
Ruthless Love With The Mysterious You

Lynn saw the remaining residual power from Luke's hand injury. "Damn, He was hurt by the Awakened One. But how the hell did he meet this guy?" Lynn said to Qirin as she was checking the wounds. Despite her suspicions, she took off Luke's shirt first. He also has many other injuries to his stomach. Lynn looked worriedly at the unconscious Luke. "Anyway, let's give him a potion first. I'll take care of the rest." Qirin immediately went to Lynn’s apartment using his super speed to get the potion. Qirin came back and gave the potion to Lynn and helped Lynn to pull Luke up, holding his shoulders and laying him on the headboard. She opened Like’s jaw and poured her potion carefully and slowly. After putting Luke to bed, Lynn picks up the phone and calls Luke's grandpa after discussing it with Qirin. She said, "I think we need to make sure. We found some residual power in Luke's injuries. These injuries weren't due to an accident." Lynn said with a severe look on her face. "I'm coming," Luke's grandpa answered over the phone. ... "Why do I feel this way?" When Lynn looked in the mirror in front of her, she could see that her cheeks were dyed bright red. 'Crap. Why does my heart beat faster when I get closer to him, what is happening to me? This has never happened in the past few years. ” …. What happens when a person is suddenly thrown into a whole new world? After the "accident", Luke's whole world suddenly changed. His loved ones become new to him. He had more power than he thought. The person who disappeared without a reason has such a huge situation behind her. New mysteries are revealed, and Lynn,Luke and Qirin’s strained relationship takes a new turn. I don't know who made the book cover. Sorry for using it without permission, but I think it's a very suitable for my book. I will delete it if requested by the creator or others.

Shrihitha_Kumbum · ファンタジー
6 Chs

chapter 6 Qirin

Two of them gave Lynn and Luke an attitude that they had been interrupted.

Luke and Lynn, though, were unfazed by this.After a brief period of intense staring, one of them couldn't help but curse an insult. 

"Brats, return to your classes.Leave this young master's good deeds alone." He stated in a frightening tone to Lynn and Luke.

As if about to beat them, Lynn puffed up her cheeks and waved her hands in their direction."Leave my classmate alone. Don't test me; you don't know what I can do."

The older children exchanged glances with one another as they laughed out mockingly at them.

"Hahaha…What? Are the two of you going to beat me up?"

"You, go and grab that phone from the Other brat."One of them instructed the other one.

He soon started walking towards the kid to grab the phone.

They couldn't see Luke and Lynn before since they were in the shade, but as soon as he got the close-up look, he muttered a curse word. 

He had the opportunity to see Luke, the son of Richard Grey, when he had attended a high-class banquet with his father.

He is astonished to see Luke's face.Grey's are one of the most prominent families in the nation; in comparison to them, he is nothing more than an ant.

Shuttering, "B-Boss, this little guy is the son of the Grey family."

"You illegitimate child, you just wait, you almost got me in trouble with the Grey family," the man carrying the kid swore under his breath in disbelief. 

He hurriedly threw the kid to the ground, said "run," and started running away.

When he noticed his boss fleeing, he immediately after him without turning around.

Lynn looked at Luke as she noticed them escaping and said to Luke jokingly.

"Luke.Tell me the truth.You're a monster, right? Why are they fleeing in that manner?"

Luke only flashed her a scowl.

The child before them started coughing.

Lynn sprinted over to him and began picking him up.

The kid shoved away Lynn's hand while wiping dirt from his face.

Lynn nearly fell, but she caught herself.

"I don't need your assistance,"He murmured to himself.

After observing this, Luke approached Lynn and helped to steady her.

"What are you doing?"Luke glared at him as he said.

The kid just glanced at them and ran away as he was patting away the dust.

"Who is that?" Lynn asked Luke.

"His name is Qirin. A child from the Saffron Family."

Lynn had an idea in her head about this family.Her father told her about some of the famous families in the capital.

There are seven significant families in the nation: the Grey, Saffron, Miller,Damien,Silver, Beethoven, and Crassus families.

The Saffron family has a long history in medicine, owns numerous pharmaceutical companies around the world, and its successors have all achieved great success in the field.

"Who dared attack a member of the saffron family; aren't they strong?"Lynn questioned Luke.

Even though they are still young kids, they have been groomed since birth to be heirs, and most of the children in the academy are familiar with such matters.

Even though Lynn is still a young child and new to this country, she is aware of the status of the Saffron family because of her education. Typically, no one would attempt to abuse a member of this family.

Even other prominent families won't do this since they must keep the country in balance; as a result, they won't engage in conflict with one another unless they intend to create an economic war.

Luke stared at Lynn but didn't say anything.

"Let's go."He spatted out this word and turned around to return to the classroom.

Lynn saw that Luke didn't want to speak about it and didn't pester him about this.

Luke sighed as soon as he realized Lynn had ceased inquiring about this.

He knows that Qirin Saffron is an illegitimate son of the current leader.He heard this information from one of his cousin.Luke doesn't like to discuss other peoples matter so he didn't say anything to Lynn other than his name.He didn't comment on it because he didn't know the facts of the situation.

He is aware that the individuals beating Qirin are saffrons from the branch family.

They must be instructed by someone from the main family to do this to Qirin.

When both of them returned to the class , they saw Qirin's seat empty and din't comment on it.They went to their own seats and sat on them.

Soon the class came to and end and they still see no sign of Qirin coming back to class.

Lynn's new friends came to her and said goodbye .

"See you tomorrow , Lynn."

Seeing that their goodbyes were never ending Luke grabbed Lynn's hand and dragged her out from the circle formed by the kids.

They went out of the school and soon she saw her Parents and Luke's Parents.

Both of them made their way to them.

Though Lynn was a bit worried , she didn't care once she saw him entering his family's car.

"Hi baby, How was you first day at school?"Amanda asked Lynn as soon as she saw her coming towards them.

But before she could pick her up, she saw her husband Picking up her off the ground and spinning Lynn around.

"I missed you so much, my little Princess."Blake exclaimed as he was hugging the life out of her.

Lynn squealed and replied,"I missed you too daddy." 

Amanda gave an eyeball to both of them but still smiled at the sight.

Lynn and Luke waved their hands at each other while saying see you tomorrow.

Both families said goodbye to each other and started their cars to go back.

Lynn started telling her parents how the day went as they made their way back to home.

Lynn has been curious about Qirin since she saw him so she searched about the saffron family as soon as she went back.

She spoke with her family mentor over the phone to inquire about the Saffron Family.

Cam was Lynn's family mentor.

Each family has a specific mentor for the kids so that they can know about all the details that they need to know as the heir.

Cam is the eldest Son of the Dameons family's butler. He became Lynn's mentor.

He has black hair and a phoenix eyes and sharp nose with sharp jaw.He looks quite handsome.

"Hi young lady.How are you?"

"Hi Cam.I'm good."Lynn spoke.

"I heard it was first day at school.How did it go?"Cam asked.

"It was good,I made lots of new friends..."Lynn started talking about her day.

When Cam overheard her talking about her day, a smile spread across his lips.

He was startled when he unexpectedly heard she was asking a question.

"Can you provide me additional information about the Saffron family, Cam?"

He didn't understand why she was inquiring about this, but because it was his responsibility to respond to her inquiries, he told her all there was to know about the Saffron family.

"Do you know Qirin?" He heard her ask.

He thought about this name for a while before remembering him and telling Lynn about Qirin.

She quickly learned that Qirin was the Saffron family's illegitimate son.

The Saffron family has always been well-known, but the head of the present generation is completely untalented and has spent the entire time outside romancing.

But the feeble camel also possesses the strength of the past, continuing to function in some way as a significant family.

As soon as dinnertime arrived, Lynn's mother called her to the table.

Lynn questioned her father, "Dad, is being an illegitimate child wrong?" as they were eating.

Blake and Amanda were astounded by this query.

"Being an illegitimate child is not wrong for the child, but the parents of the illegitimate child are wrong", Amanda responded as they exchanged glances.

"There is nothing wrong with the child because children cannot pick their parents for themselves."

At Amanda's explanation, Blake nodded as well. He then questioned Lynn, "By the way, why did you get this doubt Lynn?"

Lynn simply said, "Nothing, father."

Without further comment, Lynn's father carried on with his own dinner.

Without further comment, Lynn's father carried on with his own dinner.

Children will undoubtedly learn new things when they enter society.Therefore, there is no need to worry. 

Even though it bothers him, Blake wants Lynn to have a solid understanding of the world so that she can protect her family and herself. He didn't want Lynn to grow up ignorant.It's best if kids have access to all available forms of self defense.If one wants to survive in a family like theirs, they must possess great survival abilities.

After spending some time watching TV together, they both went back to sleep.

The only image that comes to Lynn's mind while she is just lazing around in her room is of Qirin's sapphire eyes; she isn't sure why, but she feels a strong connection to Qirin.

Only blackness could be seen in Qirin's eyes.Instead of that blank gaze, she wanted them to show a different emotion. 

She abruptly stood up and fisted her hand in the air."I want to be your friend Qirin."

Yes, she wants to be friends with him.