
RWBY, How Strange Reversed World! SI!

I think that being male in a female-led world, has its perks, and its minuses... But as I was born on Earth, this world is like paradise for me, now if I could just dwarf Salem's plans and enjoy a life of debauchery... MC is SI into OC, this fic would by SMUT with PLOT...

Nisiris · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

1. R

*Author note*

Hey there! I an amateurish author dare to post my mostly SMUT fic with some PLOT, or PLOT with much SMUT?

RWBY universe in this fic is reversed, Males behave like Females and vice versa...

This fic MC is BI, so expect him fuck both WOMEN and TRAPS! Yes, traps, MC will not be fucked, his asshole will stay virgin, minus some of the tongues play, but otherwise, MC will sleep with TRAPS and WOMEN...

More will be explained in the FIC by the MC, so if you are interested, stay...

Again, im an amateur in both writing and English! So expect a lot of grammatical errors...

I will try to update at least five chaps in the week, but as I write another fic known as Aegis Schnee, The Juggernaut of Glyphs, that is on Webnovel, I don't know how much time I will have...

Again this is SMUT fic, so expect a lot of SEX...

Now, to the FIC!




I took a swing from my flask as I enjoyed the atmosphere of the club, especially I enjoyed the hungry stares of females and sometimes males that were thrown at me, but thanks to my look, not many dared to come and hit on me...

After all, by this world standard, Im what is called a Cold Beauty, or something like that, after hearing girls whispering about me and that title...

As I took a sip from my drink from a dead-eyed barman named Xiong, or Junior, I still couldn't believe I was transported or reincarnated to RWBY world, the universe, whatever...

And one that is completely different yet the same at the same time...

It took me a while, but after seeing women behaving like men, and finding out that porn sites on Remnant are a shitty and underused thing that dared to by equivalent of blessed and cursed internet, I found most of the porn was...

Cunnilingus, women ridding men, women were picking on the men, women hiring men hookers, and many, many, many more videos or porn that were to by more pleasurable to watch for women...

Looking how men were mostly indoors behaving like housewives, whereas women went to the work, well, houseband?

I realized this RWBY world was littleeeeeee, different...

And as if to prove my point, I felt a presence closing to me, or more likely two presences...

"Hey there, beauty."


Said two nearly identical girls, making me remember their names as I played on an amused yet careful target...

"Hi, what a surprise the most beautiful women come to little old me."

I said, nearly cringing in my mind at my words, but if there is something I learned in this world, is that no matter how cringed or how bad I sounded, to women of this world, I would come to as amusing, cute, or inexperienced man...

"Oh? Look at that Mil, the chick knows how to use that mouth."

Said the white-clothed one, Melanie Malachite if I remembered right.

Melanie is a teenage girl with long black hair with a straight fringe that covers her eyebrows and pale green eyes, highlighted by heavy cyan makeup, and she wore a white, strapless dress with a skirt, but her legs, and the high tight white boots, were her most prominent advantages...

"Hm, like what you see there?"

Melanie teasingly said as she slowly and carefully moved her legs to give me a better view.

"Truthfully? Yes."

I answered unashamedly.

"Don't tease him so much, or he will run like others..."

Said the mostly silent twin, just like her sister, she had porcelain skin and a beautiful face that was unfortunately hidden under too much red makeup...

Miltia is a teenage girl with short black bob style hair with a straight fringe and pale green eyes, her black, red dress with a skirt and those lace that covered her long legs were just pieces of pie on the already perfect sight...

"Oh, he will not, after all, this one likes what he sees, doesn't he hm?"

Melanie said with a husky whisper as she closed her face with me, breathing into my ear as she whispered it...

"Yes... I would say just an idiot would run from you two."

I said with a smirk, making the twins look at him in surprise, not a bad surprise, but a shocked and pleasant surprise.

"Look at this, he didn't even try to deny it, what would others think if they knew you are so easy?"

The normally silent Miltia said, as she finally had enough and wished to play herself, she sat on another side, making me sandwiched between two of them, not that I minded, but the pitiful stares the men and males threw at me were getting annoying...

I understood that if we changed places to my old world, and twins were men, and I was a woman, this sight would look like gangbang, maybe rape attempt, but I was born and raised into another mentality, and this world that saw females at the top, and males as the more reserved ones, I took a chance into my hands and enjoyed all the attention I could get...

"And do you like how easy im? Because of right now, I give jack shit about what others might think."

I said in what I thought was a sultry tone, and done what I saw on this world internet, as I unbounded some of the buttons on my shirt, Melania looked at me in surprise, but Miltia seemed to almost breathe too deeply as she watched my chest...

Guess what, with how reversed the world was, the man's chest became hot shot like the female boobs in my old world, and I knew how to play it...

"Shit... You truly are slut, aren't you..."

Melanie whispered, a little sadly at that.

"No, I do not take money for this, and women I slept with could by count one hand, I just have high standards, my standards."

I said easily, amusedly seeing little light return to Melanie's eyes as she now eyed me carefully.

"Oh really? And are we to your liking? Slut?"

"Please, leave these words to the bedroom, as I said, im not slut, I just like to sleep with who catches my eye."

I said seriously, with an amused smile, looking at how Miltia sharply looked at her sister, sending a clear message to not mess things up...

"Sorry, sorry, it's just, not many men are so... Outgoing, and those who are, are..."

"Sluts, I know, but again, I don't need to be one to just enjoy sex."

I said with a smile, my hands moving on both of their thighs, making them freeze and shudder as both twins threw me a hungry stare...

"Why don't we take this to a more private area?"

As I said it, I could almost feel their excitement build up as the twins looked at each other and then me, and then almost dragged me away to some VIP section, on the way, I gathered pitiful and sad glances from males and very jealous glance on twins by females...

Yep, this world was truly strange, in a good way...


*Author note*

Good for the first chapter of the new fic?

Please, comment with constructive comments if you don't like something...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts