
Russian Hunter's KING

I was a Hunter and honored the Codex. For my services to humanity and the "right" life, I was given a reward. A new life after death and a new World where I could have a well-deserved rest. But, something went wrong. I need to fight again. Unlike in my previous life, here I am confronted by Monsters that are much more terrifying than in the past. More cunning, cruel and unpredictable. And their name… The author of the work is not Me! Honest translation of MTL ! The cover is not mine! The characters aren 't mine either ! My native language is not English so I almost don 't understand you ! by posting this mtl here, I just want to introduce you to this book and perhaps motivate you to write your own fantasy fairy tale with anime / movie characters

42 Chs

Chapter 3

The taxi I called first took me to the nearest store, where I went to choose a phone.

The model I chose, as the seller claimed, could survive in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion. I doubted it, but still weighed, this so-called phone, almost a kilogram. Moreover, the dimensions had quite an ordinary smartphone. It seems that alien materials were used in its production, and a little bit of magic. And the cost of one and a half thousand rubles, as it were, hinted that this was not a simple "dialer".

For a moment, I had a thought - do I need it, and how often will I find myself in such situations. Squeezing out the rogue with a sigh, I paid and went to the meeting place.

Anna Goldsmith looked like she did when we first met, flawless. She is also dressed in a business suit, only in a different color and cut. Well, yes, respectively, the shoes are different, I guess. I wasn't good at these women's things. But knowing the habits of an aristo, I suspect that she has more clothes than a poor landless baron.

I sat down at the table and greeted her. She glanced at me and smiled slightly. I expected comments about my sleepless night. I actually managed to sleep, as I later realized, as much as an hour and a half. I did not look very good, although I managed to shave. But unlike the same Helga, who would certainly not have resisted and sneered at me, she kept silent and offered to help with the extensive menu that was in this restaurant.

The restaurant turned out to be a restaurant of national Russian cuisine. I chose quickly. Pea soup with smoked ribs, herring with onion as an appetizer, and a large bone-in chop so big that the edge of it hung from a rather big plate.

Anna was a very educated girl. And while I was eating for three, she chirped sweetly. Her mouth did not close - she talked about everything and nothing. I only mumbled in response, nodding my head.

- Dessert? she asked as I sighed and put the cutlery on the empty plate.

"Maybe later," I said, calling the waiter over and ordering more coffee. Thanks for letting me eat in peace.

Well, it was obvious that you needed it.

I nodded approvingly, reaffirming the mind of this beautiful girl.

"I want to tell you something, Alexander," she began cautiously. "Just a few facts. And then ask one or two questions. Do you mind?

No, I don't mind at all.

I was full, which means I was happy. A beautiful girl was sitting in front of me. On the street, for once, the sun appeared from behind the clouds. Life was wonderful.

"What could this girl tell me?" I thought as I ordered another coffee. No, you can't have too much coffee. Especially after a sleepless night.

As she spoke, I became more and more interested.

She started from afar.

First, about a small conflict between a group of Exterminators and the sons of merchants, after which the latter were disgraced throughout the city.

Then about the corrupt investigator, who had long been in the pocket of the fathers of these very young merchants.

And in the end, about a strange night incident that happened to four enterprises that absolutely by chance belonged to these three influential gentlemen. More precisely, two.

Here I chuckled to myself. This was done on purpose. And I could not resist not touching one yet.

And further away from her, an analysis of incidents that the average layman could not know for sure rushed. Glancing at the tablet, she literally read out to me the conclusions of the commission, which, given the short time that had passed since the incident, had probably just been completed. They repeated the conclusions of the yellow press - the creatures completely ignored people, there were neither dead nor alive from them. The version about sewerage, dispersed in the media, also did not hold water. One of the warehouses had no sewerage at all, and rodents did not get out of the territory of this warehouse, judging by the numerous surveillance cameras. The commission's conclusion was tentatively "unknown use by unknown people of unknown magic."

Then she looked up at me.

- Somehow there are too many words "unknown" in one phrase, don't you think?

I shrugged.

"Not the most literate people have always gone to the police," I chuckled.

"That's right," she nodded.

She stopped, looking straight into my eyes, those big brown eyes with long eyelashes. I smiled and waited for her reaction. The girl could not stand the first.

"Now let's move on to the question.

I sighed and nodded.

- Rain.

And I got ready for the disappointment that will befall me right now, when such a beautiful and smart, at first glance, girl will ask a stupid question - is it my doing. But she managed to surprise me.

- Alexander, from today I am on vacation. And I would like to work with you as an analyst. It took me about an hour and a half to prepare everything I have just told. If you are interested in this kind of information, then we can negotiate with you.

"I have a question too," I smiled. — And why don't you fly somewhere to the tropical islands on your vacation? I think it's a much more enjoyable pastime.

"I don't agree," the girl accepted my "game", smiling, "I'm not used to idle pastime. And what could be better than money?

- Much money? I chuckled.

— No, Alexander. Better than money can only be power!

Of course, Anna's proposal was very unexpected. I urgently needed dessert to keep my mouth busy and take a little time out. The girl reacted to everything with understanding, only smiled sweetly, watching my reaction. Actually, I had only one question: "What the hell?", And I asked it. Well, not like this.

When the noble daughter of a famous and obscenely rich Rod offers to work for free for a landless baron, then anyone will have some suspicions. And yes, my first question was whether the noble father had sent her to me. What she was able to surprise me with once again.

"If I say no," the girl looked at me slyly. "You still won't believe me.

I shrugged my shoulders, but said nothing.

"And if I say yes, then we won't work together, right?

I shrugged again, feeling a bit of a fool already.

- Therefore, let's do this ... What answer do you want to hear? She tilted her head to one side, watching my reaction carefully.

"I withdraw my question," I muttered, generously throwing a spoonful of fat homemade sour cream onto the pancake, and rolled it into a tube to make it tastier to eat.

Well, then followed by a lengthy answer to my main question.

Anna Goldsmith was the seventh child in the family, while the only daughter. Her six older brothers were already heavily involved in the management of a large family corporation. Her position was somewhat peculiar. Let's start with the fact that her mother, the third wife of Raphael, died under unclear circumstances. Goldsmith Sr. did not grieve for long, and within a year he got a fourth wife to his usual "set".

Anna studied at one of the most prestigious educational institutions in St. Petersburg, graduating with honors. She was attached "to the cause" without any responsibility and prospects. In principle, I assumed so when I saw her at the police station. Which manager will send his top manager to get another client out of jail. Her current position was comparable to the work of a secretary, of which, apart from her, Rafael had a couple of dozen. And, to be honest, her salary was ridiculous.

When the girl told all this, it added a little understanding to me, but I still had a question, slightly paraphrased, and it sounded: "Why me?".

A girl with such an education, intelligence and beauty could get a job in any big corporation, and not in this asshole of the world, but even in St. Petersburg. Well, in extreme cases, go to Europe. She has a lot of wit and charm.

Although, okay ... It's not a fact that they will take her anywhere, nevertheless, the name of her father is attached to her forever. First of all, they will think about her corporation, and who needs an employee who has a family business that can compete with the clan of the employer.

I have long understood that not everything is so simple for aristocrats, and it is always worth looking at this issue more broadly. And I also know how to understand people, and I see that she is not a spy or a saboteur. There is clearly a benefit here, but what is it?

It was then that I saw for the first time how embarrassed the girl was. She answered my question evasively, assuring me with an oath that she had no evil intentions in my direction. And yes, she has an explanation for her act, only she is not ready to reveal it yet. She does not ask for money for her upcoming month's work, so our current relationship is not built as an employee and employer, but as a couple ... friends who carefully look at each other.

The "icing on the cake" was her innocent remark that out of the four ruined enterprises tonight, three were insured for a long time and reliably, and their owners would not only fully compensate for their damage, but would rather be still in profit. The unknown "avenger" succeeded only with the fur shop. This product was subject to a luxury tax, and local businessmen minimized taxes by keeping very approximate records. According to Anna's estimates, the irreparable damage there was about two hundred thousand.

Well, I have nothing to lose in the upcoming collaboration if I follow the language, but I gain a lot. Apparently, this girl feels in Irkutsk in such cases, like a fish in water. Which will be very useful to me.

Anyway, I said I need to think. I don't like to make hasty decisions, and tomorrow I'll give her my opinion. To which Anna nodded in understanding, and then asked another unusual question.

"I suspect this is your last decent suit?" she nodded at me.

I looked around at my only suit, which I stole from the Principality of Prussia, sewn from the best tailor in Europe for crazy money. I looked around carefully, even raised my hand to look at the elbows. No, it still looks okay.

- How did you find out? I raised my head. - And yes, Anna, whatever my decision is, let's move on to "you."

"Agreed," she held out a delicate hand, and I gently shook it with two fingers. "It can be seen with the naked eye," she said. "Believe me, I have a full eye for this. You can walk the Rifts in tracksuits," she smiled. Well, she knows it too! "But some members of high society simply won't understand you when they come to visit them in something like this.

- Hey! It was worth five thousand in rubles! I objected.

"Yes, I see that too," she smiled. - But it was sewn no more than a year ago. And if earlier it was not worn so often, then lately you walk only in it.

I scratched my head thoughtfully. And again she is right.

- Exactly.

She took out a business card and a pen from her small purse and wrote something on the back, handing it to me.

"Here, I think this store is perfect for you.

When she saw that I was frowning, she smiled.

"It's a very decent ready-to-wear store. And no, the prices there are much lower than the five thousand rubles that you are willing to pay.

This girl is killing me. Is she reading my mind?

"Could I ask you for a favor?" I asked.

"We agreed to switch to "you," the girl reminded.

"Hmm, could you go to this store with me?" I waved my business card.

She smiled broadly.

"With great pleasure." She glanced at her elegant gold watch. - I have two hours. I think we can do it.

"Yes," she said as we stood up. I picked up my travel bag, which contained the loot from the last Rift, which I wanted to take to Arkhip. — That bag of yours doesn't look very presentable either.

I shifted my gaze to what she was talking about. Well, a little dirty, a little torn and rumpled. But damn comfortable!

Have you thought about your car at all?

How quickly this is happening! I scratched my head.

— I was thinking. But there is a small nuance.

— Your fearsome panther? the girl smiled.

I've already decided not to be surprised.

- Exactly.

- Unfortunately, today I have limited time, there is still work. But if you want, tomorrow or any other time we can drive through the car dealerships.

— In which you probably have big discounts? I chuckled.

- Right. And I have discounts not only in car dealerships.