
Sacred Brother

We all have someone we hate, someone we can't stand. For me, it was my brother. I should have known that such an unatural hatred would have a cost, but I didn't realized this simple truth until it was too late. However, now, I have another chance. To rise and become someone better, no matter what stands in my way. This is story of my second life

kaoxx287 · ファンタジー
95 Chs

Story of a past: Father's fight (Third part)

A lonely carriage was moving under the bright, scorching sun. It was a relatively hot day. As a result, the Preels pulling this carriage were moving slower than usual.

Those animals were very similar to horses except for the green scales on their legs and the fangs protruding from their mouths. Their black coat absorbed the heat and exhausted them. The Preels were raised by humans and were fairly common in the region. However, their speed and resistance couldn't be compared to a Vrapy.

It took Millodas and Aten inside this carriage several days to reach their final destination just outside the capital of the kingdom.

Millodas felt anxious and restless as the carriage moved closer and closer toward his former house. The familiar road gave him a nostalgic feeling. However, he didn't allow himself to be immersed in this feeling. The more he thought about his son, the more worried and angry he became. If his father was really responsible for kidnapping Sillath, then he would never forgive him.

However, he was the head of one of the four Great noble houses. He was a powerful and dangerous man. Even if he did have some part in Sillath's abduction, and if he went as far as announcing the kidnapping, only the King could force him to release Sillath.

It was something impossible to happen.

No matter how much he thought about it, Millodas was unable to find a solution to force his father to give his son back.

He could only pray that he was innocent and that he could possibly help him find his son.

The carriage finally stopped in front of a huge, familiar gate. This metal gate was several meters high with pikes at the end.

"Stop right there!".

Millodas and Aten turned their heads toward the rasping voice of a man wearing a heavy steel armor.

Another man was following behind him. The two heavily armed guards approached the carriage. In spite of the heat, they still wore their steel helmets, thus hiding their faces.

Millodas came out of the carriage and stood to face them. They were both taller and much more muscular than Millodas and Aten. Millodas was hoping to recognize the guards, but he was sure it was the first time he met them.

"I am Millodas Waldemar and I have come here to meet my father, Arthur Waldemar. Let me in."

The two guards looked at each other in confusion. They were unsure if they could trust the man who would so boldly proclaim himself to be the son of Arthur Waldemar.

Millodas felt a little reassured as soon as he saw their reactions. If they were at the service of the Waldemar house, they would surely not be disrespectful.

As this thought crossed his mind, the two guards suddenly burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing? Open this door right now." Millodas yelled at the guards with a bewildered face.

The tallest guard finally stopped laughing and coldly declared.

"You surprised us here but in fact, whether you are his son or not, it is none of our business. The old man is paying us to guard the gate and let no one in. He mentioned nothing about his son coming to visit. The old man isn't even here. Now fuck off before we kick your ass."

Millodas was stunned by his reaction.

He had never thought that a guard of the Waldemar house would ever talk to him in such a disrespectful manner. Several years earlier, no guard would have shown this kind of attitude toward him.

Millodas could only think of one reason to explain their abnormal behavior.

These two men were not official soldiers of the Waldemar house, but mercenaries hired by his father. They swore no loyalty, except to money.

Millodas had never seen a mercenary near his house before. His father couldn't help but distrust and despise them.

"Let's go."

Aten grabbed Millodas' arm and pulled him back inside the carriage. Millodas was so absorbed by his thoughts that he hadn't realized that the guards were turning hostile.

Aten had a good reaction.

There was no point in talking to them especially since Arthur Waldemar wasn't in his house. So just like that, they left inside their carriage. But as soon as they traveled a good distance away from the Waldemar house, the carriage stopped. It was possible to see the large gate from where they had stopped.

They couldn't risk getting caught by the mercenaries and couldn't force open the entrance either.

Therefore, they secluded themselves in an area where they could view the road near the house, so they would know as soon as possible when Arthur Waldemar would return.

Millodas couldn't help but be surprised by this encounter.

Something was definitely wrong.

Except for the two men they had encountered, he saw no one in the courtyard. In the past, no matter who it was at the front gate, at least five guards and a couple of servants would be there, ready to welcome an incoming guest. However, from what he saw, the house felt deserted.

If Sillath was inside, there would definitely be more than two guards occupying the estate.

Millodas wanted to attack the front gates to see if his son was imprisoned inside, but if he was wrong, then his father would be offended and could even decide not to help look for him.

The risk was too important.

As a result, they both waited patiently inside the carriage for Arthur Waldemar's return.


They spent several days surveying the area around the estate, only leaving for the city to stock up on food and water. Four days had passed since they started their stakeout when they spotted another carriage heading toward the front gate of the house.

"Wake up Millodas."

Aten, who was on watch, immediately woke Millodas up.

A massive carriage pulled by four 'Preels' came into their view. Millodas immediately recognized the carriage. It was the one he used with his father several years ago. However, this time it was guarded by at least ten other men suited in steel armors who were mounting 'Preels'.

It was the first time, Millodas saw his father under such a large escort.

He no longer had the time to think about it. They had to intercept the carriage before it enters the estate. Aten immediately advanced their carriage toward the house.

A couple of mercenaries spotted them and shifted their mounts to block the path of their carriage.

Millodas and Aten stopped in front of this hastily made wall of soldiers near his father's carriage. They quickly got out, just in time to see someone exiting from the other carriage.

It was an old man wearing a long grey robe matching his hair, except for the white drills near his temple. He was around six feet tall, but his body seemed quite frail. His approach was slow. His steps were heavy as if it was costing him a great amount of effort.

Millodas couldn't believe what he was seeing. Nearly a decade passed since he last saw his father, but he had some trouble recognizing the man before him.

His father was standing right in front of him, only a few feet away. As he came closer, Millodas saw that his pale face was filled with deep wrinkles and that he had profound bags under his once lively brown eyes.


Millodas yelled with great effort as his voice finally broke out.

The old man made a gesture toward the guards to let them pass.

Millodas was too shocked by his father's unexpected physical changes to speak.

"It has been a long time, Millodas. You've grown up to become a fine man."

Only his voice was unaltered by time. Memories began to resurface in Millodas' mind. Just by looking at him, he understood the suffering his father must've endured since he left. Guilt began to build up inside of him, but he quickly got rid of this feeling. He wanted to get straight to the point.

He was here for only one reason.

"Father… My son Sillath was kidnapped a few days ago by a woman named Amanda Finley. I came here to ask for your assistance."

Millodas bowed his head to his father while waiting for his answer. However, he only heard a chuckle.

He raised his head and saw a malevolent smile on his father's face.

"You want my assistance. What a coincidence, I wanted the same from you."

Millodas raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm sure I can help you find Sillath."

Millodas' heart skipped a beat. He could no longer contain his pent-up feelings.

"Do you know where Sillath is? Answer me!"

Millodas was beginning to feel restless and impatient. He wanted an answer. However, in front of his son's pleading, Arthur Waldemar only chuckled another time.

Millodas immediately lost his patience.

He approached him angrily to grab him by the collar.

However, as soon as his hand was about to touch his father's clothes, he was suddenly blown away. Flying in mid-air, Millodas was too late to even realize what had just happened.

Aten agitated his hand. Millodas' body began to immediately slow down and was returned gently to the ground.

"Oh! Seems like we have an interesting little elf here."

The voice came from a tall man with an incredibly muscular body. He had short black hair and eyes that were as dark as coal. A huge smile was beginning to form on his rather brutish-looking face.

He was the one responsible for sending Millodas flying with only a gesture of his hand.

Aten and the huge man stood in front of each other without moving. The atmosphere was heavy and full of animosity. The surrounding soldiers took a step back. This man was clearly their leader.

"Enough Vated!"

The tired voice of Arthur put an end to the silent clash.


Millodas, who was now standing next to Aten, stared at the mountain like-man without believing it. He instantly recognized this name.

Vated was quite famous. He was known as one of the strongest and most vicious mercenaries throughout the entire Kingdom. He was a Saint earth mage and an accomplished warrior. However, his fame or rather his notoriety was more caused by his violent acts. There were several bad rumors about him.

Rumors of rape and child murder.

However, he wasn't worried about the authorities because his clients were exclusively from powerful noble houses. They protected him and covered for his actions, so that they may freely use his power at will.

Facing him in a battle would be quite difficult if they were to force his father to give his son back. Millodas looked carefully at the surrounding soldiers. Each of them seemed quite strong. Millodas knew that as long as they were around, it was clearly impossible for him to win.

Aten and Vated continued to look at each other. They seemed ready to jump at each other's throats.

Millodas couldn't understand Aten's reaction. He was usually calm and indifferent. He was the kind of man who would never act too rashly but, in front of Vated, the atmosphere he released was very different.

Cold sweat began to form on his back as he thought of a possible fight between those two.

"Aten calm down."

If a fight was to suddenly break out, he would have no chance of finding his son. Aten started to relax a bit after hearing Millodas words. He knew it wasn't the moment to act rashly.

"What do you want from me?"

Millodas' voice was cold.

There was no doubt in his mind anymore.

His father was responsible for kidnapping Sillath. He didn't say it clearly, but more than his words, it was the atmosphere around him that was telling him that.

The house he once knew was gone. As soon as Millodas understood that, he felt nothing but suspicion toward him.

With his reaction, it was now clear.

"Nothing. I said I wanted something, but it's too late now."

"Don't fuck with me!!!"

Millodas' angry voice resonated as soon as his father finished his sentence.

"Did you kidnap Sillath or not?"

"Yes, I did." Arthur calmly replied.

Anger continued to build up inside Millodas as he heard his father's calm answer.


"Why you say?"

Arthur's voice lost its calmness. He stepped forward to stand only a meter away from his son.

"You abandoned me and your name. You left me alone without any heir. The other houses jumped on this occasion to attack me. Because of you, I lost my strength, my future and my dreams."

His tone grew heavier as angry words flowed out of his mouth.

"And you dare to ask me why!"

His voice felt powerful and imposing as if he could swallow a man whole. Under the cold and merciless gaze of his father, Millodas took a step back.

A long deep silence soon followed after.

The atmosphere was heavy. No one dared to move, even the surrounding soldiers with the exception of Vated, felt sweat form on the back of their shirts.

The silence was soon broken.

"Sillath will save my house with his talent in magic and become an appropriate heir in your stead."

After hearing his words, Millodas clenched his fist before lowering his head as low as possible to beg his father with a shaking voice.

"I don't know what happened after I left, but I never wanted something like this to happen. If you want to get your revenge, then you can kill me right here, but please give me my son back. I beg you."

Nobody dared to move after his declaration. Only Arthur Waldemar was smiling. He was clearly expecting this moment for a long time.

"I don't want your death."

Millodas raised his head to look at the ominous smile on his father's face.

"There is only one way for you to get your son back."

"What is it? Tell me, I will do anything you want!"

Millodas grew desperate and jumped on this chance.

"Kill Seledia and bring your daughters here. That is the only way for you to live with Sillath."


Millodas was stunned after hearing his calm request. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

This wasn't his father.

Not anymore.

"I can't do something like that!"

Arthur lost his smile and coldly declared.

"Then get lost. The next time I see your face, I will kill you and your whore, before taking your daughters."

Millodas immediately straightened. He knew that his father wouldn't be happy after his marriage with Seledia, but he never thought his hate would be this strong.

"You ask me to kill my wife, to kill my children's mother."

"That is the only way to atone for your sin."

"I didn't do anything wrong. I tried to live my life on my own, I tried to escape your power struggles. Is that a sin? You brought your own misery on yourself. You should have left this life as I did."

Millodas took his sword out in front of his father with hate burning in his eyes.

Arthur stayed motionless.

"I will get my son back, one way or another."

It wasn't possible to talk with him anymore. There was only one solution to get his son back.

It was to kill him then and there.

The mercenaries began to unsheathe their swords. Vated was holding a massive black double-handed axe at least as tall as Millodas himself. His face showed his happiness as blood was ready to flow.

Millodas knew that even with Aten by his side, his chances were low. However, if he could take his father hostage then the other mercenaries wouldn't be able to act as freely.

Everything would be decided in an instant.

Either he succeeds or he would die.

His father was only a few steps away. However, he did not retreat.

As the situation was ready to escalate, Arthur burst into laughter.

"You want to kill me? This won't bring your son back. He's not here after all."

Millodas was startled but didn't dare to relax.

"You're lying."

"He is currently in training. I can't risk his life here in the capital. He is in a place where you will never find him. He will come back when he is ready."

Millodas lost his strength as soon as he heard his father's words.

As if to bury his last hope, Arthur continued talking.

"It's already too late. His fate is sealed."

Millodas couldn't believe it. He gripped his sword harder and was about to assault him when Aten suddenly grabbed hold of his shoulder.

"We can't win. If he is telling the truth, then even if we kill him, we won't be able to find Sillath. If something happens to him, we can't be sure that Sillath would be safe anymore."

Millodas loosened his grip. His sword fell lifelessly on the ground in front of his father.

"Come back with your wife's head if you want to see him again. If not then never appear in front of me again."

Arthur Waldemar finally turned heels with the mercenaries around him.

He stopped and turned his head one more time to take a glance at his son.

"I give you the freedom you wanted so much. You're not my son anymore. Consider Sillath to be the price for your freedom."

With those final words, he finally left and entered his house.

Long after the metal gate closed behind him, Millodas stayed at the same place until he collapsed to his knees. Tears of frustration and sorrow were flowing from the corners of his eyes.

It was the day he lost his only son.