
S.A.O: The Empress

Alternate Universe of Sword Art Online. The only difference will be the add of the MC and maybe the attirance of some already existing character. Some event will be different due to her presence. Rate of when you will have a new chapter: when I feel that the next Is correct and I am sastify with it.

NoctisAnosios · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

CH-3: Kayaba Speech!

Disoriented by the sudden teleportation and the bell continuously ringing. I look around me and all over the place, I can see more and more players appear. I tried to see if Yuki is inside the mass of people but she was nowhere to be found, I look in the direction of the boys and I lips read from Kirito's mouth "Forced teleport?". All around me, the other players look lost until someone said "It's surely for the tutorial launch". After those words, a red icon appears in the sky with the word "Warning" it flashes until all the other appears, some of them with "Special Announcement". After a few seconds, a red liquid starts to go out, stopping in mid-air with electricity to finally materialize a big red hood with yellow detail on the long red coat. One of the players asks.

- Is this the Game Master??

Looking at it, it's just logic to be him. But my thoughts were interrupted by someone.

- It's just another part of the opening ceremony.

- Attention, players. Welcome to my world. My name is Kayaba Akihiko. As of this moment, I am the sole person who can control this world.

A lot of admiration is caused by the sudden presentation. Akihiko Kayaba, the creator of Sword Art Online, is in front of us, it is normal to admire him, and congrats him! The creation he offers to us is just incredible!

- I'm sure you've already noticed, that the logout button is missing from the main menu. But this is not a defect in the game

- I repeat, this is not a defect in the game.

- It is a feature of Sword Art Online. You cannot log out of SAO yourselves. And no one on the outside can shut down or remove the NerveGear. Should this be attempted, the transmitter inside the NerveGear will emit a powerful microwave, destroying your brain and thus, ending your life.

All the players including me were confused, did he really said: "destroying your brain" how it is possible? This question keep appears in my mind when something put me out of thought.

Two players try to exit the main place but unfortunately, they got blocked.

-Hey! I can't get out!

Looking at what just happened, I think everyone noticed, that an invisible barrier is blocking us to go out.

- Unfortunately, several players' friends and families have ignored this warning, and have attempted to remove the NerveGear. As a result, 213 players are gone forever, from both Aincrad and the real world.

- As you can see, news organizations across the world are reporting all. Of this, including the deaths.

After saying those words, Akihiko Kayaba shows us a lot of newspapers and videos of all the accidents across the continent.

- Thus, you can assume that the danger of a NerveGear being removed is now minimal. I hope you will relax and attempt to clear the game. But I want you to remember this clearly.

- There is no longer any method to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be forever lost. And simultaneously, the NerveGear will destroy your brain.

What! Did he just said what I ear? The scene of Yuki's death flash inside my head, The horror of it, make my body tremble in fear. All the detail of her death, the sound of it, the life going to zero, and the body dematerialized in particles, all of it, came back as a haunting dream and if in this world an avatar can vomit, I will have done it. The tears start running down my cheeks and seeing her smile at me for her last moment break my heart in pieces. How! How cruel do you need to be for doing something like this? Akihiko Kayaba!

A voice interrupted me. And I listen to it with all the rage inside of me.

-There is only one way of escape. To complete the game. you are presently on the lowest floor of Aincrad, floor 1. If you make your way through the dungeon and defeat the floor boss, you may advance to the next level. Defeat the final boss on floor 100, and you will clear the game.

Everyone around me is confused and scared. How can with do the 100 floors without dying? suddenly a players say what was on everyone's mind.

- How can with do every floor! Even the beta-tester never reached it.

Kayaba ignored all the commentary and continue his speech.

- Finally, I've added a present from me to your item storage. Please see for yourselves.

Confused, I do like everyone, and open my inventory. I open it and an object is placed inside, it's a mirror. But why a mirror? I selected it and he appear in my hand. A simple-looking mirror, why offer this, it makes no sense suddenly people start screaming and are being wrapped in a blue beam of light, and I'm not an exception to it.

After a few moments, my sight becomes clear, I look around and notice that everyone around me looks different. I take a look at the mirror in my hand. I found myself shocked by what I just saw, but why I am shocked it's just myself. Oh, that's why! I rechecked the mirror and I definitively see my mid-long light red-pink hair, my blue eyes, and the freckle over my nose. I look down and notice my breast being more imposing than earlier, same for my butt and luckily the pink robe still fit me.

I try to forget about myself by looking around and to my surprise, a lot of them are not even close to what their character was, some are ugly others were boys instead of a girl, and vice versa. I found Klein and Kirito, not that I know what they look just where they were and to my surprise, they are not what I was imagining. Kirito look more young while Klein looks more old, they notice me and they judge me head to toe. Klein drops his jaw and lets his saliva flow out of his mouth, Kirito instead just says à few words

- You look taller than me, wow!

And just this, made me realize that I got back my 5"8, Klein come back to his sense and nodded in agreement with Kirito.

- Right now, you're probably wondering, "Why?" Why would Kayaba Akihiko, developer of Sword Art Online and the NerveGear, do all this?

Effectively, I'm sure the word "why" resounds inside the head of everyone's. Why would Kayaba trap 10,000 players inside a game, and murder them in real life if they die inside the Aincrad?

- My goal has already been achieved. I create sword art online for one reason, to create this world and intervene in it. And now, it is complete.

- This, ends the tutorial for the official Sword Art Online launch. Good luck, players.

After he finished his speech the body of Akihiko Kayaba disintegrated in red smoke, and mine drop to my knee the realization and the pressure I got in a compressed time made my body tremble. And suddenly tears reappear under my eyes, my heart is filled with hatred. If Yuki and I would have known for this bullshit 0hp = death, we would never sit on the grass as ignorant souls.

- Curse you Akihiko Kayaba, I will defeat the 100 floors, I will track you down in the real world and I will kill with my own hands to avenge Yuki's death!

After thinking of those words, I realized that no sounds can be heard, I lift my head and suddenly everything is put in piece, all the players turned their heads to me, not because I'm a beauty, but because I shouted the words I was thinking. They all watch me for a few seconds but for me, this feels like an hour, but suprisely they just shout about clearing the game and other things I couldn't distinguish.

Looking in the back I try to find the boys, but they were nowhere to be found, look like they have vanish.

I look at the sky and notice that the sun is going down, and I realize that I'll need to find a shelter for the night, so I quit the main place in discretion letting all the crowd behind, and try to find a place to sleep. I walk through the path I see until I find a tavern, I come inside and a waitress greets me at the door and shows me the way to the bar where the cook but at the same time the owner.

- Hi, how can I help you?

- I'll need a bedroom. Do you have one available?

- Oh~, you need somewhere to sleep? you came at the right place, here in Silver Deer, where every night is a special night! We have 5 rooms unoccupied for the price of 25 Cor a night! what do you think? take one?

Being flabbergasted by his speech I take some time before giving him an answer.

- Yes! I would love to.

A tab appears before my eyes posing the same question as the owner.

[ Rent a room for 25 Cor/night ]

[ yes] [ no ]

I pressed yes, and a notification appears.

[ You receive the key to chamber 8R. ]

- Your chamber is upstairs on the right.

- Thank you!

- You're welcome!

After he finished talking I go up the stairs and look at each side and approximately 15 chambers are on each side. I turned to the right where my chamber is supposed to be located and while I pass in front of the first door I see the combination 1R, and it go up until I finally reach 8R. I open the door and when I step in I see a single bed with a blue blanket and one pillow, a wooden style dresser with a lamp on top of it and there is a mirror placed on the wall beside the bed. I close the door and decide to lay on the bed thinking about all the past events when I suddenly pass out of the exhaust, and fell asleep over the blanket