
Let's have a little talk

Hearing that, Doctor Oobleck placed a hand on his chin in a thinking manner, "Hmmmm..."

"Your ideas of the hidden abilities of ancient Grimms, as well as the concept of Grimms eating humans for nourishment can be looked into by researchers and can be taken in as a possibility...But in the end, it is still just a theory, and it is yet to be properly observed and experimented."

"Well, I'm cool with that actually. I can't really claim things to be true without some proper evidence." Jin smiled, "But do you know about the Werewolf? The 'Alpha Beowolf'?"

The Doctor seemed to wonder for awhile before tilting his head in confusion, "Werewolf? Excuse me Mr. Rose, but can you rephrase that question please."

'Ah. I guess he wasn't informed about that thing appearing in the forest.....Or maybe Ozpin just didn't really get to see that Grimm, as well as our fight. Cause if he did see it, then he would definitely tell the staffs in the school for the sake of precaution...I don't really know. And he did, then he might call me in soon for questions about that Grimm's strength and the abilities it demonstrated when I fought against it.'

"Oh, uh, nevermind." He 'nervously' shook his hands.

Doctor Oobleck stared at Jin with a complicated gaze for awhile before turning back to the rest of the class and went on in a deliberate tone.

"Remember class, the definition of the term `mindless`, does not actually mean something that does not have the ability to make sentient thought. I'm not sure where people got the idea from, but in truth the definition is of actions made without justification or concern, or of decisions made without thinking of the consequences. Any student here who approaches a Grimm and thinks of them as foolish or incapable of thought might find themselves sorely tested if they are lured into an ambush or outsmarted by a `mindless` Beowolf."

"But the Grimm are mindless," someone protested, "Everyone knows that."

"Beowolves travel in packs and Nevermores attack from the sky to make use of their mobility," Oobleck pointed out. "If they were truly mindless, then what use would Grimm have of pack mentality? They have no predators, but they do feel the need to improve their success in hunting humans. Pack behaviour, or herds, are established for many reasons – from better success at hunting to security, social bonds or to share a workload. If Grimm were truly nothing more than bodies with violent tendencies, they would have no need – or even ability – to travel in groups."

He then added while raising a finger in the air, "Know that Grimms typically form packs or other types of large groupings with other members of their own specific species. While some lone Grimm may stray from the group for hours or even months, they will inevitably rejoin their group to continue their instinctive drive to hunt the people of Remnant and destroy any artificial creations associated with them."

"Then why say they're mindless at all?" Weiss spoke out. "Obviously, being uneducated about the capabilities of Grimms would be a costly mistake! So why perpetuate the claim?"

"Politics, my dear," The teacher sighed. "Politics, but also necessity…the concept was spread by Doctor Strange, a famous researcher who lived almost two centuries ago, but if you recall my earlier statement – no research can truly be carried out on the Grimm. It was formed on estimation and hypothesis only, but what the Governments of the time saw in it was promising, if not, entirely accurate. The report painted Grimm as creatures of brawn but no intellect, easily outmatched by brave, intelligent and adaptable humans…At a time where manpower was low and the danger was high, such a morale boost would make it easier to convince impressionable youths to risk their lives against the most deadly threat. It was propaganda only, Miss Schnee, though after so long, many consider it as fact. In truth, I would say that the Grimm are of limited intellect…violent, vicious, and savage, yes, and certainly not capable of higher thought like that of a human – but mindless?"

Oobleck snorted, "People called the Faunus Revolution a movement of mindless violence, and yet I am sure there are many Faunus who would disagree with such a statement. They had reason and motives for their actions, after all."

Weiss went silent, as did most of the class, while Jin nodded in understanding. Propaganda made sense and can also be said to be necessary for the improvement of humanity. The first step to maintain order and controll, was to control the flow of information.

And meanwhile, in a certain seat, a silver-eyed girl was wondering about a certain historic Doctor's name. And with that, Ruby started a gossip with her seatmate.

"Was that old Doctor using made-up names?"

"Doctor Strange...That's the most superhero doctor name I've ever heard!" Nora beamed out. "Aside from a Doctor's bad handwriting (like any other doctors), I bet he has some superpowers!"


"You two, shut up!" Weiss hissed at them.

"Now, tell me, Mr. Rose," Oobleck called out.

"Huh?! Ahhh, Yes Professor!?" Ruby suddenly stood up, completely misinterpreting his words.

The rest of the class, as well as the Doctor, just awkwardly stared at the stiff smiling girl with wondering faces, as if she was a weirdo.


Realizing her blunder, Ruby furiously blushed from embarassment and immediately sat down, her body curled up into a ball.

'Well that's gotta hurt. She will probably not raise her head up until the class ends...' Jin thought.

Weiss didn't forget to scold her, "That's what you get for not listening, you dunce!"


"Anyway...Mr. Rose, you seem to be more knowledgeable on the Grimms than most...And given on how you view the world, what do you think a huntsman's duty is?"

"To maintain order in the world and to stop those who disrupts it, whether they are humans or Grimms." Jin answered.

But he wasn't finished and he pressed on, "Also, since the profession is called 'hunter', then killing Grimms should be a priority for the job, as those creatures are the universal enemies of humans and Faunus alike. So, to solve this problem, they basically need to be killed off until they are wiped out. The environment will be fine and the ecosystem won't be affected whatsoever if their race will ever become extinct, or at least endangered, he-he."

"An interesting answer..." Oobleck pointed out, "I suppose you are the 'no hesitation' type, and is the kind that will not be afraid do the extreme and very aggressive methods when you become a huntsman."

"Well, daring and overbearing, I can say that's me. But extreme.....I think..." Jin said.

"Even though I kinda want the extinction of Grimms, but sometimes I think that it should not happen. I think that the Grimms, as the common enemy of mankind, is necessary for the world."

Hearing this, the Doctor's interest soared, "Oh, then please do share your thoughts, Mr. Rose."

"Grimms...They are a reminder for humans, a reminder for them to stand together when they are in a tight spot against a common enemy. Since ancient times, humanity has managed to survive and even improve because they united and worked together, and what was the main motivation of this? Well, it was the Grimms of course. Humanity worked together to fight off and build settlements where they can all live together and have a better chance of winning when fighting against the Grimms. This really helped humans to establish civilizations and artificial sanctuaries against the monsters, they even used that time to learn more about themselves, and together, they all developed the knowledge and strategies in how to defeat Grimms, and even pass those knowledge to the next generation. It all proves that humans can truly stay united when faced against a common foe, a foe that knows no difference and are not biased on what kind of person they would kill. If Grimms are truly made to be extinct, then like a cloth loosening its thread, the thing that keeps humans united will slowly be torn in time. If the humans lose their common enemy, then they will start having conflicts with each other. And the main reason for this, is greed."

Being so in to his speech, Jin stood up as he continued, "Humans are naturally greedy creatures. They can and will always have fights and conflicts over each other for resources. The Kingdoms may even start competing over each other for the once Grimm infested territories, if ever the threat of Grimms disappears, the greedy people in the higher echeleon might start taking in those lands for themselves. And when that happens, the ones that will really suffer the most are the innocents and bystanders."

The Professor, as well as most of the students in the room, seemed to agree with his opinion. They were all amazed once more at his intellect. Jin was quite capable of thinking far ahead.

"Given your answers, what idea are you leaning on to, Mr. Rose?" Oobleck asked.

"Well.....I would be on 'don't kill all the Grimms' side...at least for now."

"But they're Grimm," a burly figure among the listening students said out loud.

"You were right on the 'kill them all' part. Just by being Grimms, they are already guilty of every atrocities and they deserve to be killed. So kill them all, I say." He laughed, followed by a few others who cheered along.

To everyone's surprise, it was Yang's partner, Blake, who answered, "By that logic you should kill all humans because some are criminals."

Her words threw the class into silence, "Or kill all the Faunus for the actions of the few."

"Tch!...Maybe we should."

"Mr. Winchester, if you say something like that again, you shall be spending some time here after class," The teacher ordered.

"In fact, I believe we shall end the class there, since it appears that Mr. Rose and I have taken up much of the time with our discussion."

"Ah..." Jin was surprised and he checked the clock, realizing that they had been in a debate for the last thirty minutes.

"For homework," the teacher went on, "I would like to see a thousand words on Strange's theorem of Grimms, and how its implementation shaped the strengthening of hunters across Vale."

This just made everyone in class groan, "And Mr. Rose, might I speak with you for a moment?"

Jin smiled, "Heh, Sure..."

Welcome all 10,611 Readers of mine.

Anyway, why haven't you fed me with stones? I'll hungry at this rate, so dump them all on me like I'm some PS Garbage Can.

Anyway, I may be uploading chaps later than the usual, so I hope you guys can wait and still vote even if I post late ;).

The cause is because I'm a college boi by the way, so I'm quite busy, but these days I'm not really do yeah.

Padoru_Sabercreators' thoughts