you've gotta run quick else you're gonna make a certain someone really mad" she teases.

"Yeah yeah I heard you now please! lead the way so we'll get there on time" Ryan pleaded.

Serena nodded and led the way as Ryan followed suite, his mind clouded with possible thoughts about what's gonna happen in today's training. He gulped hard and thought "oh dear God please save your son"...