
RWBY: Arc Legacy

I always hated being under someone's control. Grown-ups, teachers, principals, parents. I was born into this world, and just because someone gave birth to me didn't mean they had jurisdiction over my life. I wouldn't just bare it again, not anymore. This was my second chance at life, and I would be damned if I let someone else decide what path I should and should not take. ___ I Own nothing.

Zeckan · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter Two

I opened a door and walked inside, the trophy held in my hand.

My sword, along with my armor, felt heavier than ever before.

"Welcome home dear."

A sweet voice was heard, a voice that belonged to a mature woman as I glanced to the side, inside the living room.

A blonde woman wearing a white T-shirt under a red button-up shirt with a long, brown dress. Her waist-long, blonde air tied in a low ponytail.


I nodded, Holding up the trophy of two, golden axes on a pedestal and handing it to her. She blinked at it and chuckled, shaking her head.

"We know you won, but could you stop being so nonchalant about it?"

I just shrugged, unlatching my sword and placing it next to the living room entrance. Reaching to my sides, I started unlatching my armor, placing the chest plate on a stand next to the entrance.

"It's just... after the third time, it got old. I'm glad I won, but still, I'd rather just have a better fight."

I mumbled the last part as took off my gauntlets and started taking off my armored waist cloth.

"Well, son, if you want a good fight, then there were some news that you should know about."

I hummed, raising an eyebrow distractedly as I worked on taking off my armored boots.

I glanced at her as she held out a scroll towards me and I quickly glanced over the news article.

Apparently, the four-time mistral champion, Pyrrha Nikos, was going to attend beacon academy...

Oh, that sneaky mother fucker.

I huffed in amusement, fine, I would play along, for now.


I mumbled and cracked my neck. Sighing at the satisfying pop it produced, I stretched my arms.

"After the match, Ozpin came to my changing room, offering me a spot in his academy, if I passed the initiation."

I heard a gasp from my side and I turned to the slippers to my right, picking out mine from the two pairs present.

So, father wasn't home.

I looked down at my attire, or, what was left of it anyway, my blue body suit. With a sigh, I grabbed the trophy from my mother, who was trying to place it with the four others on a shelf too high and placed it there for her, before moving towards the stairs.

"I'll take a bath, be back in fifteen."

Walking up the stairs, I closed my eyes in thought. This was troubling, I didn't really want to go to Beacon, but the teachers were too valuable to pass up.

With a sigh, I reached the top of the stairs and walked toward my room.

"Well, well, well, If it isn't the fifth-time champion, How you doing Lil bro?"

I took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh so heavy that I could swear that the house dug into the ground a few millimeters. Looking at one of the doors, I rose an eyebrow at Biana Arc, my eldest sister.

As usual, she was wearing a black jacket along with black leather pants, her blonde hair cut short and the same blue eyes as my eyes staring at me with a hint of arrogance.

Ah... she was on her period, mood swings, great.

At times like this, it was better to avoid her or ignore her provocations, but I wasn't in the mood right now.

"Well, well, well-"

I mimicked her tone of voice, tilting my head to the side, closing my eyes halfway, and a sardonic smirk appeared on my face.

"If it isn't the third strongest Arc in the house, how are you doing, big sis? Could you remind me of the score again?"

My smirk turned into a vicious grin, as she backed down with her eyebrows furrowed.

The score was 29-43 in my favor.

Their primitive techniques were nothing compared to my plagiarised anime moves.


I grabbed the handle of my room door and smirked at her.

"I have been told that it's one of my better qualities."

Opening the door, I walked inside and towards the closet. I was tired, mentally, I needed a shower, I needed food, and I needed a nap.

I could train later.

Grabbing a towel, underwear, and sweatpants, I turned around and walked out of the room. The eldest seemed to have gone inside her room, probably sulking.

Heh, pansy.

Walking towards the bathroom, I went inside and shut the door.


I rubbed my head with a towel as I walked down the stairs, drying my hair, the dinner was ready, and I couldn't wait to get something in my system.

The door opened as I stepped down the last step of the stairs. A tall, burly man walked inside. He was taller than me, with considerably more muscle.

His weapon of choice was a greatsword that hang on his back, magnetically attached to his chest plate.


I greeted, taking the towel off my head and giving him a once over, he seemed fine, just a few scratches on him.

He nodded back, looking over to the trophy shelf, and seeing another golden trophy present there. The older man seemed to deflate and he started taking off his armor, placing his sword near the entrance.

"I see you won, again."

I arched an eyebrow, he seemed disappointed.

"What's the matter? Aren't you proud that your son can actually handle combat?"

Sarcasm dripped from my tone, along with annoyance and contempt. The man clenched his fist for a moment and my muscles tensed.

Finally, he sighed.

"Of course, I am, son."

With that, he walked inside the living room. My eyes followed his back for a second and I scowled. Turning to my right, I walked down the hall toward where we kept newly dried clothes before putting them inside closets.

I'd get to that after I ate.

Opening the door, and looking at the color-coded baskets, I walked over to the white one and started digging through some clothes. Grabbing a sky-blue T-shirt, I put it on, despite it being crumpled up and put it on.

Throwing the towel inside the other white basket, I walked out of the room, heading to the living room.

"Big Brother!"

I looked down as a yellow missile impacted me. One of my sisters. Her hair was tied in pigtails and her ocean-blue eyes filled with excitement as she positively vibrated.

"Hey there, little sapling, I see you haven't grown at all. Do I need to water you some more?"

The adorable little thing pouted.

"Is this how you treat your princess, noble knight?"

Knight, huh?

I smiled, taking a knee in front of her and grabbing one of her hands.

"Of course not, my lady. This foolish knight would not dare to speak ill of his princess."

I kissed the back of her hand and looked up at her. Her lips were thinned and her eyebrows raised. I smirked and the dam broke, she burst out laughing.

Chucking myself, I picked her up and placed her on my shoulder, securing her with one arm and walking toward the table.

Everyone who was here was already sitting, at one ne of the table sat my father, and at his right was my mother, followed by my six sisters.

Walking closer, I plopped Aqua down on a free chair and went to the other end of the table, where I always sat.

The dinner was a quiet affair, don't talk while eating, no arguments at the table, no scrolls at the table, keep your hands away from weapons, and try not to shoot death glares at each other.

Easy enough.


Oh god, damn it.

"I don't want you to go to a Huntsman school."

Straight to the point, as always, huh?

I didn't react, continuing to eat my portion of the food silently. In the corner of my eye, I could see Mom getting slightly worried. I didn't understand why, so far, none of our little confrontations escalated into blows. And it happened pretty often.

"Did you not hear me, boy?"

Oh, this bitch.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, Father."

I glared at him, his blue eyes, much like blonde hair, a common trait in the Arcs, meeting my own.

"Watch your words."

His voice was laced with restrained anger and annoyance bubbled up inside of my chest. One day, he would take it too far, and that day, I would break him by hitting him where it hurts the most.

"Watch your tone."

His aura flared at my words and I resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow. I wouldn't deny it, his reserves were large, and over the years of tempering, it was dense.

Unfortunately for him, mine could be larger. At a certain point, the denseness wouldn't matter if the opposing force hit it repeatedly.

I never ran out of Aura.

My aura rose to the challenge, flooding the room and engulfing his own. My semblance activated, seeping into my aura, amplifying it, multiplying it, making it stronger.

It wasn't long before my Aura seeped into his and I fought the urge to smile.

"Stop it!"

My eyes snapped over to my mother, she was standing, hands on the table and tears brimming at the corner of her eyes. Sighing, I forcefully pushed my father's aura back inside his body, it was painful for him, and I took that as a final jab at him.

Mine subsided a second later.

"Excuse me."

I stood up, left the food on the table, and walked upstairs. Closing the door behind me, I took out my scroll and dialed a number.

A few rings later, the other person picked up.

[Hello, Mr. Arc.]

I rolled my eyes.

"Headmaster, I accept your invitation to Beacon academy."

I just wanted to get this over with.