
The Tiger


The Werewolf growled in fury as he twisted his body mid-air and then clawing deepy into the ground to stop himself from flying further. He then properly stood up and sharply looked at his enemy, his eyes glowing brighter than before.

'This human's strength is not a joke! Good thing I managed to learn some proper close combat techniques from Mother's human pets! Or else this human would've defeated me so quickly.'

The Grimm actually felt somewhat grateful to a certain humans. He couldn't just use his brute strength to overpower this particular human. He couldn't treat him the same as the other humans where he could just overpower them with his raw strength, as this human's strength was most likely on par with him from just judging on how he managed to block some of his attacks.

Hence the Grimm resorted to some martial art techniques to defeat this human, he had to beat him in speed and skill! But this human also proved himself on having a high martial prowess!

Meanwhile, Jin also used the moment to rest a little. Earlier, he was actually sent down to the ground by this Grimm and he was quite pissed. He has never experienced on being made to eat the dirt, but this beast almost made him to!

'This Grimm.....In a moments notice, he raised his leg while he was in the middle of doing his fury swipes, and he actually managed to parry my attack with that weird leg technique. His speed and reflexes is nothing to sneeze at.'

The two fighters just stood still in silence for a moment, not willing to waste their breath by exchanging words as they just stared at each other in a distance with wary looks.

There is no pacts between beasts and men.

There is no rules in a fight between monsters and humans.

There can only be death for the loser in Humans VS Grimms!

Then suddenly, the Werewolf moved first, but he wasn't attacking. Instead, he crouched down before getting into all-fours.

Like a wolf that was about to pounce on its prey

'Let's see how you'll do when I really move like a beast!' The Grimm thought with a smirk.



The beast was now rapidly moving all around the area. It was making use of the huge trees and branches to quickly propel itself to another location in lightning fast speeds.

From the front, to the side and to Jin's back, to the side and to the back?.

It seemed to move around in the forest to confuse him before closing in on a blind spot for a quick surprise attack.

'His movement patterns had changed! Now he's going on all fours!' Jin thought out while trying to predict on where the beast would strike.

But then...

"Give me a paw..."

Jin's eyes narrowed at hearing a rough voice from the back. And before he could turn back, Jin was sent flying from a strong punch from the Werewolf!

The beast was even using his left arm for that attack! That arm of his was alot stronger than his right arm!

Attempting to go in on a combo, the Werewolf immediately charged as it followed up to the flying Jin. The beast managed to catch up with his figure in half a second and he swung his left arm at the human's neck!



It happened in an instant, Jin twisted his body mid-air and he disconnected the strike with an upward parry. Seeing the scene, the Grimm was shocked at the human's quick recovery and sudden burst of speed.

[Electric Wind: Storm Fist!]

"Dah!" Jin performed a powerful and thunderous right hook that struck the beast's chest, sending the Grimm flying away while spitting a small amount of black blood.

It actually did some damage.

'How?!' The Grimm thought in bewilderment as he coughed out some blood.

He then gritted his teeth as he planted his claws deep on the ground, stopping himself from flying further away. That human's strike was quite powerful, the beast even felt that his chest bones cracked on that attack.

Jin was already standing properly and was steadily approaching the beast with a serious look, "Jikan no muda da." (You're wasting my time.)

His words just made the Werewolf tilt his head in confusion. He did not understand the language that the human was speaking.

"I've already seen through your moves, so you'll never hit me again. And, I'm going to deal with you as fast as possible. I'm in a strict schedule you see, and I wouldn't want my sisters to worry too much. So I'm done playing around."

The Werewolf couldn't help but be angry at the human's remark, 'Playing around?!'

He then proceeded to crouch down again and get on all-fours while readying in a beastly stance. The ground beneath him even cracked while he was doing the process, and his beastly figure was now getting blurry.

(Speed Vibes...)

"You fool! What do you mean 'playing around'?! Are you looking down on me?! You think you're stronger than me?! I'll show you!" The Werewolf yelled in anger.

Jin then raised his arms as his body was similarly getting blurry, and in the next second...



The two fighters charged towards each other with an explosive speed, destroying the surroundings from the force of their charge and producing a violent gust of wind.

The man and the beast then proceeded to do a series of lightning fast exchanges with punches, kicks and swipes again! But this time, they were more aggresive and destructive!

They were going all around the forest as their blows produced strong shockwaves that affected the environment, as well as producing violent gusts of winds.

They were now away from the Beowolf encirclement and they were speedily bouncing around the forest while furiously exchanging blows, but none of their attacks was able to hit the other as both would either dodge, parry, or block it!






They were too fast to follow and they seem to be evenly matched, as they were speedily bouncing around in the forest while exchanging powerful moves with no proper differences of power.

Many areas of the forest ground was shattered, trees were cut and blown away, violent winds were everywhere, the shockwaves were killing animals and Grimms alike, specially the bystanding Beowolves, and booming sounds resonated all over the Emerald Forest.

And a few seconds later.....Some proper results showed up...

[Electric Wind: Storm Axle!]

Jin jumped and performed a powerful and thunderous Axle Kick, the attack actually connected as the Werewolf wasn't able to react to the unexpected technique.

The beast was struck above the head and he was almost sent down to the ground! But he forcefully withstood the impact and refused to be sent down! He then faced back up and charged at Jin as he performed a dual clawing attack with both of his arms.



Jin reacted by grabbing the Werewolf's wrists with both of his hands, preventing his attack from hitting him, and he quickly retaliated...

[Electric Wind: Magnetic Knee!]

"Kuh!" The Wereful spitted out a mouthful of blood as Jin's thunderous knee strike connected to his stomach.

[Silver Tiger: Corpse Thrust!]

The Werewolf was then sent flying from the lightning fast and straight powerful punch at his chest, possibly shattering some of his Grimm ribs and chest bones.

Jin wasn't over yet and he charged at the beast's flying figure while leaving a trail of red lightning, he instantly reached the Grimm's front and...

[Silver Tiger: Roaring Uppercut!]


The Werewolf was sent flying upwards as a thunderous fist struck its jaw. Jin didn't waste any time and he jumped after the flying beast and continued his merciless combo.

He threw himself at the beast in mid-air and performed a front flip, mid-way through the flip, he then strongly throws his foot downwards to kick the beast's torso.

[Electric Wind: Storm Blade Kick!]


The momentum of the flip further increased the power of the kick as the Werewolf was rapidly sent downwards while in a sorry state. At this point, he was now like a beaten puppy.

Jin wasn't done yet as he used his Aura to quickly produce a shockwave behind him, propelling himself faster than the falling Grimm to the ground. He then dashed to where the Werewolf was falling and he continued on beating him up.


[Electric Wind: Storm Fist!]

Before landing brutally on the ground, the beast was 'saved' by receiving another fist at the chest again by a quick thunderous strike and was now send flying in a different direction.

'Still breathing, huh.'


Leaving a trail of red lightning, Jin almost instantly arrived at the supposed destination of the flying beast and he prepared the brutal finishing move. The beast was not dead yet so he had to finish it off.

This Grimm was too dangerous to be left alive, if this Grimm lives and gets away, then it would cause some unimaginable damage to human side. So he had to kill it now while he had the chance.

"Let's see how you'll survive this..."


Jin drove his foot strongly into the ground as he did a stance, shattering the forest floor near him and reverbrating a shockwave in the ground, the shockwave then spread into the further forest ground, and a hundred meters worth of ground was affected and it similarly shattered!

He was taking a firm stand to put more power into his upcoming strike. Jin then proceeded to prepare and initiate a twisting punch at the incoming beaten dog.

[Silver Tiger: Quake Tiger Fist!]


That was the last strike, the Werewolf was sent flying while crashing into at least eighty trees before its beaten up body was stopped by a particular sturdy tree.

The Werewolf was no longer breathing, indeed it was dead. Its body were full of bruises and some deep chilling punch and kick marks, many of its bones where shattered and it was bloodied all over with black sticky blood.

Jin was already in front of its corpse as he followed the Beowolf to see if it was still breathing, but it looks like its not. And a few seconds later, its corpse then turned into some black particles as it slowly disappeared with the wind.

That was proof that the Grimm was truly dead.

'I managed to actually kill it for good.....But what kind of Grimm was that? It was quite strong and was able to command some Beowolves? Even Alpha's? And it even knew Martial Arts?'

Jin then sighed before walking away. He just assumed it to be a variant, or was one of Dark Queen's monstrous creations. But regarding to it all, he will let Ozpin do the thinking and investigation of this Grimm.

Jin then looked at his clothes. His fancy attire now had some cuts here and there, there were also some bruises in some areas of his shoulder, arms and legs, possibly caused because of his blocks from earlier.

'Man, this is the worst state I've had in a while after a fight. If I didn't have Aura, I bet I would've been bleeding all over.'

'But I have to say, that fight felt really good. I actually had to use like 97% of my strength. It was quite fun in how we fought around in the forest, desperately trying to do a killing blow to each other. How thrilling indeed!'

'I haven't felt it for so long. The feeling of going all-out, the rapid heart beats, the truly dangerous situations, and the critical thinking that you should do in a hard fight!'

With that, Jin then proceeded to go towards Beacon Cliff to meet up with the gang. The lesser Beowolves from earlier were already killed, so he didn't worry about them.

They definitely heard those booming sounds in the forest and they are definitely worried, but he doesn't know if they already defeated their own enemies yet.