
RWBY: Master of Fate

A young man arrives at the lands of Remnant with a sword in his hand. Read to see how he survives and becomes strong. * Disclaimer. The Story and Cover Image do not belong to me. They belong to their respective owners. I do not make money off of this.

DaoistRWFfUn · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

(C1)Landing & meeting the woman clad in black and red


"...ow," I blurted out in pain as I slowly rose from the ground.

You would think that a fall from three hundred meters would hurt horribly, most likely crippling or killing an average human being on impact with the solid floor. Yet here I am, somehow standing up on the two legs I thought was broken.

[One-time Damage Protection has been used. Please be careful from henceforth.]

Turns out that's why I'm alive. Great. Now I lost a valuable...whatever it was that saved my life.

Dusting my clothes, I found myself encircled by armed people and a woman with a sword that had the biggest sheath I have ever seen on her waist walking towards my direction. She wore a large, monster-like mask and had black hair that rivaled the night. Her clothing resembled what a female version of samurai could wear with a skirt that seemed out of place.

I think I need another one of those protection thingies.

"Who are you?" she asked, her tone of voice firm and slightly muffled.

I didn't answer. I don't want to answer. If what I accepted just a few seconds ago is not a dream that I'm experiencing at the moment, I have to be careful. Danger lurks everywhere. The Grimm is not the only enemy. Those were the two sentences that I was told before I teleported to the sky.

Unfortunately, my time was running out very quickly if the small finger movements of the people pointing their guns at me were any indication. The woman standing there, arm resting on the sword, was calm, unlike the others. She wasn't scared or threatened by an unknown. Most likely, she was the leader or one of the leaders.

"I have no intention of harming anyone here and I am no threat," I declared confidently. "This was an accident and I apologize if I have landed on private property." If I ever go home, I'm gonna give my neighbor a huge hug for the speaking lessons. "Perhaps you could guide me to the nearest civilization and I will swear to never speak of your existence to another being of any kind."

Again, a tense silence developed and this one was between me and this lady. The others seemed confused as to what to do, but their body language revealed that they were slowly becoming neutral. God bless my neighbor. However, I knew for a fact that if this person said the word, I would be full of holes in mere seconds.

Trust was not going to be built immediately. I acknowledge that.

While she was, what I was hoping, in deep thought, I observed my surroundings. Everything was more or less dilapidated and meager. Tents were placed next to the thick wooden walls shaped like stakes and one larger tent was at the end of this place. Numerous amounts of crates, boxes, and barrels were nearby and I was curious as to what was in them.

Judging by the practical standards of living that these people imposed on themselves, it was either resources or weapons. What was a little disturbing was the items themselves. This group is not self-sufficient. There were no farms or gardens of any kind that I spotted during my fall. That could mean everyone here is raiding towns or cities to survive. Assuming I'm correct in my theory anyway.

"Anything catches your eye?" she inquired, gaining my attention.

I responded, "No."

"I see." She took off her mask, revealing her surprisingly young appearance to him. Her voice did sound like a woman in her thirties or early forties. "Since you are aware of this place, I can't let you leave." I sighed. "You're smart. You can figure out why."

"I understand. I've seen too much. In that case." He extended his right hand, the tattoo on the back of it glowed in purple before he grasped the katana that materialized. (A/N Devil May Cry: DMC Tattoo on Dante's back FYI.)

'A semblance that is manifested as a sword? Interesting. Though the ways he holds it...' "How amusing. A child who never held a weapon before wants to fight? I'll humor you." She unsheathed her katana, her stance displaying experience. "If you can live in the next ten minutes, you are free to leave under the condition that you forget about us. Deal?" I nodded. "Good. Begin."

Thus it started. I, Lux Peer, fought for my life on the first day of my new life.

I'm remaking this.

At this point, I want to regain my passion for writing so if it's bad, sorry ahead of time.

DaoistRWFfUncreators' thoughts