
The Black Assassin - part 1

Uchiha Mesa finally woke-up from his long sleep.

His right hand slapped the ground, and tried to jump-up even before his eyes were completely open. The instincts of an excellent assassin told him to leave the place this moment itself.

The first thought that came to his mind after waking-up was that this was a dangerous place – life and death were a hair's breadth away in a place like this.

He began to rise with the support of his arm. Suddenly, he realized that his arm was too weak to support his body's weight. Bang! He fell back.

He seemed to be extremely shocked. A thousand thoughts started to race through his mind. Where was he? What was going on? How did he end-up being here?

He realized that he is laying on the snow. He observed his surroundings, and found that he was in what is seems to be a forest. However, the forest seemed to be devoid of life. The Trees that he lay next-to was so huge that it could easily reach seven to eight meters. The trees seemed to be dead with bale brown colour and branches stripped of leafs.

[What happened? How did I get here? Wasn't I supposed to be in the middle of an intense gunfight? Or is this a part of my afterlife?] A surge of thoughts filled Uchiha Mesa's mind as he tried to recall the last memories of his past life.

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Uchiha Mesa was a professional assassin, he was an outstanding gold-ranking assassin. He had made his debut ten years ago. He could break into any place. He was an ace who never failed a mission. None of his predecessors or peers had been able to match him.

He was undisputedly the number one assassin in the world. Uchiha Mesa or the 'Black Assassin' had been known as the world's strongest expert. The bounty offered for his head was highest in the history, being 10 times higher than the second highest bounty. However, no one was willing to cross roads with him or get anywhere near him, let alone killing him.

Many supreme assassins had daringly accepted the job of putting the 'Black Assassin' to sleep in the past. They had obviously hoped to get the huge bounty and to prove themselves being a greater assassin than the black assassin. But, they only got an eternal sleep for a reward and proving more that none can take down the black assassin. The 'Black Assassin' couldn't be touched, let alone be harmed or assassinated.

A wealthy person had once offered an exorbitant reward of $500 Million for the head of the 'Black Assassin'. Nine assassins had accepted the job. All of them were an infamous assassins ranked at the very top of the assassins ranking, in fact they were the ranked second through ten on the assassin ranking. After they started the mission, the contact with them has been lost. 3 days later, they were found dead with their corpses missing few parts.

No one had dared to take-up the job since then, even though the reward has increased several times. It was a suicide mission. And the money has no use for the dead. So the name 'Black Assassin' had become a taboo in the underworld's bounty list.

The name 'Black Assassin' had become a symbol of terror for the people of the underworld. Many people knew about his existence, but no one knew how he looked.

Uchiha Mesa's style was true to his name. He had a black hair and black eyes. His clothes consisted only of black coloured pieces, no other than the black can be seen.

Uchiha Mesa had no friends, he always worked alone. He was extremely selective while accepting his missions, not only towards his clients, but also towards his targets. He would never kill a weakling, no matter how much money was paid as the reward. He would only choose the strong and hunt them down. However, he wouldn't hesitate to kill women,old or even babies if they dared to annoy him. He was completely apathetic toward sacrecy of life. He will happily end any life for simplest reasons.

Many of his unfortunate victims had no clue how or why the died. In fact, some of them were tortured before they got killed, and even during that hell, they didn't understand why they are being targeted by such a demon.

It was said he once killed a drug dealer with more than 30 of his subordinates because they disturbed his afternoon nap. More than thirty were killed in cold blood because a nap.

Another story was that he had once saved the life of an old man from a group of thugs. The old man didn't appreciate the help and ignored Mesa, thus mesa decided to cut the old man's tongue so he can learn to be more respectful his benefactors in the future.

Uchiha Mesa believed that his biggest weakness was that he was a person with a big merciful heart. This statement often made people puke blood since his identity had been established as the merciless bloodthirsty assassin. Mesa's thoughts were quite simple, he doesn't torture his victims unreasonably, he just give them a little pain sometimes before death. His definition of what is a little pain is the same as bloody torture in the dictionaries of the normal people.

Despite such a cold and bloody nature, the clients still craved for his services since he had exceptional skills in fist-fighting,sword-fighting and many other. Moreover, he possessed superior marksmanship, eyesight, and immeasurable martial arts prowess. All this had contributed to his mission record, making it clean slate without a single fail . His achievements were truly unprecedented. He was the only person amongst the peak-level assassins who had an unblemished record. He was indeed the ultimate assassin in the realm of assassins.

Uchiha Mesa had another weakness, he was a crazed collector of ancient relics. His last mission had been another self-interest job. He had heard that a secret organization from country "F" had quietly unearthed an ancient treasure from the "U" mountains of country "C". Then, they had smuggled this treasure to country "K". Uchiha Mesa had decided that he will retrieve the stolen treasure on the behave of country "C" and keep it with him in order to protect it.

[How could an ancient treasure be allowed to be traded for measly money? It should be kept with the right hands.] Mesa's thoughts

Uchiha Mesa had single handedly managed to massacre his way towards the ancient treasure by employing sneak tricks, traps, and excellent combat skills. He had proudly faced nearly one-hundred secret service agents of Country "F". He had killed seventy secret agents before laying his hands on the treasure. The courage and will of the secret service agents had been shattered to pieces by then. Uchiha Mesa was even confident that he could dance out of the area without incurring any harm. But then, something unexpected had happened.

A supernatural incident had occurred as soon as he had touched a palm-sized heretical-looking tablet in the treasure – his entire body had become paralyzed. He couldn't even blink, let alone move his body. But with his highly trained senses, he could feel the secret service agents moving closer to his location and surrounding him.

At that moment, instead of feeling the fear of death or anxiety, he felt so infuriated. Even though he could easily decimate under normal circumstances without sustaining any injury, he only could watch them helplessly rising their weapons at him slowly. The next thing he remembered was hearing gunshots and his surrounding turning pitch black but felt no pain, In fact, he felt nothing at all.

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Before he could understand what happened, he was in the pitch black space with a weird ancient table floating in front of him. The tablet looked the same as in the treasure he found but was enlarged to the size of an adult man.

[I had never imagined that I would fall today, in such a …. manner. Well, at least i lived a good life free of stupid rules or restriction of useless morales. I've killed at least a thousand creating my own legend. My life had been quite entertaining and filled with freedom. I have no regrets.]

[Others would smile as they enter the Heavens. I smile as I enter the depths of Hell. I've killed countless people. But, i feel no remorse and i don't care if my acts drag me down to the ninth hell]

[Kill! Kill! Kill! End the life of who i desire! I don't care even if the world condemns me as a murderer. Is there anyone else in this world who has lived as I did? What a delightfully unrestrained life I've lived.]

Uchiha Mesa let out a loud laughter as these thoughts crossed his mind, "Hahahaha…". But then he heard an ancient voice speaking to him.