
Twins hidden sides,,,!!

7 years later**

"Big brother, have you find that boy that tried to tumper with our business?" Finn asked

"It's just some small company in nation A, don't worry we will be going to nation A  tomorrow mommy has some patient there and there is big shot who is getting engaged and mommy is the designer guess next" Liam said

"As two top hackers we are not going to show them any mercy, and as an artist, this man and his company didn't do the right thing 

It was a very bad idea I wonder who is the advisor" Finn said

"Gentlemen what are the two of you up to ?" She asked she is aware that her two children are no ordinary people and this two at the age of 5 they could depend on each other

"Mother goddess, what are taking for the meal today , brother and I were discussing what we are to prepare for you " 'oooh mommy Finn has lied again today'

"Yes mother goddess, go freshen up let the best two brothers  chef's prepare you a delicious meal that will scattered your brain and flow to your brains, " Liam said 

"Okay docky I will do just that, what can I do without you my two eyes" she said this cute little boys I wonder where that man is 

Can he recall after all this years that, he slept with a lady or to him he has forgotten, this cute young men probably look like him, but I hope he is not a bigshot

"Big brother do you think mommy heard what we were talking about?" Finn asked

"No, she didn't" Liam

"Then let's prepare her the perfect meal so far, you know what brother I always wonder where is our daddy I don't think he is dead" Finn said

"And here I was worried that my younger brother will suffer from shortage of IQ" Liam said

"Big brother stop it, I know am not that kind of person to show off but my IQ is the best

Can't you see I can do what grandma ghost does" Finn said 

"Mmmh, indeed our father is still alive but not in this nation"

"Mmmh, now you are talking, that man will suffer for leaving beautiful goddess alone" Finn Said

"Goddess, goddess here is your meal ready we will eat here today" Liam said

"Oooh, my cute babies do you want to kill mommy with the sweet smell, mommy's stomach is empty let's dig in babies" she said

"Yes" the two kids jumped around like baby dolls, this to hide there true identity to there mother

"Mmmmh, " she closed her eyes "it's delicious" she said

"Goddess which one have you tested" Finn asked

Probably am the best cook not him this time round right mommy?" 

"Yes, the both of you are perfect" she said

"But mommy today I was the chef why complement him?" Finn asked

"Because you are twins and you should know that one good thing done by either of you  is a credit earned for the both of you okay" she said

"Yes beautiful" they answered in unison

"Okay, babies I want us to go shopping, tomorrow we will be traveling back to our home town what do you think?" She asked her cute babies

"Mommy, we are no girls why should we go shopping with you?" Liam asked

"That is because we need to have things ready sweery, you know like shoes like clothes young and cute boys should always dress smart" she said 'it very difficult to please this young boys' she scratches her hair

"Okay mommy I know of a place for the best shopping" Finn said

The two of them looked into each other as they speak a language that they only understand, today they are going to visit kid's auto-Filim company this company sells kids toys and expensive and extraordinary staffs

They give a thumbs up,,

"Brother today we are going to visit our company and see how those employees handle customers,we have to dress to our simplicity" Finn said

"And we are going to use time for mommy not to suspect anything" Liam said

"Young gentlemen, can we go? " 

"Yeah!" They answered

Jane has become powerful and a very strong business tycoon, as Zero, she has developed more than anyone in designing industry

"Boys we are here you have to stay with mommy always okay, not unless you want mommy to be alone and cry" she said pretending to be sad

"Ooh, no mommy look, have a look I have strong muscles plus have been watching boxing techniques if anybody dare to make mommy unhappy then,,,," he lifts his arms showing off imaginary muscles

"Okay, okay, young brother you are strong okay" Liam cut him off

"Yes my son is the strongest" Jane can't help but laugh

"We are on our way from shopping, elder Nicole why can't we go together, you know tomorrow we will be going back to our nation let's find some gifts for our family back home" she said

"Yes aunty can we go together?" Finn asked

Since Nicole is aware of there secret they wanted her to go with them and use her as a tool to destruct there mother

"Okay, don't look at me with those cute eyes" hugging them to the black Lamborghini sports car

"Babies where should we start our shopping ?" 

"Mommy to the kids Filing store" Liam said

"Why there hunny those things I heard that they are very expensive and what do you need them for?" She asked

"Mommy there are some gentlemen staffs that you are still unaware of , not unless you see" Liam answered

Jane had to look at him twice before turning her around to concentrate 

"Nicole have you hear him speak I wonder if he is a kid or an adult" she signed will I hundle them myself till they grow up?

"Jane, you are blessed to have them, at least you will not die a lonely person"

"Sister Nicole, Isaac loves you, so there is no need to think of dying alone, he will not allow that"

"I just hope that, he will always love me" Nicole said

"Boss we are here" the driver said

"My Kings okay let's go down I want to see what my Kings have in mind " she said

"Jane, your son's are interesting that man wherever he is,  I know if he took your virginity he is still thinking of you" Nicole said

"And he must be a noble person of handsome, look at how handsome they are,,, I wish I can witness his face when he meet his carbon  copies walking" 

"Stop it, that man is dead, after defiling me that night and throwing that $1,000,000 in my face that man even if we meet I will make sure he is dead" she said

"We will see about that if this gentleman become celebrities in the future" Nicole said

As they were talking, Finn and Liam were already inside the elevator going to 26th floor, immediately the elevator door open, a 49 year old woman hugged them tightly

"My cute grandsons, I miss you" she said

"Grandma even if you miss us, what do you think of our mother? She doesn't know until today's that you are a live,,,

What if one day she realizes that, what will you do?" Liam asked

"My grandsons that is why I want the two of you to make her happy and always protect her okay" 

"Yes we will" Finn said

"And grandma have you find this father of ours?" Liam asked

"No my grandson" Ghost said

"And actually we visited grandpa, grandma guess what we saw?"  Finn asked

"Mmmh, tell me grandson" Ghost said though his heart skipped but she was happy to hear her husbans name

"He made a portrait of you in his bedroom, hehee, that old man is really in love with you, you know when we asked who that person was,,mmmh

He smiled then  it was like that portrait has some magic in it 

That compelled grandpa for almost 39 minutes he was lost looking at the portrait, then he said"

"Grandsons, this is my queen, your grandmother ". 

"He was smiling allover" Finn said

When Wendy heard of this she felt a pang of pain in her heart, 'that old man, waited for me all this while,, 

I don't know how to repay him but I hope that when this will be over he will understand me' she said

"We will be late grandma how is everything around " Liam asked

"Grandsons when this young grandma is around be assured everything in your names will always be perfect don't worry go down beautiful goddess might be looking for the both of you"

"Okay, tomorrow we are traveling back to mommy's home town we don't know for how long we will stay there, stay face and guard grandpa for us don't forget the Sanchez okay" Finn said

"Okay I won't" she planted a kiss on there foreheads and said goodbye