
Sacred Brother

We all have someone we hate, someone we can't stand. For me, it was my brother. I should have known that such an unatural hatred would have a cost, but I didn't realized this simple truth until it was too late. However, now, I have another chance. To rise and become someone better, no matter what stands in my way. This is story of my second life

kaoxx287 · ファンタジー
95 Chs

Story of a past: Father's fight (Last part)

The trip back was eventless.

Nothing happened.

Even if something happened, Millodas probably wouldn't have noticed.

Aten watched over him as they traveled back toward their town.

Beyond a hill covered with grass, they finally saw their destination. The small town was just a couple of miles away. It was possible to clearly see the numerous white stone houses with black roofs.

The weather was bright, without a single cloud.

It couldn't be further from Millodas's state of mind.

Anger like he never felt before was assailing him. He was angry at his father, but more importantly, at himself. If only he was stronger, then maybe he could have saved him.

This sentence circled around his mind endlessly.

It's only when he saw the small houses near the forest that his expression changed.

His face turned paler.

Aten put a warm hand on his shoulder to support him.

Millodas wasn't ready for what was going to happen.

How should he announce to his wife that it was impossible to get Sillath back despise knowing who kidnapped him?

Millodas often cursed his fate for being born in a Great noble house while his only wish was freedom. However, at this moment, he wasn't cursing his fate.

As he realized the hopelessness of this situation, he cursed this kingdom with all his heart.

This country was ruled by a King who was fair to everyone. This was what most people believed. However, Millodas saw behind the curtain of smiles and lies. The King was nothing more than a puppet.

The noble families were the one pulling the strings.

They were the true rulers of this kingdom. Most people didn't realize that until they experienced it themselves.

Slavery; taxes; and power struggles. Everything was because of them and their thirst for power. They were responsible for so much suffering, but it wasn't possible to oppose them alone.

Millodas saw what happened to other families as noble houses trampled and used them, but it was very different when you experienced it yourself. His father didn't hesitate to take his son and to use him as a tool. He used his own grandson to get back his power and influence.

He despised other noble families, but now he understood that his father was the worst of them.

Millodas truly despised him from the bottom of his heart. However, no matter how much he cursed him, he was powerless.

It was impossible for him to ask for help from the King or any organization in the capital. The problem wasn't his father who lost the majority of his influence, but the other noble houses. If they learned the existence of Sillath then his life would be over.

As this thoughts were wandering in his mind, they finally entered the town.

Everyone gathered around the carriage when they saw them coming back. After a few minutes, Seledia came running in their direction. She was carrying a small blanket on each arm. Inside these blankets were her daughters.

After Sillath's kidnapping, she didn't lose her babies from her sight even for a single moment. It was impossible for her to close her eyes to get some rest during the time Millodas was gone. As a result, her condition wasn't much better than before. She had huge black circles under her tired blue eyes. Her breathing was heavy, but her steps were steady. She was nothing more than a weak woman at this moment, but the atmosphere around her was imposing. It was difficult not to feel fear in front of her majestic presence. It was as if the air itself was burning around, keeping everyone from coming close to her.

Everyone made way for her to approach the carriage.

Millodas and Aten came down and waited for her to come closer.

Her blue eyes were moving furiously as she looked for her son. However, as soon as she saw the pale face of her husband, she understood he wasn't here. Her heart started to beat faster as she imagined the worst.

She finally stopped in front of the two men, breathing heavily. Her face was pale but her voice was fiercer than ever when she spoke to them.

"Where is Sillath? Did you find him?"

Millodas opened his mouth but closed it immediately after, not knowing where to start his story. Seeing the torment of Millodas, Aten was the first one to speak.

"Sillath isn't with us, Seledia. I'm sorry. Let's talk about it in your house."

Seledia's lips shook slightly as she was ready to speak, but she changed her mind and quietly nodded before leading the way.

The crowd quickly dispersed after hearing the news.

Those who heard Aten were perplexed. Some thought Sillath was dead, but no one dared to say it aloud as they feared that Seledia would hear them.

They finally entered their beautiful garden filled with mysterious plants and flowers. The sweet fragrance penetrated everyone's nostril, but the three of them didn't pay it any mind.

They entered the living room.

Seledia quickly walked toward a huge sofa and sat heavily on it. Millodas and Aten came in front of her without sitting. They stayed like that without anyone daring to talk.

Seledia hugged her daughters tighter before asking the question haunting her mind since the moment she saw her husband's face.

"Did Sillath die?"

Her usually strong and soft voice was shaking.


Millodas quickly answered her.

This was the only good news he could give her.

As soon as Seledia heard that her expression softened. As the pressure she endured lessened, she couldn't prevent a tear from falling along her cheek.

"Then, what happened?"

Millodas took a deep breath before telling her what happened. As his story progress, his face became paler. Each word became more difficult to tell. He was filled with nothing but shame in front of her.

He was unable to bring their son back. That was the only thought he had at this moment.

Seledia quietly listened without moving or uttering a single word. Her daughters in her arms were equally quiet as if they understood the seriousness of this discussion.

When the last words left his mouth, a heavy silence settled in the room.

Aten seemed uncomfortable. He felt that he shouldn't be here, right now. He quietly took some steps back not to immerse any further in this family affair.

Millodas was the first one to speak again. He couldn't bear the silence of his wife any longer. He wanted her to scream at him like she always did when she was upset. He couldn't stand to see her motionless without any expression on her pale face.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

For what felt like an eternity, his words of apology resonated inside the room. With each word coming out of his mouth, he felt his throat tightening and becoming drier.

Seledia finally stood up. She still had her babies in her arms. She gently extended her right arm toward him to give him Llinadia, who was sleeping peacefully.

Millodas was surprised by her gesture but took his daughter in his arms nonetheless. Seledia then approached Aten and gave him Sellysse.

"Seledia what are you doing?"

Millodas' question left his mouth without thinking. However, she didn't answer and waited for Aten to take her daughter.

Aten was just in front of her. His gentle blue gaze looked at her beautiful face.

Seledia wasn't making any sound, but tears were dropping from her eyes endlessly. Her once blue eyes were glowing with a fierce red light. When Aten looked at this scene unfold in front of him, he couldn't help but feel his heart shake. He understood that the pain of her loss couldn't be comprehended through words alone.

Sellysse was still in her arms, waiting for Aten to take her. However, the elf doctor didn't move.

"You can't do that Seledia."

His usual calm voice betrayed his sadness from watching Seledia's face. Millodas also finally understood what she wanted. He came closer to her and, with his free hand stroked her left cheek gently to wipe the tears flowing along.

"I have to save him…"

Her soft voice finally left her throat.

"Aten, take her and watch her for me. I won't be long."

Her words weren't soft this time. As if to show the determination hidden in her sentence, the temperature in the room rose.

"You know it's impossible."

Aten didn't move and waited for her to answer. She bit her lips in frustration. Blood began to slowly flow from her light wound. The light pain she felt made her realize what she was doing.

She trained harder than anyone to escape her curse fate. After many years of hardship, people finally began to respect her and fear her strength as an A rank adventurer. However, at this moment she was powerless. Her son had been taken away from her. It was her duty to take him back, to save him. After Millodas' story, this was the only thing she could think of.

She wanted to rush to the Waldemar estate and burn everything to the ground until they gave her son back to her. However, her daughters needed her. In her despair and distress, she forgot it wasn't possible to leave them. Without anyone to take her role, her daughters would starve to death.

Protect her daughters or go save her son.

This was the only choices she had at this moment. She couldn't do both.

She finally gave up her idea to give Sellysse to Aten. She put her teary face against the cheek of her baby trying to find some comfort to disperse the despair in her heart. Millodas, who was gently holding Llinadia, came closer and embraced her with his free arm.

Aten watched this scene without moving. His heart was beating faster as he watched his friends trying desperately to bury their despair in each other warm embrace.

He understood better than anyone the situation they were in. The priority wasn't saving Sillath anymore. It was to protect these two frail babies. Arthur Waldemar was a dangerous man. Even if he lost everything as he said, there was still something he had in abundance.


With it, he was able to hire the strongest mercenaries like Vated. Moreover, his prestigious name protected him from any trouble with the authorities. If he decided to kidnap her daughters too, then it would be difficult to protect them.

Especially since Seledia was so weak at this moment. If they wanted to strike, this was clearly their chance.

Aten prayed in his mind that Arthur Waldemar conserved enough reason to not foolishly take away babies, who were still breastfeeding, away from their mother.

Aten knew Seledia and Millodas since they came in this peaceful town. He was close to them and desired more than anything to see them happy. If Millodas and Seledia couldn't protect their daughters on their own then he would help them.

He made his decision the moment he saw them like that.

With him around, Arthur Waldemar wouldn't carelessly attack.

Seledia and Millodas finally broke their embrace and turned to face Aten.

"Thank you for your help Aten."

Millodas smiled at the gentle elf. Without him, things could have gone really wrong when he encountered his father. It was probably because of him that he was able to embrace the rest of his family one more time.

"It's nothing, you don't have to thank me."

Millodas smiled wryly but didn't answer. Seledia was also silent.

"Long ago, my father told me something…"

Aten's voice gathered Millodas and Seledia's focus on him.

"… If you only look back then the only thing you will find will be regret."

Millodas tilted his head. Seledia didn't seem to understand either.

"This means that you mustn't only think about what you've lost in your past. You must also look at what you still have."

They finally understood the meaning of his sentence, but couldn't answer.

"We will find Sillath but, it's impossible right now. You must protect your daughters and raise them with love. This is the only thing you can do right now."

"We can't give up on Sillath!"

Seledia finally raised her voice. Her babies began to move, clearly disturbed by the sudden noise.

"I'm not saying you must give up on him. However, there is no way for us to locate him right now. If you spend your time torturing yourself to find him then Arthur Waldemar would have won. You must stay strong for your children's sake."

Seledia and Millodas looked at the same time the small babies in their arms.

They weren't alone.

Sillath's sisters were with them. If something happened to these babies then there wouldn't be any salvation for them. They would never be able to face Sillath ever again.

"You must believe in him and in the future."

After a few seconds, the voice of Millodas broke the heavy silence.

"You're right."

This time, he didn't hesitate. He fled his father his entire life. However, this couldn't last forever, it would be time to face him soon. He knew what he had to do. He looked at his wife and saw the same determination in her eyes.

This wasn't over yet.

His fight as a father had just started.