
Russian Hunter's KING

I was a Hunter and honored the Codex. For my services to humanity and the "right" life, I was given a reward. A new life after death and a new World where I could have a well-deserved rest. But, something went wrong. I need to fight again. Unlike in my previous life, here I am confronted by Monsters that are much more terrifying than in the past. More cunning, cruel and unpredictable. And their name… The author of the work is not Me! Honest translation of MTL ! The cover is not mine! The characters aren 't mine either ! My native language is not English so I almost don 't understand you ! by posting this mtl here, I just want to introduce you to this book and perhaps motivate you to write your own fantasy fairy tale with anime / movie characters

42 Chs

Chapter 11

How many things I managed to do, I sighed heavily, sitting opposite the site.

The first thing I did when I left the precinct was to find a secluded spot, and summon a very nasty thing called the Flamebreaker.

A little crap, one to one similar to a bee. That's just it is a little larger in size, and it will be possible to crush her figs. We killed them with two-handed hammers when they sat down on stones. And then, not always the first time out. One of her bites causes an instant shock in a person, raising the temperature to forty degrees and weakness throughout the body, up to loss of consciousness.

Just in case, I called two Firemen at once, and ordered them to fly into the chamber, but not to shine there yet. As soon as Anna gets into trouble, they have to stand up for her. Of course, I allowed them to kill everyone except Anna.

Secondly, I went to the store and bought the most necessary things, in my opinion, for the girl, and then tried to transfer them through the police. It's also forbidden...

But in this case, I have Shnyrka. No, she's a smart girl. When she discovers that a bottle of water and a container of food have appeared under the covers, she will not chat, and will immediately understand where it all comes from.

* * *

In order to buy something you don't need, like a tuxedo, you must first sell something you don't need, like blue ant eggs.

Arkhip has already called me twice, asking how quickly I can get to him. Apparently, the old rogue really needs something from me. Well, I want my money from him. So the taxi quickly rushed me to Arkhip's Legendary Weapons, where the old shopkeeper greeted me with a smile in thirty flawless whites, for such a venerable age.

- Alexander, how glad I am to see you! he extended his huge paw across the counter to me.

I shook it gently.

- Hello! Now tell me what do you want from me?

"Well, at first I wanted to give you the money.

"That's very good," I muttered. - Not prevent. How much is there?

- You want cash or...

"Translation," I nodded.

I still have cash. Yes, and I, in fact, did not plan to do any illegal trading operations using cash in the near future.

— What happened there?

- Well, look... Eggs, in total 14400, weapons, in fact, spears have lost their integrity, the sword is broken, the axes are intact. Well, in general, another 3400. Well, and more jelly ... I will calculate at today's rate, it is slightly higher than yesterday. It turns out 880.

- Oh, yes ... - I took out the bag and threw it on the table. - Here's some more jellies.

Over the past 24 hours, I spent more of them than during my entire stay on this planet, but my body recovered well. I still have some stock left, but I'm going to dump the excess anyway.

"Excellent, then we add twelve more pieces to the same price, and it turns out plus 780," Arkhip smiled. "Total ..." he tapped the keys of the calculator demonstratively, portraying a simple Russian fellow, although I assume that he had already calculated everything in his mind a long time ago, to the last penny. - Total turns out - 19460!

"Great," I handed him my card.

- Are you going to take anything?

I thought for a second. I spent, in principle, on throwing knives. Of course, you can get them.

I thoughtfully looked at the display case, and saw on it the familiar greenish gleam of Kars steel, from which the throwing knives lying there were made.

- Can? I asked Arkhip.

- Of course! I can do everything for you.

I picked up a knife with a greenish blade, and for a test I poured strength into it, "listening" to the response of the metal.

"Good choice," Arkhip could not restrain himself. The shopkeeper immediately woke up in him. "He holds the energy better. It might even turn out to be not completely disposable.

At this point, I was completely focused on the weapon. Arkhip's words reached me in the background. No, if I wish, I will have enough strength to feed it completely until it breaks, but this will turn out to be a very terrible thing.

- How many?

"Your discount, five hundred a piece.

- However! I shook my head.

Like it or not, throwing weapons were considered expendable, and at one fine moment they were lost or broken.

I overcame greed, remembering that an ordinary knife could not even pierce the head of a guardian ant, if it was not first tucked a little.

What if I take ten? I smiled.

Archip smiled back.

- All right, let it be - four five hundred for a dozen.

I chuckled. The old miser sure needs something from me.

- Agreed.

"The remainder is 14960, rounded up to 15000," Arkhip voiced aloud, transferring me to the map.

The phone gurgled, notifying me that the required amount had been credited.

— I have prepared two swords and a mace for shipment. It will be delivered to your house as soon as you say so.

I nodded.

- Thank you. Well, that's it, Arkhip, bye, I'm going.

He patted the big man on the shoulder as he leaned over the counter, then turned around and walked towards the exit with a smile.

Alexander, wait! Wait please! Arkhip was alarmed.

I smiled. Well, actually, I did it on purpose. The stump is clear that all this money from the sale was a prelude to the main question - why am I here.

- What do you want? I'm in a hurry, I still need to buy a tuxedo.

- The tuxedo? Arkhip was surprised. Why are you wearing a tuxedo?

"Didn't you hear the Center's last order?" I asked without smiling.

"No, I haven't heard…" Arkhip frowned.

"Now they don't let you into the Rifts without a tuxedo.

Arkhip frowned even more. Then it dawned on him, and he smiled timidly.

Are you still joking?

This is where I allowed myself to smile.

- What a question, such an answer, Arkhip. Okay, come on, what do you have there?

- One bird whispered to me that serious people came to the city. For your soul, by the way.

"And what do these… serious people need?" I asked calmly.

"Vestimably," the big man chuckled. - Take the life of a beautiful person.

I shrugged.

Well, good luck to them, let them try.

"Alexander, you didn't understand me," Arkhip shook his head. - They say they came from St. Petersburg itself. And these are not simple "torpedoes". These are strong Gifted.

— Turnouts, passwords, what do they look like?

"I don't have such information," Arkhip spread his hands. - Honestly, no.

I scratched the back of my head thoughtfully.

"And if the King is so cool and holds the whole area, then how could he be so crap to ask for help in the capital?"

"Who's talking about the King?" Arkhip made round eyes.

I looked at him and took a deep breath.

"These performances of yours," I chose my words carefully, "are slightly tiring me. OK then. I'll pretend that you pretended ... In short, we passed.

Arkhip hesitated a little, throwing uncertain glances at me, but nevertheless he made up his mind.

"There are rumors that this is not an initiative of… hmm… locals. That someone made a fuss up there, - Arkhip pointed his finger pointedly upwards. Looks like someone is pressed for time.

I shrugged.

- Well, the flag is in one place for them. And now ... say - what did you want?

"I wanted to warn you," Arkhip rounded his eyes again.

"Don't lie to me, I already figured you out. I made a discount, shared useful information, now voice it - why do you really need me?

Archip hesitated.

"I have an order for one interesting item that can be obtained in a certain Rift.

- Where is the rift? I immediately got to the heart of the matter.

Arkhip took out a tablet and showed it to me. It's not bad, it's even deeper than the Anthill in the Epicenter area!

- So, why don't you hire free Easts?

- Yes, I already hired, - Arkhip answered me hostilely.

- Didn't come back? I chuckled.

- Exactly! Three groups didn't come back, three...

"And that's why you want to kill me?" I looked carefully into Arkhip's eyes.

- What are you, no way! he protested. — And one more thing... the customer will pay very well.

- How many? I casually said.

After Arkhip announced the amount, I all internally crept up.

- Come on, come on, and from this place in more detail ...

- And not only money, but something interesting will be for you.

- Even so? And what exactly?

- It so happened that this customer owns one of the lands belonging to the Galaktionovs. Those that were sold or taken away at the initial stage.

- What part? I got my bearings quickly.

Actually, as far as I remembered from the papers, the entire estate of the Galaktionovs was torn apart into five large parts. The sixth once left exactly the place for the estate, which nominally still belonged to the Family.

Arkhip showed on the map.

- This is the northern one, which is adjacent to the site with the estate.

Wow, the second largest piece taken from my ancestors. It seems that the sheepskin is worth the candle ...

- Andryukha, there is a question!

"I'm listening to you," Androsov replied.

I once went out on the porch, waiting for a taxi.

— Where can I rent a tuxedo?

- The tuxedo? For rent? Androsov was surprised.

- Well, yes. What's wrong with that?

"Sasha, you are talking nonsense," my friend said cautiously. - This is the same as renting a family ring.

- The analogy is clear. But it doesn't make sense." I shook my head. "Who's ever going to know this tuxedo isn't mine?"

"No one will know," Androsov was indignant. "But where are you going to get it now?" Nobody will give you yours. Each tuxedo is sewn to order, it is with the coat of arms of the house. For an aristocrat, this is like a second skin. How can I rent a second skin?

"Very simple," I muttered, remembering my dragon skin armor. But what I heard really upset me. "Wait, but I saw tuxedos in a ready-to-wear store.

"Do you really want to take a ready-made tuxedo that puffed-up merchants wear?" My friend began to get angry.

- No, damn it, I'll sew it in three hours!

Androsov thought.

"Sorry, I didn't think of that. There are tuxedos...

He fell silent, and I whinnied.

Did you mean to say everyone? Well, for example, I don't. I mean, he used to be, but now he's gone. In short, it's a very long story. Where did you get yours yourself?

"Well…" Androsov began embarrassed. - My father's people brought me from St. Petersburg.

"It's good to be a rich prince," I sighed again. - And I, it turns out, will go in clothes for despicable merchants, so do not blame me.

The moment that he established ties with Rod, I did not highlight. And so he knew that sooner or later it would be so, if, of course, he was not a fool.

"Yes, I understand everything," Androsov muttered.

"Okay, time for me to go to the rogue store," I chuckled.

I cheated a little. Honestly, I wanted to take a more expensive tuxedo, but it's good that Androsov called. It turns out, no matter what tuxedo I choose, one hell, it would not fit me, so at least I'll save money. But later you will definitely need to sew a normal one. How often will I go to these events? In Irkutsk, I think, there are not very many balls and receptions. Well, by the time I get back to the capital, I'll think of something. So with a clear conscience, I went to the store and asked for the cheapest tuxedo in my size.

I looked at myself in the mirror. In principle, even though I didn't give a damn about clothes, I noticed a difference in tailoring. Still, my former Rod had plenty of money, and sewed from the best tailors in Europe. And yes, I also had a tuxedo, which was left there, as it was embroidered with the family coat of arms. And on the other hand, I looked at myself in the mirror, and judging by the size the saleswoman told me now, it turned out that in this short time I had become very strong, and that "native" tuxedo would no longer fit on me. Still, although I did not forget about physical exercises while living in Prussia, but the pumping of the body with the help of the energy of Rifts is faster and much more efficient.

"Wrap it up," I said, having paid 1,200 rubles for it, and went home to get some more sleep. The body has almost returned to normal, but a small waste was still present.

But I took the cheapest one.

It seems to me that there are very strange prices in this world? A product for an ordinary person can cost 20 rubles, and the same one for an aristocrat will cost 200 rubles.

And okay, when it's justified - like with special weapon alloys for Rifts. But damn, it's clothes!