
The feeling of being unwanted.

Chapter 19

"So tell me more about yourself," Selene requested from Lucas, asking with such an innocent, and heartwarming look in her eyes. "What kind of person are you?"

"Well…" Lucas stuttered as he sat in-between Selene and Ryder's beta, whom he struggled not to stare at. It was so uncomfortable, having to sit in between the two people his heart was beating for at that point.

"Seems as if you're not the kind of person that likes talking about themselves," the young man finally spoke up for the first time, with a smooth and slightly deepened tenor voice which resonated in Lucas's head.

"Exactly," Lucas replied to the young man who was seated on his left, then quickly turned to Selene on his right. "But then, since you're so anxious to know, I am a lot of things to a lot of people. To some I am a beta, and to some others I'm a friend, and to some others I'm an annoying being that they want around them. But to you, I'm your—"

"Mate," Selene cut him short instantly. "To me, you're just perfect, and all I need."

"Oh my…" at that rate, Lucas was sure that his heart was about to explode. "I honestly don't know what to say to that. No one has ever said that to me."

"You little liar," Selene teased, as she thought it impossible that someone as good-looking as he was,wouldn't be a ladykiller for whom the female folk would drop dead at his wake. "You cute, irresistibly scenting, little liar."

"I'm really serious about that," Lucas said defensively, "It had been quite a lonely and boring existence within these walls."

"Too bad," the young man said, as he seemed to be enjoying having to watch their conversation instead of having Lucas's attention all to himself.

That made Lucas confused about what exactly was going on in the man's mind. One moment he thought he understood his strange acquaintance, the next moment he would be lost. Was he intentionally teasing him? He thought.

"So, what's your name?" Lucas finally mustered up the courage to ask him his name. He hoped that Selene wouldn't mind.

"Larry," he had barely said his name when his alpha walked into the room with an annoyed look on his face.

"We are leaving!" he announced suddenly. "Get up."

The urgency, in his tone, had Lucas a bit frightened. What had happened between him and Charles? He quickly got up to head outside, but then he remembered that he hadn't gotten the numbers of any of the two guests, with whom he would have loved to keep in contact with.

"Let's go at once," Ryder commanded yet again, even more angrily, as they seemed a bit slow to act.

Selene tried to protest a bit. "But I—"

"Shut up and follow me!" Ryder didn't let her get a word out. "I will not have any of my people stay here one more second."

Before he knew it, Lucas was left all alone in the lounge. He was one again filled with the weakening feeling of lonely depression.

What had Alpha Charles done?


"Freda… tell me what happened," Ruth hated the fact that she had to repeat the maid's name over and over just to get a word out of her. "How'd it go?"

"I just didn't work out," Freda finally said, much to their disappointment. "The food happened to spill on the floor somehow, in spite of how carefully I had set it. I just don't know how it happened."

"What?" Stella let out loudly but was quickly brought to her senses by a tap on the wrist from Ruth. "What?" she asked again, but in a whisper that time around.

"It was all unplanned," Freda said, with a demeanor haunted by fright.

"Alright then," Ruth said, sighing. She hated the fact that the clumsiness of the maid had ruined her master plan. But then, Freda wasn't that useless, "I will forgive your clumsiness just this once. But I may not be that lenient with you the next time."

"Milady… the thing is that there won't be a next time," Freda muttered, knowing that she was bound to strike a chord with her next statement, but she had to speak anyway. "I can't attempt to take her life."

"What?" Ruth said in disbelief. It was beginning to seem like the maid was playing down on the fact that she'd had to condescend to her level to try to make that bargain. How dare she, being an omega, refuse to such an offer?

"I cannot do any such thing, milady," Freda said respectfully. "If the Queen dies of the food I served her, Alpha Charles will have me killed for sure. I'm sorry, but I cannot keep to that."

"You little…" before Ruth could finish, Freda walked past the both of them into the kitchen.

"That worthless scum…" Stella cussed. "How could she walk away on us just like that? Just, who does she think she is?"

Ruth stood there, still in disbelief about what she had just witnessed, there and then. Her ego was wounded, and she wasn't going to take it lightly.

"She's going to pay dearly for her senseless insolence," Ruth declared, with hostile intentions going through her head.


"That bastard…" Charles cussed as he walked into his fortress, thinking of his previous encounter with Ryder.

He wondered why he hadn't left Ryder with an injury that would make him never to nurse the thought of trying to intermeddle with his personal matters.

Night had fallen over the city, and the Alpha had himself quite a long day, filled with a lot of strange events which had begun just immediately he had been informed of the prophecy.

It had him troubled, as he was uncertain what the coming days would be like. He was beginning to feel a level of unease as he made his way to his chamber.

The strange feeling weighed heavily on him in a way he couldn't explain, and it seemed to get even more intense as he made his way to the door.

As soon, as he opened the door to his room, he was about to jump out of his skin as he was soon looking at the dark creature that had appeared to him the previous night.

"You…" he could barely speak as he was frightened. "Who are you?"