

Remnant, high orbit.

Somewhere in the orbit of the only living planet in the solar system, two people were floating as they watched the marvelous blue marble beneath them.

"Eru þú munu um þessi Shiva?" (Are you sure about this, Shiva?) asked one of them who looked like an old man with an eye patch said.

The man wearing casual clothes and had a blue tint to his skin shook his head as he said.

"We have been silent for too long, Odin, we have stood silent when Humanity managed to destroy itself through their own creations, we have stood silent as those two minor gods from another dimension manipulated this world as they pleased, we were silent as they killed off what was left of humanity and remade them in their own image, we stood in silence as they yet again destroyed the humans they created and left this world to torment another world with their presence, leaving behind one man to fight against an eternal threat and to clean up their mess, but I am out of patience, I cannot allow humanity to be destroyed a fourth time under my watch, I will put a stop to this, even if the punishment for breaking the ancient law would lead to my obliteration, I only ask that you help me look after them," he said.

"....why me Shiva?" Odin asked, him using the common language instead of Norse showed how serious he was.

"Because, of all the deities left on this planet after the past few million years, you and I are the only ones who are willing to take action to change things for the better, The Olympians are long since gone, so are the Sumerians and rest of the early pantheon, the Norse and the Hindu pantheon are the only ones left of the primal deities, the Shinto, the biblical God, and the other newer gods are too afraid of the law we swore all those years ago to take action, it is only us who can do this" Shiva said as Odin gave a small smile before saying.

"You know that he will not like it when you pull him from that world again, he had already sworn to find a way to kill you but this time he will literally try to kill you"

"I know Odin, and it pains me to do this to him again, so soon after he had escaped the clutches of that stupid minor god 'Ankhseram', but I have no other choice, it is extremely hard to find humans that are born naturally resistant to dimensional chaos and I do not have enough energy left to find another champion," Shiva said as Odin nodded grimly.

Soon, the ancient god of death began to draw out what was left of his divinity, he failed to notice as Odin also began to channel his power through his cane which slowly transformed into a beautiful golden spear.

As soon as Shiva expelled his energy out below him and onto the planet, targetted at a specific city floating in the air, Odin had also released his energy in the same direction, this action greatly surprised and alarmed Shiva who shouted.

"What have you done????"

"Hehe, don't worry Shiva, all I did was give the lad a greater fitting chance by imbuing him with a small amount of my divinity, granting him protection against those of divine origins, this is the least I could do for you old friend," he said with a sad tone as he watched Shiva rapidly began to disintegrate and begin to fade away.

It was the ancient law that was sworn upon by all the deities on this universe in times long forgotten, to never interfere with the lives of mortals of this universe, a law that none dared to break under the fear of oblivion, and yet, on this day, one the few original deities of this planet left alive and faded after breaking this law.