
Russian Hunter's KING

I was a Hunter and honored the Codex. For my services to humanity and the "right" life, I was given a reward. A new life after death and a new World where I could have a well-deserved rest. But, something went wrong. I need to fight again. Unlike in my previous life, here I am confronted by Monsters that are much more terrifying than in the past. More cunning, cruel and unpredictable. And their name… The author of the work is not Me! Honest translation of MTL ! The cover is not mine! The characters aren 't mine either ! My native language is not English so I almost don 't understand you ! by posting this mtl here, I just want to introduce you to this book and perhaps motivate you to write your own fantasy fairy tale with anime / movie characters

42 Chs

Chapter 5

Airships, in comparison with airplanes, had another undoubted plus. They didn't need a runway for boarding/disembarking passengers. And if the airships themselves, of course, were serviced at the airfield infrastructure, then they took passengers to the very center of the city, usually to the area of the railway station. So it was now. I was standing on my balcony and smiling, looking at St. Petersburg floating below us - the capital of the Empire, which is currently the intermediate goal of my journey. Will I stay here for a long time? Don't know. My goal was hunting... Hunting... How pleasant that word sounded! In my past world, we were considered "adrenaline junkies", but we just loved our work. Along the way, protecting the very idiots who gave us similar nicknames. In this world, of course, I wasn't going to devote my whole life to hunting, as in the past. I just want to live a completely different life, rich and interesting. That's just the catch... All the interesting things happen among the aristocrats, and I seem to be one of them, but what next? I'm going to climb back into this swamp, and I need strength, without which there is nothing to do there. And I can only find strength by hunting. My power works in such a way that by killing monsters, I become stronger. Alas, in this world I received too weak a new power, but it can combine with the previous power, becoming something new. And then again everything slides down to hunting. I stretched sweetly, and then closed my eyes with a smile. Countess Isabella de Lusignan turned out to be quite a thing! I guessed right, she had been a widow for more than a year. However, I wasn't interested in these details. She was heading to the Urals, where her family had industrial interests and, most importantly, a new potential groom. The girl was not very skilled, but insatiable. She compensated for her lack of experience with enthusiasm and wild passion, so I haven't been able to sleep in the last twenty-four hours. Well, as my old mentor used to say: "Sleep it off in the next world!". He was lying, the old fuck! It's already "that light", and I'm tired again. The Von Weyrother airship docked to the landing platform, and over the speakerphone, the crew thanked the passengers for choosing their company. Then he offered to proceed to the exit, which I did. Passing along the corridor, I heard alarmed screams and the guards ran past me, straight towards the already empty cabins where my hapless killers lived. I smiled and quickened my pace. Thank God that the passionate Frenchwoman did not come running to say goodbye. I hope this is from a natural mind, and not from temporary weakness in the legs After taking the elevator down from the mooring platform, I got my meager luggage and went out to the station square. The suitcase that was deposited by my dead servant in the luggage will have to be thrown out as soon as I find out what's there. I don't want to keep with me the things that others have collected for me. Probably, my past paranoia is affecting. It was getting dark, and I didn't see a single taxi near the station. It seems that two trains came with us at the same time, and the last car in front of my nose was taken by a fat merchant with a large family. Actually, no matter how funny it sounded, but I replenished my budget at the expense of wayward killers. And I wasn't even ashamed! On the contrary, I am sure that I saved fish and wolves from indigestion by taking inedible pieces of paper. They still needed to be undressed... Ha-ha... It was a warm spring evening, and I mentally sent a Sniffer to investigate, puzzling him with the search for a decent hotel. I wanted to walk and stretch my legs, and at the same time look around. I remembered my mother poorly, my father expelled her when I was not yet five, but she talked a lot about her homeland and, it seems, missed her. Evening and night are the best friends of my little comrade, who moves in the shadows, so he coped quickly. Already in the process of exploration, I memorized the route, looking through his eyes, and even saw the hotel itself. The name "Europe" was highlighted with bright lights, and I headed in her direction. And here is the famous Nevsky Prospekt with its canals and bridges! It was getting dark fast, and I confidently walked forward, dragging a large suitcase on wheels and holding a leather bag in my hands. That's all the heir received from one of the richest families in Europe! The former heir... Sniffer hissed softly in my ear, and I slowed down a little. Four shadows appeared from under the bridge, two of which immediately slipped behind me. I smiled when, in the dim light of the lanterns, strong young guys stepped forward, with faces not burdened with intelligence, but with very strong fists.

"Didn't dad give the boy money for a taxi?

" the leader, who was smaller than the others, grinned. Probably, he was the "brain" of a gang of gopnik.

— Or is the boy very economical? Then I praise you!


took the smile off my face and tried to look confused.

"Are we?" Are we Ligovsky? But who are you?

— the tramp did not stop grinning, deftly spitting on the pavement through a hole from a missing tooth.

— This is our territory, and be so kind, noble sir, to pay for the passage!

—How much?

— I asked.

— How much?

— the punks neighed — Yes, everything that is! And we will escort your Honor to your destination, and we won't even drown you in the canal! Joyful whooping sounded from all sides.

—So you're a local humorist?


— Did they let you go for a walk from the circus or are you self-taught?

— What?

— the dude frowned.

— Over your shoulder!

I chuckled.

— Let's do this. I'm in a great mood today. You'll just climb back into the cesspool you came out of, and I won't break anything for you.

— What, you freak, did you get the ramses mixed up?! Yes, I'm going to write you now!

— the leader no longer smiled, deftly snatching the "butterfly" and waving it several times, apparently to intimidate. Idiot...

— So you can also write? Do they teach only clowns to read and write in the circus, or is everyone literate there?

— Zhban, Snag! Come on, give him a good crack!

— the leader ordered, while he himself remained in place. Exactly, the smartest! Two bandits who were standing behind me eagerly rushed to carry out the order. I stood and smiled, looking into the eyes of the leader. Why twitch if I can see everything around perfectly with my pet's vision? I also felt weak magic. It seems that two out of four possessed a weak gift. The leader and one of those behind him now. At the last moment, I stepped aside, pushed one of the hapless robbers, giving him acceleration, as a result of which he crashed into the stone side of the bridge and flew safely into the river. And I took the stomach of the second one on my knee. A blow to the solar plexus knocked out he has all the air and most of the courage, leaving only dementia. The fool fell to the pavement and gulped air greedily, trying to keep consciousness.

— What are you doing, freak? Yes I... Elephant, show him!

— that's a smart-ass bastard. The healthy carcass rushed forward with a roar. I estimated its size, almost deciding to use the Gift, but immediately changed my mind. It's not sporty, to scatter the poor with magic. I can handle it this way. Moreover, a large cabinet falls louder! However, I had to strike a dozen instead of one blow. When the stupid big guy sank to the ground, my knuckles even hurt. What is his skull made of? I also looked at my jacket in frustration. This bastard tore my sleeve by grabbing my clothes. And this with my meager wardrobe!

— Oh, you bastard!

— I kicked the healthy carcass in my heart and turned to the leader.

— Well, dryshch? Arm or leg?

— What?

The hapless bandit hatched, slowly retreating back.

— I say, should I break your arm or leg?

— Hey, bro! Does you that... Come on in for now. I have no complaints," the leader suddenly declared, and I finally made sure that the smartest one survives.

— And here I am with a claim to you! So choose what we're going to break?

— Or maybe it's not necessary?

— he rested against the fence of the bridge, and I slowly approached. He was about to reach out with a knife, but then hid it out of harm's way. I looked him over carefully and smiled, which made him shiver. They amused me a lot. Killing or maiming didn't make sense. What for? Sharpening their bullshit, which they tried to intimidate more. They don't look like hardened killers either. The fastest way the guys decided to rip off a stray aristo for a couple of hundred rubles and bring it home to help their parents. Well, or drink in the company. I also drank a lot in the life of a Hunter, but there life was such a one-time thing. We lived only one day. — You can! But you'll owe me! — What should I do? The bandit frowned. —A favor," I smiled.

— Yes, you're not fucking! You won't be left out either!

— Really?

— snitter immediately pricked up his ears.

— And what do you need to do?

—I don't know yet," I said honestly

, "but I'll figure something out." What's your name, wretched one?

— Pretzel... I mean, I'm Vasya, Sorokin," my future accomplice was confused.

— And where to find you, Pretzel?

— Yes, the whole Ligovka knows me!

— the "leader" sat up, realizing that they would not beat him, and even courageously spat on the pavement.

— Ask anyone!

— Okay, Pretzel, but if... hmm... if you behave unwisely, then my friend will come to you!

— What friend?

— the robber felt uncomfortable again.

— This one!

— I poked him behind his back, where on the parapet I sat the illusion of a Night Eater, a harmless but very scary cross between a bat and a boar.

— Wee-wee-wee!!!

— the illusion screamed.

— A-a-a-a!!!

— yelled Pretzel, running away. But he did not break down like a frightened horse, but sidled sideways, as if asking me with his eyes if he could leave.

— He will find and devour your brain!!

— I raised my voice so that the fleeing gopnik could hear me.

— He will certainly find it!! Having laughed a lot, I rolled my suitcase further. I still need to sleep, I hope that I will not meet another appetizing widow right at the reception. A Pretzel and company... Well, I've always preferred to have not very smart, but very loyal minions for simple but dirty things. However, maybe they will be lucky, and they won't be useful to me. I haven't made plans for my future yet. Fucking RI, they have everything here, like not people. Alas, but to learn only the language, this does not mean that you can immediately learn all the laws, along with customs. I still have a lot of work to do.

* * *

— I'm sorry, but I have to clarify, — the middle-aged man at the reception bowed his head.

— Are you familiar with the prices in our hotel, and you won't have any problems with this?

— Familiar, — nodded to him.

— I need a room for three days, and preferably a suite.

"The suites are all occupied," he answered automatically, looking at his computer.

— I can offer a junior suite, but I don't recommend it. But this is interesting. In my Prussian Principality, the service staff did not allow themselves to do this. There they all act strictly according to the rules, and do not take steps to the sides.

— Can I find out the reason?

— I was interested in his behavior.

— There will be some not particularly calm aristocratic neighbors next to you. They happen...

" he hesitated, "they cause problems for visitors. Your status is too low to get out of trouble with just a name. It's nice when a person remains a person, and not a machine, as in my last principality.

— It's okay, I agree.

— I warned you, — he shrugged his shoulders and ran my passport through a special stray. After paying a considerable amount for the room, I realized how poor I was. This is terrible and disastrous. No, it doesn't hurt... I was angry! Where the fuck am I supposed to get money? I can't go out to the people and say that I will kill a griffin for a reward, can I? By the way, in the past world, poor Hunters simply did not exist. Even in the most difficult times, we could come to the Order and take any amount of money for such a case. However, there was not only this reason. If the Hunter is skilled and strong, then he will be able to earn money everywhere. And if weak and stupid, then most likely he will be dead.

— Go and check out what kind of neighbors we have there, — going up in the elevator, sent a Sniffer to investigate. I got to my room without any problems. It wasn't difficult to find him, there were only four of them in this wing. Three are already occupied, and one is mine. After entering the room, first of all I went to the shower, and then I went to lie on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

— I can't believe it... Am I really here?.. He did not notice how he passed out from fatigue, and woke up early in the morning. I don't know what they said about the neighbors, but they weren't there. However, the mess in the room was after a binge, this was shown to me by a Sniffer. In the morning everything was quiet, and I was able to do my own business. First of all, I checked my things in the suitcase. It took a few minutes, and my verdict, not much... A favorite suit, various documents that may be useful to me, and several pairs of underwear and socks. That's all that the great family gave their offspring on the road. I wonder why they didn't send me naked? Like go and survive as you want. Eh, okay... We'll figure it out later. I went down to the lobby and asked the receptionist to call me a taxi. And ten minutes later I'm sitting in a cheap car and looking at the driver.

—Where are we going?

— he asks me, looking wearily in front of him.

— I need a hardware store, — I answer him, and we move off. The driver was taciturn, however, but at the end of the road he seemed to be replaced. He began to ask me exactly what I needed and where I came from. He told me that he has lived here since birth and knows the best shops. And if I give him some tea, he'll take me to the very best. He asked me whose kind I would be, and I saw no point in hiding it. I told him that I was from a long-dead family, and at the same time I found out where the building I needed was located. What I liked was his attitude. It did not change towards me, but on the contrary, he began to speak even more respectfully. In the Prussian Principality, every taxi is like an information desk. You can contact them with any question, and they will immediately tell you if they know the answer to the question. And I still have a lot to do, as I understand it. From the interesting, we passed a fight between two gifted aristocrats who did not share something on the road, and right there they arranged their showdowns. The driver swore and went on a detour, which we lost time on.

All the way I looked around, studying the city. I have a good memory and tried to remember it for the future. Still, I have plans to settle here. At least for a while... After paying the driver and getting out of the car, I found myself in front of a shopping center of considerable size and, of course, I did not know where to go next. The driver just told me it was here. I had to leave three times more than I needed in the taxi. The driver simply had no change, and I didn't have any small bills left. But how greedily he looked at my money. I had to quickly close my wallet and generally remember that it's not worth shining money. It's unusual for me to count these pieces of paper as money. The Hunters had crystals and gold, and in their native principality a credit card. I had to strain the Sniffer to find the store I needed. He, of course, immediately found and paved the way for me, even more, he personally showed it to me. He has such an ability as walking in the shadows when only I see him. He moves in another dimension, and only the owner or another creature who can enter there can see him. In a previous life, I could also go there, but not for long. It's not easy at all, and it just eats a lot of energy. However, when a dragon breathes flame on you, then it is worth avoiding his attack only in this way. But now, even if I really want to, I can't get there.

— Can I help you with something?

- a consultant came up to me, who was looking at me with a strange expression on his face. In his gaze through... Greed?

— You can, I need a good working laptop and a phone, — I made my order and without waiting for his answer, sat down in an upholstered chair that stood here for customers. The guy hung for a couple of seconds and then, grimacing, ran away. Nowadays, there is nowhere without good technology, and they didn't think of it or didn't want to give me my things. At the very least, I should study the laws of this country and understand where to go next. The father's note had instructions to act on the spot at his discretion. What can be translated: "Do what you want, this is your life now. Even if you die, I won't be particularly upset.". Something my consultant went behind the counter, and from there he glares at me. What did he want? Did I have to pretend that I didn't care about him? So fuck him! He is, first of all, a servant. This knowledge and behavior I inherited from my noble family. Every time I behaved with the staff on an equal footing, just because of my good location, it was perceived by them as a weakness. When the consultant came up to me, he did not say "sir" and did not greet the noble, as it should be. It's written on my face that I'm a noble, only there is no signet on my finger. That's probably why he thought I was a bastard or unrecognized. Although there are also small families who are not supposed to wear seals. If the family is too insignificant, then he has only pieces of paper, not family rings. The consultant behaved clearly idiotically, he already ran to me to accept such a client and, in the process, humiliate him. It looked strange, but... I know such people. A few minutes later he returned empty-handed, although he was supposed to bring my order.

— I'm afraid I won't be able to help you until you provide a bank statement that you have enough funds in your account, — the guy grinned, this time already boring me with a satisfied look. Bank statement? I don't even have a bank... As far as I know, this procedure is rarely used, even for commoners. But, I gave him another chance. — Disrespectful, I have enough cash to pay for the order. What kind of clowning are you doing here?

"You can't buy communications equipment for cash," the salesman grimaced.

— It's written in the rules... Although, how do you hillbillies know about them?

— Maybe I should call the manager and advise him to kick you out of here? Why on earth should I show you something?

- I stood up to my full height and approached him, but not closely.

— Or arrange a lynching on the spot? I can basically rip off your ear or break one arm. It won't stop you from handling my order.

For murder, most likely, I can go to jail. If I had a family, they would have got me off. But for some reason he is sure that there is no one to intercede for me.

— Great!

— the guy grinned, and reached into his pocket with his hand.

— Now I have proof that you are threatening me. Please note that this store belongs to the Kirzhukins. I am under their protection as a servant. And you will be charged a thousand rubles, otherwise I will give the record to my masters, which will cause serious problems. And, believe me, not only material! That's it... Now it's clear why the guy was so glowing. He came up with a "cunning" plan and was afraid that I would not be led. He really had a phone in his hands, which might not have a record on it. What does it threaten me if the record goes further? Most likely, his family is not very noble and strong. And this means that there is a lot of honor in them, and they can greatly increase their reputation on people like me. It will be written in the headlines that the Clan punished the baron who fatally insulted their servant, and therefore the entire Clan! Pathos, our everything... Now a lot of things have become clear to me. The taxi driver, that's who turned me in and, most likely, this is a proven scheme. He is looking for provincial simpletons, asking them on the way, and makes an opinion about their solvency. And then he gives it to his accomplice. Primitive, but effective. It is unlikely that a seedy provincial Family will trample against the capital.. — Can you turn on the recorder again?

— asked him culturally, without raising his voice. The guy grinned.

— Apologies, of course, are good, but the prices will not change — and that's what he's so happy about. However, he did as I asked and put the phone out so that I could see how the recording was going.

— I want to say these words on the record, — I say clearly and with an expression.

— I don't care about your Family from a high mountain, and even more so I don't care about your cheap divorce, and, specifically, about you. If it wasn't for the cameras that are located here, then you, most likely, would already be dead. And if Rod comes to avenge some servant, then he will die too. I've said it all. The guy turned pale at first, and then he grinned even more with his smile.

— That's what you got, man... — already without you he said.

— For such a price rises to ten grand, at least. And you know, even if you don't pay, I don't care anymore. Such a record will only please my master.

— I won't pay, although if you kneel down and stretch out your hands, maybe I'll give you a bun, — tilted his head to one side, and looked at him like a fool. And then I took out my wallet and opened it so that he could see how much money there was. And he took out a bill that would be enough for exactly a bun. I want to note, even a good one.

— Money will be very useful to you in the next world. That was the end of our conversation, and I left the store with nothing. Only lost time though... got a lesson. Without a piece of paper, you're a turd, and in my case, without a signet. I wonder if my destroyed one had the privilege of wearing a Rod ring? I hope there is, otherwise I will have to earn it. I've read that it's easiest to do this next to faults. Making my way through the visitors of the shopping center, I headed to the restroom for the aristocrats. There was one here, and it's empty now, what I need. — Sniffer, get out!

I ordered my pet. He immediately appeared on my shoulder and licked my cheek.

"You know what needs to be done," I gave him the command. Sniffer has done this more than once, and I must say, he loves this business.

I'm going TO BED so I wanted to ask you those who have reached here if you want to continue, you need to write a comment here, yes we do, and when I wake up, I will continue to post chapters.


I don't need stones and high marks because this is not my work, I don't think I'm owed anything!

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