

Huntsman Academies—prestigious institutions in the world of Remnant dedicated to training the next generation of humanity’s protectors—Huntsmen and Huntresses. Together, they fight to protect the people from the ravenous creatures of Grimm and evil organizations. Unfortunately, not everyone attends these schools with such righteous ambitions in mind. The members of Team SWRZ (Pronounced Schwartz) are far from becoming the defenders of Remnant.

LawVinson · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Team SWRZ - Volume 1 - Chapter 14 - Team SWRZ!

The trip to the extraction point was hell for Rowan Cassidy. For nearly the entire half-hour walk, Schwartz der Hund and Wei Tian argued back and forth about which one of them was far more superior to the other. She had no interest in their dick-measuring contest. Who cared which one of them was stronger? All she wanted was some peace.

Her least favorite thing about the entire trial was the people tagging along. None of them fit her ideal discreetness description, which she wanted to be throughout the test. Everything was a mess. Nothing went how she wanted.

Rowan's snatch and run job in Mistral was a bust. If not for her ex-partner, Duncan, she'd be off somewhere on a cruise relaxing with the millions of dollars she could've stolen off her mark. The thought of sunbathing on the deck of a luxurious ship, sipping away on fine wine, brought a smile to her face. Oh, what could have been.

Unfortunately, all that was a pipe dream. Rowan was stuck in Mistral until news about Duncan's prison transport reached her ears. Hopefully, it'd take a few weeks. She just had to put up with everyone's antics until then. But it was easier said than done.

Schwartz's impulsive and recklessness reminded her too much of Duncan. She wouldn't hesitate to leave him behind if they were together in the field. Watchet was decent in her eyes. He seemed like a kiss-ass, though, always following Schwartz around, hanging on his every word simply because they were partners.

Speaking of partners, Zorina got on Rowan's last nerve. While one ear got chewed out by Schwartz and Wei's bickering, the other got bombarded with stupid rantings from the silver-haired girl. She raved that her powers of darkness would consume the entire world of Remnant or some shit like that. The con woman refused to put any effort into listening to the girl.

Zorina was lucky that Rowan didn't like killing people. If not for that, the silver-haired Huntress would've found a bullet between her eyes long ago.

Thankfully, Rowan's salvation came at the sight of the extraction point. Professor Lilith Hale and other teachers flagged the Huntsmen in training down, prompting the children to rush onward. They were the only ones who reached that point to their credit. However, they were far from the first to finish the trial. Schwartz and Wei were both disappointed upon hearing the news; the others quickly got over it.

"Not bad," Lilith congratulated the students on their job well done. Sure, they had some rough edges and kinks that they needed to work on. But she didn't expect perfection out of them. That was the whole point of the trial; to gauge the skills and abilities of the Huntsmen in training and mold them into professionals throughout their four-year stay. "You kids did quite alright out there. Get yourselves on the ships. We'll take you back to Haven."

"Thank you!" Rowan wasted little time being one of the first students on the ship. Zorina and Emma followed her lead shortly afterward.

"Well done," Clementine joined her colleague in congratulating the students. However, her eyes trained on Wei. The young man noticed the favored glance but kept silent about it and headed for the airship.

"It's finally over," Emma stumbled onto the airship and collapsed onto the hard, wooden floor. The young woman exerted far more power than she planned throughout the trial. How many times was she forced to use her Semblance? Too many times when she considered how exhausted she felt.

"Get up, Emma. Lying on the ground like that is disgraceful," Wei chastised his partner. Now that the two were a pair, he'd ensure that his team would exude tremendous strength and dignity. Although reluctant, Emma stood and took a proper seat inside the ship. She knew she was in for a ride with Wei sticking around.

Sunil and Ilma were next to board the ship. Even after the danger was long gone, Ilma still preferred to get carried around by her titan of a partner. With that giant hunk of mass as her sworn protector, the next four years at Haven Academy would be nothing but smooth sailing.

With the trial in the forest completed, the students left standing were extracted and brought back to the safety of Haven Academy. Those who could stand were collected and escorted to the auditorium, where Headmaster Leonardo Lionhart waited. The man welcomed the Huntsmen in training with open arms and began calling their names, requesting them to line up before him. It was the most anticipated moment for first-year students.

It was time for them to get paired up into teams. Regardless of whether they wanted them, all the students were stuck with whoever the Headmaster decided. Schwartz kept to the back of the room, observing the expressions of the other students that got formed into groups. Eventually, Wei Tian, Emma Asulf, Illma Aden, and Sunil Ambrus were called to the front of the room.

The Headmaster mentioned their accolades during the trial and commended them on their skills before proclaiming them Team WEIS, with Wei Tian selected as the leader. Afterward, Schwartz der Hund, Watchet Amin, Rowan Cassidy, and Zorina Teufel were called. From that moment on, Schwartz blacked out. It didn't take a genius to figure out what would happen next. The three people he didn't ever want to see again were now his partners for the next four years.

It was far too late to do anything. The young man snapped back into reality when he heard his name being called by the Headmaster.

"Schwartz der Hund, you showed tremendous bravery and courage during your trial in the forest. Therefore, I have decided to make you the leader of Team SWRZ." Leonardo announced.

"What?!" Schwartz and Rowan exclaimed in unison. However, the reasons for the outburst differed from one another. While he didn't enjoy getting stuck with three of the most annoying people in the school, the thought of leading them piqued his interest. He'd never been much of a leader before. Back at his tribe, he wasn't allowed many opportunities to lead groups.

Perhaps the next four years as a team leader wouldn't be wrong.

On the other hand, Rowan wasn't about Schwartz being the leader of the newly formed team. The Headmaster saw his recklessness as bravery?! Schwartz nearly got everyone killed with carelessness and hot-headed tactics. Thanks to Rowan's plans earned them the victory against the last Grimm during the trial. If anyone should've been chosen as a team leader, it should've been her.

She wouldn't have it. She wouldn't allow an idiot like Schwartz to boss her around.

"Congratulations, leader." Watchet placed a comforting hand on Schwartz's shoulder. Unlike Rowan, he looked forward to teaming up with everyone. Sure, he was upset that he wasn't chosen as the leader. But it was something he could get over. Even if he weren't in charge, he'd do everything he could to make his team the best in the entire school.

Although Rowan kept silent about the shocking turn of events, her body language said it all. Head down; shoulders drooped, hands in pockets. Nothing about the situation pleased her one bit. If anything, it only fueled her desire to escape Mistral as soon as possible. Nothing could make her day any worse.

"History shall never forget the day of our glorious formation," Zorina proudly boasted, wildly posturing, ensuring everyone witnessed her grandeur.

"Schwartz der Hund..." Schwartz muttered quietly as he and his new teammates abandoned the stage for the next team. "Leader of Team SWRZ. I think I like the sound of this Huntsman stuff now..."

While the young man wasn't entirely sure where his training would lead him in the very end, he was confident he'd have a lot of fun along the way.