
S.A.O: The Empress

Alternate Universe of Sword Art Online. The only difference will be the add of the MC and maybe the attirance of some already existing character. Some event will be different due to her presence. Rate of when you will have a new chapter: when I feel that the next Is correct and I am sastify with it.

NoctisAnosios · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

CH-1: Arrival!

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After my body fully materialized, I felt a fresh breeze going through my hair, a sensation that I wasn't seeking in a virtual game. I open my eyes, the light is so bright that it is blinding me. After a few sec, I'm finally able to see correctly. The excitement full my body, the finally released game, Sword Art Online. I was able to take a hand on one of the 10,000 copies. All around me, people are cheering and yelling of happiness. We're the VIP of the future. The one who will experiment a new world full of mystery.

After trying to move a little, the feeling of being numb passed through my whole body, making my movement difficult and getting me doing weird shit in front of everyone to finally fall on my butt, and this, is what we call, being embarrassed. I look around trying to see if someone has seen me, but hopefully not. Trying to get myself on my feet, I notice that during the drop something appears in front of my eyes.

It's a menu! Where I'm able to see my inventory, and I don't have so much space, I also find the skill slot, just two were available but a second tab shows a list of sword types, like shortsword, longsword, dagger, etc. I guess it will go up during the leveling phase. I discover the friend space and honestly, it's empty, but I have the option of accept or reject friends requests. There is a space for a guild creation but for the start no need to rush that part. Analyzing the rest of the menu. I find the overall map showing the entire zone and they're little marks place already noted, It's village I guess. I look at the top left of the screen and I see that 500 Cor were write, guessing that is coin piece abbreviation, and looking at my equip stock I just see that I have the beginner robe set 2, a pink skirt in other words. After finishing my studies of the menu I tried to close it but the problem is I don't know how. I try to move the screen of it but it's a failure it just switch the page and after a few moments of moving my hand a swipe with my right hand going left to right close it.

I turn around, looking for where I'm going to start and I see a lot of routes going everywhere. I spot a swarm of people going in a direction of a route full of light and yelling non-player character aka NPC. I decide to follow the group and what I see in front of my eyes is just too beautiful, the npc talking to the players looks too realistic, they're capable to entertain the players. Kayaba really did a great job.

All over the place, the players were buying swords, shields, and armor. After all the game is not named Sword Art Online for nothing. I also look for myself, they are a lot of swords on the market shelf. Walking through the shop trying to find something with my windows shopping, I finally found a one-hand sword. The hilt of the sword is ornated with blue gems and the blade was straight with a line of gold in its center.

- Sorry to bother you, shopkeeper but can you please let me know the price of this sword?

- Aaah! this sword? a good one that can cut through everything but is not made for everyone.

- Why? why this sword is not for everybody?

- As you can see, this look like a normal sword but the weight of it is so uncommon that not everyone can brandish it!

- That is not what I expect to hear, I wasn't ready to hear a long story about it but anyway what's the price of the sword?

- 1765 Cor.

- Oh! that's why.

looking around the shop of this npc, I find a sword looking like the one with the ornate gems but plain, with nothing aesthetics around the blade or hilt. Looking more into it the stats are the same, the gems are just there to be paraded, to lure people who want to look well-equipped.

- Shopkeeper! how much for this one?

- This one is 240 Cor.

- Alright, I take it!

after saying those simple words a window popped in front of me with a text on it "Do you want to buy a one-hand iron sword" with two options below O:accept and X: decline. I press the accept button, and another text, saying "congratulations you have obtained one-hand iron sword", appears in front of my eyes.

- Now, how do I summon the sword? ah! by the inventory and equip section, this gonna be easy!

Thinking about it, I don't know how to open it! The memory of closing the menu come back on, I start my right hand on the left and swipe all the way to the right, but nothing happens, what! but it works just now, how? Hummmmm, I need to remember how I open it, when did it open? ha! I notice the screen after I get up. After some seconds I did a movement with my hand, up to down and I smile, I finally know how to open it. Ready to open the inventory window, I press down on the surface where the words are transcribed. This open a second page by its side and I can see "one-hand iron sword" be in the first slot of my inventory, I press my finger on it and 3 options appear in front of it

> Equip

> Stats

> Delete

I'm sure at 110% I don't want to press the delete button but the stats one pick my curiosity, opening this tab show me a lot of info

-Damage: 25 dgt.

-Durability: 150/150.

-Materials: iron.

another thing was the description " forge by simple iron" nothing less, nothing more, just this, I close the tab, and the moment of finally holding a sword as arrive, selecting equip automatically place the sword on my right slot. A sword scabbard appeared on my right lap but before pulling out the sword I replaced it on my left so my right hand can grab it more easily. I put my hand on the leather handle, the feeling of it in my hand full my body with excitation. I start to pull the sword out and the sound of it makes me feel goosebumps running down my back, with a big smile I analyze the object in my grasp turning it to see all the detail of the blade. Putting it in front of my eyes I can see that it's thinner than the thickness of my hand. I regained the sword in its scabbard and let it equip on my side. Before closing the menu I take a glance at my fonds and looking at it only 260 Cor remains.

Deciding to continue on my window shopping, I saw a black hair player running by, he look too comfortable with his body. How in such little time, I'm not already at ease with my body, and normally I have the facility to adapt. A red hair boy stop him during his course, taking his breath after running he ask a question but I did not hear it. I continue my walk until I see a shield shop on the other side of the path, looking at it I think I will buy one. Visiting the shop trying to see what will fit me best, I notice a medium size shield in black and gold colors with a round shape. Looking at its feature, something interesting picked my interest, this shield need to be equipped on the forearm how unnatural is it but it's a love at first sight I can't resist buying it.

- Sir! How much for this one?

- 175 Cor ma'am.

- Ah! I'll take it.

After the moment I pronounce the words, the same tabs as the one I buy the sword appears " Do you want to buy Iron Shield" with the two same options of accept and refuse. Pressing down on the accept one follow-up by the notification of congrats. I open my inventory to see the stats and equip it.

> Equip

> Stats

> Delete

Selectionning the stats.

- Damage: 15 dgt.

- Durability: 150/150.

- Material: Iron.

At this moment I notice that Iron isn't in the more durable materials but for a cost quality price it's more profitable, I presume if I find higher quality materials my equipment will be more durable than this first set. The good side of it is that I will just need to change my equipment at the same time or maybe repairs it if possible, I think I see some blacksmith along the way here. I go on with the more interesting part. I equip my shield and honestly, it feels more comfortable than I expect, it's like I don't need to always get my hand on a handle but having an armband will be more useful so I can attach the shield to it. But for now, I will keep it like that, and it's not with 90 cp that I could find an armor.

After I finish finding equipment I decide to return to where I spawn. During my walk, I passed by many people looking at shops and finding their first sword. I arrive at the entrance of the big spawn place. Looking around I see a crowd encircling a big wooden board on the wall, my curiosity wins I take some steps and I arrive at the back of the pack. I notice that they're some papers pinned on the wood. Pushing through the mass I finally come in front of it, looking at the top you can read "BULLETIN BOARD" if I remember correctly a bulletin board is just another way of getting a quest. I selected one that looks not too hard, It's an elimination quest "loot boar skins 0/5". It should be easy I think there is a spawn of it outside the town. Someone tapped on my shoulder and when I turn around a girl is looking at me. She was smaller than me with semi-long black hair and with green eyes, she looked stunning.

- Hi, my name is Yuki. Are you going to chase the boar?

- Oh! Hi, Yuki. I'm Anastasia and yes, I was on my way there. Why?

-Hmmm, I was looking for someone to help me with and train a little bit, so I was wondering if you could?

- Euh, of course, I can help you but I'll let you know that I'm at the same state as you.

- I know but, but you look more approachable than all the guys, sorry.

- Hahaha, you have a point. So if you want to go outside you will need a weapon or do you already have one?

- I already have mine and you do too as I can see.

- Effectively, I have mine. What did you choose for your sword?

She smiles and open her inventory in order to equip it.

- It's a rapier, a lot different from your sword.

- ouah!

Looking at her shows me make me realize how much the difference are, the blade is so thin it is looking like a big needle, and the hilt and the handle look so majestic. It really fit the style of her body like a natural extension. Seeing me looking at her rapier she propose to let me take it for a sec.

- Ouah! The weight of it is like nothing, how do you damage an enemy?

- Aah. it's pretty simple.

She picks up her sword and places her posture, she takes a step forward and launches 3 consecutive hits in the air, forming 3 points one above the others looking like a lign. The demonstration amazes me, I look at her with an expression of unbelievable, and my gaze keeps looking at where she hit the air.

- Are you alright? You look lost?

- Euh yeah, yeah! I was stunt by what you show it's nothing more, haha.

- Alright! hihi! Are we going now before the others kill all the boar?

- Yes haha! We are good to go!

On our way to the exit gate, we add each other to our friend list. Looking around to spot the preys I lose my concentration, the countryside left me speechless, and the beauty is so masterful that I could just sit and look at it for hours.

- Hey, Yuki. Isn't it beautiful, all those fantastic landscapes?

- Indeed they're really wonderful.

My vision is in ecstasy, the blue sky with the grass plus the breeze and all the animals moving around and the birds flying high in the air, I never imagine seeing something like that before today and this instant will be forever grave in my memories.

- Anastasia!

- Yes I'm here!

- Are we going to fulfill our quest or just stand here until someone does it for us?

- Yes sorry, haha