
New beginning

Til stepped inside the cave, there were Two blankets used by Aaron from the looks of it. She zipped open her backpace and took our a teal blanket she sat it down on the hard stone Floor in the corner. - this is where I sleep for now - Til thought to herself. She laid down and put the small teal blanket over her it only just covers her but she rather had that then nothing. " I'm just gonna head out for awhile" Aaron told her, she wasn't surprised he was a wolf hybrid and that's what they do at night. She slowly drifted to sleep. She slowly oped her eyes before getting blinded by the morning glow. A few minutes later she stood up and wondered outside. She walked over to the lake it reflected the sun beautifully. "wow" she whispered to herself astonished by the amazing scenery in front of her. "Morning sleepy head" called a voice behind her. She spun around to see Aaron sitting on top of the cave. "how did you sleep last night?" he asked genuinely curious "you seemed to fall asleep fast on the cave floor" he added. "I slept pretty good actually" she said "I can sleep anywhere at anytime" she joked as Aaron slid down the side of the cave. She smiled as Aaron walked up to her. "Your so short" he laughed petting her head. "yeah yeah" she mocked still laughing. Aaron ears perked up, "Quick get into the cave!" he whisperd. Til was confused but instantly sprinted to the cave. She huddled in her corner hoping it was dark enough to conceal her. She saw another wolf hybrid come through the bushes. "What do you want Gene!?" Aaron growled. "Why? are you scared alpha" the other laughed - Alpha!? - Tils mind raced why didn't he tell her. "Go away Gene" Aaron sneered. and the other hybrid left chuckling to himself. After the other hybrid left Til waited till Aaron looked at her as some type of sign. Once he did she stood up and walked over without any emotion on her face. " Ok I'm sorry I didn't tell you before" Aaron said gloomy, Til tried to brush it off but she still felt annoyend. "So what are you going to do today?" asked Aaron trying to get her trust back. "I wanna try to make a Bow and some arrows" she said "and how will you do that?" Aaron asked curiously. Tils face went red, he only just met her and already cared about her. "Well I'll find quite a bendy stick and hopefully a firm piece of string" she answed with a smile. "where do you think you get them" Aaron asked. "Well finding a stick should be easy were in a huge forest!" Matilda joked. "And I'll look for littered string in the lake" she said as she glanced over at the majestic lake shimmering. "There isn't any litter in there" Aaron said immediately breaking Tils gaze. "That lake hasn't been touched by a human in around 100 years" Aaron said looking at Til. "Here follow me to the stream it's more likely to have string littered there" Aaron said With a smirk appearing on his face, "ok than" Til said smiling. They trekked through the forest quitely. Til paused "wait are we going to the stream where we met?" Til asked as she looked around at the familiar rocks and trees. "yep!" Aaron said looking back at Til and smirking.