
RWBY: Twisted Redemption

Adam Taurus shows up during Initiation. Tensions builds, confusion spreads, and panic ensues. However, something was wrong with him. Ozpin noticed it. Blake witnessed it. Glynda felt it; if the kiss on her knuckle and the gentle smile on his face was anything to go by. * Every belongs to their respective authors. I write fanfiction for for fun and not money. Everything here below to Rooster Teeth. * Super Different Adam. Don't read if you don't like this change as he might as well be a different character. * Art belongs to recusantsoul. If you like me to take it down, please let me know. I'll do so immediately.

DaoistRWFfUn · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Twisted Prologue(Edited)

Multiple personality disorder is an interesting concept. It is shortly defined as two or more people sharing one body. While one is awake, the other or others are asleep. Thus creating memory gaps between the two personalities and actions that can not be wiped clean.

I am a victim of this disorder, but not in the way as others are.

An accident at the young age of four resulted in me being trapped in my mind, watching this...person live my life. To him, I was a voice in his head, a hallucination at times when I tried to communicate with him.

It was my body and the person had the nerve to ask me to leave in a very rude manner. Got my revenge by pestering him for the rest of his day. Stupid identity-stealing asshole.

To this day, I couldn't tell if I was saved or cursed. The woman who is responsible for my condition was an angel. In a literal sense. She had large white wings and her appearance was the peak of perfection. No woman I have seen from my other's memories can compare. Not even his ex-lover.

Of course, my other doesn't know about her. He simply awoke one day to caring parents that had to adapt to their now reclusive child.

I didn't enjoy watching my parents love him. It wasn't fair. It was my life and he was living it.

Then events transpired and I was for once glad that I was where I was. There is no word out there to even begin to embody the horrendous life of Adam Second Taurus. Yes, I gave him a middle name so I can tell who's who.

I'm Adam. Not him. My mother gave that name to me. Not him. Guess I'm still bitter for losing a significant amount of my time. Nearly two dozen years...

Anyway, after spectating from the backseat, I understood Adam Second and all his actions. Humans were...incredible and not in a good way.

Their easily corruptible nature is quite impressive. How they can turn a blind eye to a crime that doesn't go against them is simply remarkable. And when they're in the path of being harmed in any way, they act. It was no wonder Grimm are attracted to them so much. Heck, you can put three Faunus and one human in a group and the Grimm would target the human first.

An exaggeration perhaps, but am I wrong?

From all the memories of Adam Second, which I made sure was unbiased or untampered with, I concluded my opinion towards the race. I truly despise humanity, from the bottom of my heart. Not one person goes out of their way to help another without an ulterior motive. Not one person takes time out of their lives to better someone else's.

Hell, if the White Fang, Faunus, and Grimm weren't active, humanity would've made themselves extinct. It's fascinating how the White Fang can not comprehend the self-destructive nature of humanity and how their terrorism is keeping this idiotic species alive by being the collective enemy. Why couldn't they leave the humans to themselves and let them kill each other off? Their only value is to harm another so who better to kill humans than themselves?

It was because of the White Fang's stupidity did I leave them.

I am especially furious at my other for allowing everything to develop in this direction. Let's face it, if Adam Second listened to my ideas and advice, we could've saved ourselves from the pain. Mom could've been saved. Faunus could've been free in Atlas. Schnees and their company would've been crushed or at least permanently crippled. Atlas could've been the nation of Faunus.

But nooooo. Since I'm the voice in the head, I was considered an annoying pest. Look where it got him.

I was never this unwise. I was careful, scheming, and risky. Before I lost my body, I had taken action against racists without anything coming back to bite me. I always searched for the best option available to accomplish my goals without any harm to me.

What does Adam Second do? He openly fights and resists his future slavers. He causes trouble and didn't lay low. He had the intelligence that I naturally possessed and he barely scratched the potential of planning.

Adam Second was a fool, and he won't be making stupid decisions anymore.

Oh did I forget to mention how I'm in control now? For good?

The day it happened was not special. Like any other day, you wake up and the world moves on with or without you.

Rising and abruptly awakening in my own body, I privately shed tears in my crude bed.

Freedom, exhilaration, happiness, and other multitudes of emotions flooded my head.

I could breathe!

I could walk!

I could see!

I could hear!

I could feel!

I was terrible at doing all the mentioned activities but I didn't give a damn. I was content and nothing could take that away from me.

Spending the next hour relearning how to talk, move, and fight, I spent time in the forest.

The scent of grass, the warmth of the sun, the color of trees.

All of these were something that I once took for granted.

Was nature always this beautiful and breathtaking? It was. I never appreciated it.

Was the food I ate later in the day this wonderful? It was. It had been so long since I ate.

Was everyone that suspicious of me previously? Nope. I am a completely different person and my display of emotions brought discomfort to my...soldiers.

Good thing Adam Second gathered enough authority for no one to question my strange behavior out loud. I wonder how they're doing now.

As for how I'm back for the rest of my life...let's say that Adam had issues. Lots and lots of issues. One of them stemmed from the fear of abandonment and loss. Something that I fear as well.

Due to the actions of one Blake Belladona, my other effectively 'killed' himself and he integrated with me.

Such a loser; allowing a relationship to hurt him. I was born with near-perfect control of my emotions. How come he didn't have that? What's worse was that he had an Aura Bond with her. He connected with her and that made the pain all the more intense; a dumb move that I am grateful for. Otherwise, my liberation would've been non-existent.

On the same day, when sleep took over, I was reminded of a lesson.

Observing an event and living it were two vastly different experiences.

It hurt.

All his pain. All his anger. All his memories. Everything. I inherited it.

However, I am not him. I am not Adam Second Taurus, Commander of the White Fang. I am Adam Taurus, a man who wants to live his life.

Yes, I was affected by him, but my actions were never dictated by Adam Second. Strangely enough, because of the integration, my Semblance changed.

That is inaccurate. It's more like, my Semblance completed itself and I possessed the missing half of it.

Presently, not only is it more destructive and powerful, but the conditions to operate it have transformed to allow more use. No longer did I constantly require a weapon to utilize it and I was extremely thankful for that. Without Wilt and Blush, my Semblance was quite worthless.

Future problem solved.

Let it be known that Adam unlocked his Semblance rather early in life. If he had Moon Severance instead of Moonslice and had even an eighth of my wisdom, the whole Faunus situation might've been dealt with.

Atlas the problem and destroying it was a solution. Adam Second would say that it was the solution, not a solution. We would disagree on nearly everything but I have a feeling that our mutual hate for humans allowed us to converse.

So I made a goal for myself. In the time I will be in Beacon, if I can not find an easier, smarter method to wipe out Atlas, I would personally destroy it by hand. They permitted my family to die and it's only fair if I give the same gift back.

Spare me the peace lecture.

Moving on, if meeting an actual angel and living a life without actually living was absurd, try to understand what it's like to become a video game character.

Oh yes. Video games. Something Adam disliked as it wasted time that can efficiently be used.

I agreed with him previously and at the present, I wished I bugged him enough to buy one.

From what I gathered, a mental command was enough to pull my status, a page of text that displayed my combat information. I just had to say status. Odd, but nothing too bothersome.

- Status -

Body: 8

Mind: 8

Soul: 8

- Skills -

[Physical Boost (Lv. 1)]

• Passive Increase of Physical Prowess +1%

• Active: Increase Physical Prowess by 5%; uses stamina.

[Aura Boost (Lv. 1)]

• Passive Increase of Aura Reserves +1%

• Active - Increase Aura Reserves and Enhances Semblance effect by 5%; uses stamina.

[Stamina Boost (Lv. 1)]

• Passive Increase of Stamina +2%

[Swordmanship (Lv. 10)]

• Passive Increase of Dexterity +25%

• Active: +50% Enhanced damage when holding Sword-type weaponry

• Active: +50% Attack Speed

[Gunmanship (Lv. 7)]

• Passive Increase of Accuracy +17%

• Active: +35% Enhanced damage when holding gun-type weaponry

• Active: +17% Damage + % Accuracy

[Pain Tolerance (Lv. 22)]

• Handle inflicted pain.

[Physical Damage Resistance (Lv. 19)]

• 38% reduced Physical damage

[Mental Damage Resistance (Lv. 37)]

• 74% reduced Mental damage

[Aura Damage Resistance (Lv. 14)]

• 28% reduced Aura damage

[Semblance - Moon Severance]

• Able to absorb or block the energy from an enemy attack and re-emit it again in powerful red energy strikes.

• Upgraded semblance that no longer limits the user to the sword.

• Red energy generation and manipulation.

• Energy Type restriction lifted.

• Energy Storage restriction lifted.

[Semblance - Matter Access]

• Manipulate Matter through touch.

• Requires near-perfect levels of Aura Control and large amounts of Aura to manipulate matter outside of self.

• Anything in long contact with the user's Aura can be accessed without the mentioned heavy limits from point two. (Wilt, Blush, Clothing, White Fang Mask,...)

[Semblance - Focus]

• Active semblance that forcefully changes the mental state of the user.

• A state of absolute tranquility and concentration. Previous emotions are withdrawn and are fully suppressed.

• Perfect Aura Control

• No Aura.

[Semblance - ???]

• ???

[Summon - Crimson Princess]

• Awaken: Summons Crimson Princess to hand.

• Sing: Energy blast. The energy flows out of the blade and fires in the arc of the sword's swing.

• Scream: Hexagon Shield.

• Razor: Piercing energy blast. More Aura and Aura mastery required.

• Spurning: Cancel attacks. Requires studying of opponent aura, timing, and skills.

• Binding: Net attack.

• Fire-Playing: Requires Binding first.


I have no idea as to what I should say about that.

First of all, multiple Semblances? Ridiculous.

Matter Access? Even more mind-blowing.

Then the passive skills to reduce damage or enhance my abilities? Dumb. Just plain dumb.

If anyone had one of these skills, they would become stupidly powerful.

But for me? I had to happen to have them all.

If anyone knew about it, I would be hunted. Power like this would drive many people insane and from experience, I can see what information of this will do to me.

I won't simply be the target of the White Fang but all of Remnant. Maybe even the Brother Gods might visit me.

My troubles, however, lie somewhere else in the present time. See, I had an idea. An idea that had a high chance of going wrong and me dying but it was still an idea.

Follow Blake to Beacon.

Not for her of course. I have no intention of associating myself with a coward or a traitor. She happens to be both.

The school was prestigious and I aspired to learn from here. If I can complete everything I have, I can become the strongest, but another lesson from Adam's mentors resounded in my head.

There's always someone better.

Beacon would change that for me. Where Adam Second was before, he was starting to stagnate. If I am going to the neutral party in all matters, I had to be stronger than the two sides that want to recruit me or destroy me.

Humanity again.

So troublesome.

That's why under many eyes, I showed up during Initiation and am having a silent staredown with the two adults who looked ready to murder me.


Just a random novel idea. I want to see where this goes.

Edited. Let me know any mistakes.

DaoistRWFfUncreators' thoughts