
Sacaroth's Journey

My most recent project, I worked on a mass release of ten chaps for this to start with, with at least 5000 words each. Please enjoy, I'll read any suggestions, I'll let you know if I use them. *Insert Synopsis*... Oh, give me a second.... There.

SacarothIsWriting · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 4

When I wake up, I head downstairs to oder some breakfast for the Pack and I.

Hank's already downstairs, eating.

When Hank finishes, he says he has to go to his job, and he could show me around town later.

I don't really care about it. Zoe, the inns owner, shows me to the adventures guild, and I have to get through the test.

"Alright, Sacaroth, see you later, hope you get accepted."

"See ya, Zoe." I wave as I head inside.

I wait in line for about 20 Minutes, and then it's my turn.

"Good morning, Mr ?" She asks.


"Alright. My name is Lilly, how can I help you?"

"Well, I would like to register as an adventurer, Lilly. Also, do I need additional tags for my pets, or am I fine with the ones I have?"

"About the pets, if you have tags already, it should be fine. You'll have to wait over there, for the interview." She says, and points over at the lounge.

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I say as I walk over. I have the Pack come and sit by me.

The Pups, all play fight to have the spot on my lap, and Tray is keeping an eye on them. Winter looks around the room, and just lays down at my feet.

A few of the females in the room watch the pups in awe, and a few of the men just laugh a little as they watch, bored.

A lady asked if she could buy one, but I turned her offer down.

"Maybe in the next batch of pups, people could make some purchases. I don't wish for any sales currently."

She looks disappointed, and heads over to her table with her party.

A couple of people ask if they could pet them, and I permitted it.

A man in his thirty's, black hair, nice clothes, about 5'8 came through a door in the back of the room, looked around for a bit, saw me, and walked over.

"Excuse me, Mr. Sacaroth, but would you come with me? Zoe had told me about your situation last night. We can start the test first."

"Oh, okay. I'm guessing you were part of the project?"

"Eh, more of a trainer for them."

"Ah. Okay, but can the pack come back there?"

"Indeed, we have to evaluate them as well. I'm guessing you trained the pups?"

"A bit. Stronger then what Tray was." I say pointing at Tray. The man's eyes glows, and he nods.

We head through the door, and we're in a small clearing, with some targets and practice dummy's.

"Pocket Dimension?" I ask.

"Yes. We usually head behind the building, but we need to test multiple things. Oh, wait, I forgot. I am Wilson Allis, head of the Adventures Guild Branch here. I am the last person you'll know that knows about your situation."

"Oh. Not as spread than I thought."

"Nope. Just a few individuals. The King does as well, but he doesn't want to use you for political reasons, so you'll probably won't be in contact with him. Anyway, what Elements did you choose, what class did you choose, and what was the random. I won't ask for skills."

"Fire, Metal, Tissue, Mage, And Hunter."

"Ah, good choices, for one with your knowledge."

"You know about the past's?"

"A couple. The God, The Noble, And The King."

"I was a King?"

"Oh, it seems it's been far longer with that one."

"Memories disappear over time?"

"Yes. After about 10000 years, of total time. At least, soul memories. Only a few ever managed to remember their past lives here. I am not one, but I have studied it."

"Anyway, What's your best defensive spell?"

"Arachnid Armor. But, I got an Ego-Gift from the God Sacaroth, but it seemed to disappear when I got close to town."

"Well, that's strange. Activate the spell, maybe it integrated into it."


I activate it, and it forms almost instantly. Usually take a few seconds.

"I see. I can feel the energy in it. It's yours, and not at the same time. Like a different flavor. Maybe it was a spell originally, and fused with your Soul. That way, it can activate with your Armor Spells. Very high level enchants, and it seems it's been supressed as well. Try to use it often, because it seems, it still has a lot waiting to be used. It's currently less than a single percentage of it's power. God Sacaroth seemed to be wanting to have you ascend as well. Oh well, not my path."

"Sir, you trailed off."

"Oh, excuse me. I studied magic for most of my life, but I can barely use it. I trained for physical prowess in place of it. It's amazing to see such a legendary thing. You basically have an artifact integrated with your soul. On top of that, it wants to grow stronger. It's been restrained, and as you get more powerful, those restrictions will be lessened."


"Sorry. It's VERY lucky for you. Anyway, show me your mobility and strength with this."

"Very well."

I use the dummies as terrain to move around, never touching the ground, and destroying the dummies as I run. Once I'm done with that, I decided to multi snipe the targets, firing arrows like a machine gun.

"It appears the system integrated perfectly with your Mind and Body. Very few people have more talent than you in this country. It's amazing your only level ten."

"I thought I was stronger than I should've. Maybe I have more potential from the past lives."

"No. I believe you might have used so many classes throughout your lives, your soul just does this on reflex. Basically, you have twice the experience a dragon has."

"If a dragon was in a human body?"

"Indeed. We may call monsters monsters, but the real one would be you."

"I see."