
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter five : Lisa's death

The leader's eyes widened in shock.. He couldn't believe that Lisa just threw the baby over the cliff.. He ran towards the cliff ,pushed Lisa aside and look down, hoping to see any sign of the baby but he couldn't "sh*t!!" He cursed under his breath.. He turned sharply at Lisa and glared daggers at her "why did you do that?!!".

Lisa smirked "that was the only way to keep my prince safe... And the protective spell I cast on him, it's gonna be difficult for you vampires to hurt him... and everyone knows that the protective spell can only be broken if the person that casted the spell dies or the person decides to break the spell".

The leader became very angry, this b*tch just made everything difficult "I'll make you regret this... GET HER!!!" the vampires charged towards Lisa.. Lisa quickly chanted a spell "supernatet in aere" the vampires began to float in the air..Lisa chanted another spell  "ardebit in cinerem" and the vampires began to burn.. They screamed in agony as they burnt to ashes. Lisa smiled satisfactorily but the smile disappeared as soon as she heard slow,loud claps coming from behind her.. She swiftly turned and saw the leader smirking.

"pretty impressive, now... It's my turn "He charged towards her with full speed.. Before Lisa chant a spell, the leader hit her with so much force that made her fly in mid air and hit a tree with force and lands on the ground with a thug...

Lisa coughed up a little blood and whinced as she tries to stand on her feet.. She was in so much pain but she endured it and stood..

The leader smirked "At first, I thought you were very strong.. but now, I just realised that you're as weak as fuck.. Ha! this is gonna be easier than I thought... Ok! Enough talk, time to END THIS!" The leader charged towards Lisa but before he could attack, Lisa quickly chanted a spell and he began to float in the air.

"if.. anyone is gonna die tonight, it's YOU!!.... Ardebit in cinerem!" The leader began to burn "arghh!!!" He screamed as he burnt to ashes.. Lisa took deep breaths and relaxed a little "I need to get back to the castle.. I need to know if the queen's ok" Lisa took a few steps into woods but stops and looks at the cliff "I wonder if I did the right thing... I hope my queen forgives me for this" Lisa sighed, turned and walked deeper into the woods, heading back to the castle....

******Back at the Queen's chamber********

"Walls of fire huh!... Is that the best you can do?" Damon smirked as Luna's frown deepen..

"Gladius flammeus appare in manu mea" luna chanted as a flaming sword appeared in her hand.

"hmm, not bad for a weakling like yourself" Damon chuckled which made luna more angry.


Luna charged towards Damon with full speed.. Before Damon could realise what's going on, luna slashed Damon's chest, down to his tummy "Arghhh!!!" Damon fell on his knees and screamed in pains as the flames from the sword burns through his skin.. Suddenly he stop screaming and started laughing..

Luna stared at him, wondering if he has gone insane or something but then something unexpected happened; the wounds on Damon's body made by the sword began to heal "what the...." Luna was surprised. She watched as Damon chuckled and stood up "you've done yours.... Now, it's my turn!" Damon charged towards Luna; before she could strike, he hit her with so much force that made her to fly in mid air and hit her body in the walls of the bedroom;causing it to crack..

She whinced in pain as she stood up. "well I guess it's time to end you!" Damon said as he charged towards Luna but she was quick enough to cast a spell "Mysterium venti per muros impellunt eum!" A strong wind blew Damon off, making him hit and break through the wall of the bedroom with his body..

Just then, Lisa came in "my queen!" Luna was shocked .. she didn't expect Lisa to return "Lisa... What are you..".

"No time to explain my queen" Suddenly, they heard groaning sounds coming from behind, they turned and saw Damon trying to stand on his feet..

Damon looked up and saw Lisa and smirked "well well, look who decided to join the party" He stood up and dusted his clothes.

"Too bad for you Damon, it's two against one" Lisa said as she stood to her ground.

Damon let out a little laugh "Do you guys really think you could defeat me" Damon laughed again.

" we don't think damon.. we KNOW we can defeat you" Luna said with so much confidence.

"well then, let's just see about that!" Damon charged towards Luna and Lisa.. Luna clenched her sword tightly, raised it and slashed Damon's right arm.


Damon screamed as his right arm fell on the floor and turned to ashes "f*CK!" He cursed under his breath. Luna took few steps towards Damon while clenching her sword tightly.

"And now.. YOU!".

Luna raised her flaming sword to strike Damon but Damon super-speed and wrapped his left hand around Lisa's neck tightly from behind.

"come any closer and your precious Lisa goes bye-bye" Damon said as held Lisa tighter.

"you wouldn't dare!" Luna could feel her rage starting to build up.

"oh.. would I?"Damon tighten his grip on Lisa's neck as she began gasping for air.

Luna's rage reached to max as she charged towards Damon with full speed. She clenched her sword angrily, as she was about to stab Damon. Damon was quick to put Lisa in front and keep a little distance in the back. Before she could stop herself, it was already too late; she stabbed Lisa!.

"Noooo!!!.. Lisa!!!" Lisa's eyes widened in shock and she stared at the sword that had driven through her stomach and look at Luna.

"my..... queen" Luna quickly pulled the sword out of Lisa's stomach as Lisa spat out blood.. Damon left Lisa's body to fall on the ground as Lisa gasps..

Luna quickly threw her sword, knelt down and lifted Lisa's head and placed it on her (luna) laps "Lisa!!.. please don't die on me!!" "M..my... queen" Lisa whispered "Lisa!!.. please you can't die right now.. we can still win.. you'll survive.. I'll make sure.. so please don't die!!" Luna was close to tears.

"m..my... queen... I'm... Sorry" Lisa took her last breath and finally gave up to ghost.

"Lisa!!!!" Luna cried as the tears flow freely down her face.. She lost everything.. her husband, almost all her people, her best and most trusted friend Lisa and most importantly, her son.. she didn't even get the chance to ask Lisa where she kept her son.. maybe because, it never really crossed her mind.. and now.. she has lost everything.. what is there to live for.. she scoffs sadly and looked up.. She stared at Damon as he smirked.. She felt her blood boiling... The anger.. the rage was reaching its max "I will make sure you don't escape here alive!" Luna started casting a spell "castrum corruat et omnes malos interficiat"she keep repeating this spell as her eyes glowed....

Suddenly the ground began to shake.. the castle began to collapse "I need to get outta here before I get crushed" Damon super-speed out of the castle just in time before it collapsed... Damon smirked, feeling lucky to escape just in time but frowns as he remembers his severed arm "ah! That b*TCH" he cursed under his breath and he turns and super-speed back to his kingdom....