
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter fourteen: Captured

~~~Back at the supernatural world~~~

~~~~~The werewolves camp~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~Ryan POV~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I massaged my aching temple as I looked around and stared at my surroundings which doesn't look familiar to me "Where am i?... how did I get here?" I tried to sit up but then I felt severe pains all over my body "ahh!" I groaned in pain ; my body hurts so bad.. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths; trying to ease the pain I'm feeling a little bit when suddenly I heard someone barge in..

"my prince, you're awake! I'm so glad" I heard the most sweetest voice ever.. And judging from the voice, it's a female.. I opened my eyes and tilt my head to the side and saw a extremely beautiful girl.. She had blonde hair, eyes as blue and beautiful as the sky, red and lucious lips , pointed nose.. she was a work of art.. "Who are you?... where am I?.. what is this place?" I asked, staring at her "You're in our camp my prince.. the werewolves camp" she smiled at me. I was so captured by her smile until realization dawned on me about what she said; my eyes widened "What wait?!!.. Werewolves camp?!! How did I get here?!!" She smiled and took two steps closer to the bed where I laid "Well, after getting almost crushed by that signboard, *blah blah blah* we found you *blah blah blah* and now you're here" she grinned. I sighed as I tried to sit up but my body still hurts. The pretty girl rushed towards me and helped me sit up.. I looked up and locked gaze with those beautiful eyes "What's your name?" I asked, still looking into her eyes "Serena my prince" she smiled " Well my name is Ryan" I smiled back ; although I felt I was forgetting something.. Then I suddenly remembered! my eyes widened!

Alicia!! oh no! She could be in danger.. I've got to save her. I tried to stand up for the bed but Serena pulled me back "Prince Ryan what's wrong?.. why are you suddenly so bothered?" Serena asked, worry and concern filled her eyes "Where's Alicia?!! where is she?!! I've got to find her!" Serena stared at me sadly "I'm sorry prince Ryan but I have no idea of this "Alicia" you speak nor where she is at the moment" I sighed heavily and laid back on the bed, my heart feeling very heavy. I feel so sad right now. I couldn't protect alicia.. "but! I do know who might be able to tell you where you can find your Alicia" I heard Serena said as I stared at her hopefully "really?! who?" "the leader of this camp.. he knows a lot.. I bet he knows where you could find your Alicia" I felt a pang of hope as I heard Serena say those words "take me to him please.. I need to see him" Serena nodded and came closer and helped me sit up.. I couldn't help but lock gaze with those beautiful eyes "How old are you?" I suddenly asked "I'm 17.. I'll be turning 18 in the next two full moon" she replied shyly. I smirked "do you wanna know something?" she nodded "you're the most prettiest girl I've ever met" "m..my prince I'm flattered by your sweet words" Serena said,faced down as she blushed so hard that her face looked like a red tomato; I couldn't help but laugh "what's so funny my prince?" she looked up, staring at me "nothing" I replied as I tried to my laughter but I couldn't "I'm sorry. it's just that your face looks like a tomato right now" I couldn't help it; her face looked funny and cute at the same time.. Serena suddenly flushed with embarrassment.. I stopped laughing and cleared my throat "so umm.. shall we go see your leader now?" Serena nodded "hmm ok my prince" she came closer and wanted to help me stand but then, the pain came back again but this time, it was more severe "aahh!!" I yelled in pain as it became even more severe; suddenly my vision became blurry , my heart beat became louder and faster than normal, I looked up and saw Serena's lips moving but I couldn't hear a thing; suddenly I blacked out..

★★★The vampire kingdom★★★★

~~~~~~~Alicia POV~~~~`~~~

I woke with a slight headache, I groaned and looked around, trying to make out where I was but everywhere was so dark.. it took some time before my eyes got accostumed to the dark.. I looked around and found out that I was in a dungeon "How did I get here?".. Suddenly memories came flooding in, Ryan!! .. I stood up to run but something drew me back, I turned back and discovered that I was chained to the wall.. I struggled to free myself from the chains but my efforts was futile. I sighed heavily and gave up that idea of trying to free myself from the chains because I know that it's useless.. I switched to plan B .. I stood up and walked towards the dungeon door, holding the rails "Hello!! is anyone there?!!. hello?!!" I screamed as my voice echoed in the dungeon..

Suddenly, the dungeon doors opened... I took a few steps back.. A very handsome man walked in "hello dear" he said as he came closer.." who are you?" he stopped in front of me and smirked "just call me Steve"

"what do you want from me?" "in a matter of time, you would soon know" suddenly he raised his hand and touched my face, caressing it gently "ain't you a beauty" I frowned.. he came closer until our faces were just inches apart . he gazed into my eyes, as if he's trying to reach into my soul; he then averted his gaze from my eyes to my lips.. he used his thumb to caress my lower lip "So red and lucious and yet so tempting" he muttered under his breath.. Before I could comprehend what was going on, he crashed his lips on mine.. I've got to admit, he's a really good kisser and any girl would have melted in his arms but right now, I feel disgusted.. I tried to free myself but he was alot stronger than me.. he bit my lower lip; I gasped and he found that as an opportunity to dive his tongue into my mouth as he deepened the kiss.. I got myself and bit his lower lip as hard as I could. That seems to do the trick.. He let go of me and covered his already bleeding lip.. he wiped the blood with his finger tip and stared at it..

He suddenly gritted his teeth in anger and gave me a heavy slap which sent me to the ground; he knelt down and yanked my hair roughly as I yelped in pain "Listen here bitch, if you want to be alive to ever see your precious Ryan again, you better behave yourself" he said as he shoved me aside and stood up, walking out of the dungeon angrily. I sat there as tears fell from my eyes "Ryan! where are you?!.. come and save me .. please" I muttered as more tears fell from my eyes...

Hey guys.. sorry for not updating on time.. I was so busy with exams and I still have physics exams on Monday.. so I've got to read and be well prepared.. I'm not gonna be posting a new chapter often but I'll try my best to update a new chapter on time..In the meantime, tell me what you think of this chapter.. drop your thoughts on the comments section.. (^_^) ..

Anthonia_Charlescreators' thoughts