
Chapter 44: Let’s Party Part 2

Before they got to the place Yang mention, Dark and Gin have a little conversation in his mind, and both of them were sitting in a throne.

Gin:{This is an odd experiance!}

Dark:{Oh, and why is that?}

Gin:{I feel almost everything you do! When you were fighting Adam, when you were touching Blake and even now i could feel the frustration when we got..... you know.}

Dark:{Yeah, that's what i feel everytime, that's why i know when you are being a coward! When you feel fear! Becase i can feel it in myself and i couldn't take it!}

Gin: {So that's why i feel sometimes angry!}

Dark:{Indeed, it's becase you do stupid things and you know it, but still do it! Becase you are afraid of what's gonna change from what you already know!}

Gin:{I see.... so it's all becase of me and...we're connected, so you feel everything i do.}

Dark:{ "sigh" We're one after all, of course we are connected, and yes like i feel everything you do, you feel everything i do.....Atleast a part of it.}

Gin: {Hmm? What do you mean by "Part of it"?}

Dark: {Someday you'll see.}

Gin:{Why won't you tell me!?}

Dark:{If i could, i would.}

Gin: {Huh?}


They all were going to the place and saw a fancy building.

Ruby: Wait, isn't this place...

Yang: Japp!

Lea: "Junior's Club" it says?

Aria: Funny name!

Dark:.....I feel like we will not get a warm welcome here.

Weiss: And why is that?

Dark: It's a place Yang know's right!

Yang: Gin, care to explain what you mean by that! (Evil Stare)

Dark: Yang, you of all people should know why!

Ruby: Yang, Gin is right!

Yang: What!? (Shocked)

Blake: Well, let's just see when we get inside.

Everyone went inside Junior's Club and was not prepared on what came.

Juniorlacky1: Welco- (Sees Yang) Ahh!!it's her, everyone run!! (Runs inside)


Dark: Told you!

Lea couldn't hold back his laughter and was rolling on the floor, then stoped when he relised that Yang was looking at him with death.

Dark: Good to know you, Lea!

Lea: Ah no wait, i didn't mean to, Yang! Stop go towards me with with you hands forming a fist!!

Yang: Nope! (Punches Lea in the face)

Lea: Puahh!!

Aria: That's for being an idiot!

Lea: Ugh!....noted!

The music from Junior's Club gets louder once inside to show Junior behind the bar adjusting his cuffs as his lacky stock the bottles, carry boxes, and otherwise stand around on the dance floor, until...

Juniorlacky2: (Running inside, shouting) Hurry, close the door, she's coming! (He and another Henchman proceed to roll the doors shut and keep them closed with their bodies.)

Junior: (Walking out from the bar) What are you two idiots doing?!

The Henchmen shout incoherently until an explosion knocks them to the ground and forces the doors open, allowing a familiar face to walk in through the smoke with some other people.

Yang: Guess who's back!

Yang continues to smile and pose as eight guns are pointed in her face with an equal number of angry lacky's behind her.

Dark: See, told you guys!

Jaune: Guys, maybe we should go somewhere else! (Shaking)

Lea: Shh, i want to see this.

Junior: Stop, stop! Nobody shoot. (Cuts his way through the crowd of goons, straightening his tie.) Blondie, you're here! ...Why?

Yang: You still owe me a drink. (She grabs Junior by the arm and drags him to the bar through the lacky's guns.)

Weiss: Guess she know's them.

Ruby: You have noo idea!

Hey guys, here is an chapter :)(And wow, the comment’s from the last chapter was nice, many who gets what Dark is and the struggle off Gin innerself.)

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