
RWBY: Bad Time

A new world, free from my past worries, free from my responsibilities, free from my worries... Unfortunately, this asshole is still here, and somehow, he convinced me into playing along. _ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter Ten

The circle around the kids got smaller as my clones bunched together.

I instead stared at the village, eyes narrowing. The possible causes could be a few, bandits, Grimm...

I observed the lack of slash marks and many bulletholes.

Okay, Bandits, most likely.

I walked forward, nearing the entrance as the small group followed me. If this turned bad, Nick was going to kill me. He didn't want the kids to see death for at least until the second year.

As we entered, I gathered my Aura and sent it out in a pulse into the ground. The wave of Aura traveled across the Earth, some impacting houses, some bodies and parts travelling across the whole village ininterupted.

I got this idea from bats, of all things, worked like their version of a screech. The only downside was that the aura bounced back, meaning I couldn't see someone behind buildings.

The village was abandoned but some Grimm were getting closer.

I hummed and looked over at the group. Too many to remain hidden.

"Six of you spread across the village, Grimm are coming, you know what to do."

The clones nodded and more than half of them disappeared in a burst of speed.

"What's wrong professor?"

I looked to the side, seeing Coco looking at the scene worriedly. I wanted to deadpan, is she blind? Can't she see that our employers are dead?

"Most probably bandits, but I don't know if they are still here or not. Fox, connect me and my clones."

The blind boy didn't say anything and just nodded, and a few seconds later, I felt a link spanning across the village.

[Woah, his is kinda freaky.]

[Tell me about it.]

[Seems neat.]

[Fuck off.]

[Could be useful in a fight.]

[Get to the point.]

Ah yes, six of my finest personalities at work. Fucking idiots all of them.

(Aight, bitches, listen up. See anything weird just report it to me.)

I commanded, ignoring the weirded-out looks of Nick's students. That wasn't important now.

[Got it, mate.]

[Who are you calling a bitch?! You bitch!]

[Who died and made you the boss?]


[Some Grimm reached the village. They are heading to the middle of the village.]

[You don't say?]

I took a deep breath, it is fine when we can just goof off, but music isn't even playing right now, so these cranky idiots are irritated.

(Follow them if you would.)

I got the feeling that all six of them were rolling their eyes and I felt the urge to kill myself not for the first time.

"You're clones seem like... Pleasant company?"

I slapped Yatsu upside the head, which was quite challenging seeing that he was a fucking giant.

"Assholes are what they are. It's their fault that I have seventeen people in my head."

I rolled my eyes and waited, ignoring how one of the remaining clones started fidgeting with their guitar.

I couldn't really blame him, I wanted to play right now too. A fight with no background music was just two idiots hitting their swords together.

The fights in Naruto were carried by music, weren't they?

[This might be a problem.]

I rose an eyebrow at the totally unconcerned and bland tone one of my clones took. That meant it wouldn't be a problem for me, but it might be a problem for Canon... I should know, they were me.

And since when did I care about the canon?

[It's the white fang.]

[It's the cult.]

I hummed for a moment, well whatever.

(How many of them are there?)

[About forty.]

[Fourty three.]


I cracked my neck, loosening my shoulders.

"Kids stay here. I'll deal with some morally confused idiots."

I swirled my beloved guitar in my hand, as the ends of the instrument collapsed back as Ice dust solidified as soon as it came out of the container.

The now scythe, I much preferred Scythar, was now held in my hand.

"Professor, shouldn't we help?"

I glanced at Velvet, blinked, and laughed, loudly.

"Aw, you're adorable! No."

With those last, parting words, I let the Aura explode from my legs as I blasted off into the village, passing the dead bodies scattered around.

(Alright boys, you know what to do.)

They did indeed, as I heard music playing in the distance. There were no Lyrics because there was no need for them.

The combination of six clones playing the same song in synch got the attention of white fang as I could see some of them walking out of the house they were in... Of course it would be the center of the village.

My scythe sunk into the first grunt that I encountered, slicing him in two. Hmm, no aura... Neat. It's like fast food.

My aura flared as the hail of bullets came my way from the people in the back. Nick would argue that I should have gone the diplomatic route and "Talk it out" ugh, or inform the school that something went wrong on the mission.

But where was the fun in that?

The bullets bounced off my dark red aura as I dashed right toward them, slicing down anyone that was in the way.

The doom music, my favorite, played in the background as I went to town with the grunts. I wasn't discriminating, men, women, and everyone in between, I cut them down without mercy.

My scythe sliced through the air, flesh, and bone, painting me red as the bodies of dead fang members lay all around me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

My hand was grabbed as I was about to swing my guitar scythe again and I almost reacted, managing to stop myself from sending a blast of aura in the same direction the voice came from.

Looking to my right, I saw Nick, looking mostly curious as he looked around the battlefield,

Snapping out of the daze fully, I looked at the person I was just about to slice, spotting pieces of a broken chainsaw on the ground, a broken white fang mask, and a bulky man that was missing an arm and an eye.

"Which one was it this time? The fourth or the seventh?"

Nick asked as I sighed and stood up, heaving my scythe on my shoulder and staring at the destruction I caused.

"Probably the seventh."

Nick just hummed in thought.